Today's college campus is the most radical place on earth. We often hear the uninformed say, “God helps those who help themselves.” Such scripture is not in the Bible rather, as St. Augustine said, “You work as if everything depends on you, and you pray as if everything is dependent on God. That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, (Ephesians 3:17)
Almost every day, without fail, a news report of a murder or a suicide. This week, Nevada, International House Of Pancakes restaurant, four uniformed National Guardsmen killed while eating. (killing four and wounding eight) You will notice in most of these killings the killer usually kills self. The life of the killer just as cheap as those he killed. Oriole baseball announcer, Mike Flanagan, killed himself because of business problems. A few blocks from my house, a man jumped from a building, splattered on the sidewalk, because of romantic problems. In most towns, suicide and murder so commonplace there is little news reporting.
Life decisions have become almost a religion in itself. Many totally involved with the pro-life, anti-abortion movement. There is now a list of businesses and corporations who support “planned parenthood”. In many cities active boycott against such businesses. Much active interest in state legislatures concerning the “person-hood movement”. Political candidates and politics involved in abortion and same sex marriage.
Liberal professors, secular campus, and even more so on a Christian campus has succeeded if students are indifferent toward abortion, same sex marriage, euthanasia. Your morality usually determines your theology.
The Christian student must exist in a bubble, must exist in one of three options, Option #1) The bubble of isolation. Option #2) Standing up strong for your belief. Option #3) Just blending in with the others believing you will be a testimony to your faith. In option 3, it is difficult to separate yourself from the pretenders, those professing not possessing.
In the diversity class, on the radical campus, success is measured by tolerance of social beliefs. (abortion, same sex marriage, euthanasia.) The liberals will speak of terrorism in the world, foreign soil as well as fear of terror in America but will never speak of the terrorism involved in the killing of the most innocent... the unborn in the sanctuary of the mother.
Since WWII, knowledge of the evils involved in the Jewish holocaust, evils involved in the rape of Nan King, evils involved in the bataan death march, a firewall of indifference has invaded the human consciousness. The best example of this was the murder in Queens, NY of Kitty Genovese as 38 of her neighbors looked on or the gang rape of a 15 year old girl at Ridgeway high school prom as 17 of her classmates and bystanders watched. Someone has said we have become immune and indifferent to the welfare of others. One man, in a room, smoke coming under the door, will determine that his house is on fire and that he should get out . Three people sitting in a room smoke coming under the door will just look at each other always without fail, one expecting another to act.
Recently, a university official informed me that today's university students are more interested in “home building” to help the homeless than the usual Spring Break at the beach. Their interest in “good works” is not from a religious perspective but from a mortality of secular humanism... a concern for fulfillment, growth and creativity for both the individual and mankind.
Secular humanism has invaded the Christian college campuses, talking with a professor at a Christian college she told me that the book The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne was the greatest book she had ever read. Just imagine, Oprah, and the gospel of Oprah, the secret greater than God's Holy Word. Christians have invited God to remove his hedge of protection as the world has invaded the church. Even a small country church, swimming pool and pizza parties. The average Baptist church is little different form the civic hall... no sign of the Christian cross... drums and drama... bells and smells.
Satan is enjoying his success. From the radical campuses, radical graduates. Infidels in the pulpit as well as the pews. Youth pastors and ministers of music much more interested in the pleasures of the creation than the joy of the Creator. Positively, the last straw at a Christian college where I have been so generous... the appointment of a female minister/chaplain.
Dr. Thomas R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
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