I notice there is a consistency of silence among the general population, in restaurants and public places. They seem subdued withering in a cloud of discontent.
When I was younger, sighted, more energy, so interested in every thing, so intent on changing the world. I am much too old now, too tired to fight but, I can assure you, that everything is done by design.
I had just a shadow of vision in one eye, walking down an innocent looking street in the nations largest city, New York City. Progressing along with white cane, suddenly, huge doors swung open erstwhile, large, innocent appearing building, with sirens blaring, cars came roaring out from tunnels under the building; enough to scare anyone to death, some type law enforcement, CIA involvement. Now, Police Chief, Ray Kelly, tells us he is prepared to shoot down planes over the city. Does anyone consider the deaths of people in a falling plane? This was my instantaneous revelation, that undercover, almost without our knowing it, the world had changed. The time has come for each of us to find one thing in which we are very interested, something we can study, attempt to reveal the satanic involvement to others.
For instance, the influence of the super rich on the nation and the world. Three percent of Americans pay 52 percent of all taxes. Across the world, there is a cabal of the super rich such as multibillionaires George Soros, Richard Greenway, Warren Buffett, etc. Along with members of the Bilderbergers, royal families, who have a keen interest in population control and controlling the enslaved, along with banking.
Another, America's involvement in world warfare and what this warfare is doing to the world... economically and spiritually. For instance, a useless war in Iraq where things are probably worse now than they were before. With the tremendous loss of life and money in this war, our saying we will withdraw, we are leaving 40 of the over 500 bases which were there during the war, $2.5 billion (tanks, A/C units) in war equipment,. The American embassy will have over 1000 employees in 21 buildings. Leaving the “spoils” of warfare along with personnel, as we did in Europe, Korea, Middle East... just permits the depressed taxpayer to make the military-conspiracy richer by building more to use in other countries – Libya, Somalia, Pakistan, etc.
Next, The gay agenda influencing everything about American life, politics, education, church activity. We have God's word to go by, non ambiguous about sexual activity, homosexuality yet, denominations, churches have bought right in to the cheapening of life just as they have bought into abortion, eugenics, euthanasia.
We have seen bubbles, one after another, .com bubble, the housing bubble, the bailout bubble, perhaps there is nothing worse than hard-working, god-fearing, tax-paying parents, with young sensitive children losing their homes in a mortgage crisis. No wonder that 85 percent of the population so despise government because, in spite of what the state-controlled media, that bought and sold politicians want you to think, people are smart enough to have figured it out.
Smart enough to have figured out the contamination of their water systems with fluoride-chloride, even continuous vaccinations. The news is beginning to get around that chemicals control as well as kill. Many of us are getting the news out that the cells of the human body are starving for lack of nutrition. The average grocery cart is filled with expensive, useless, trash. There is no food value, nutrition, in GMO, synthetics and sweetened, coupon-purchased, “make believe food”. In Africa, we saw “dirt cookies” baked in the sun, sweetened, served to children, just to ease the emptiness in their stomach. Among the poorest, Africa-Asia, you never forget children holding begging bowls as they approach vehicles with tourists.
How easily Americans have become communists, totalitarians, have accepted the authoritarian way of life. The best example of this, something I will never be able to understand, “Homeowners Associations” in my city there are over 1000. you own your own home, upkeep, taxes, yard care, etc. yet gestapo-types in your neighborhood dictate to you about your house, parking, decor (outside color, window treatments, etc.). We can well understand why Representative Ron Paul is so popular with the common man. Completely unexplained, how the black minority, 20 percent unemployment, among youth 27 percent, any prospect for a job, American industry has been sent abroad (NAFTA, CAFTA, etc.: voting 95 percent democrat) American Jews, so anti Semitic sensitive (voting 97 percent democrat), closely related to the Arabs, Muslims, are seeing their wealth confiscated, above all people, should share in the preservation-cheapness of life.
Perhaps the most insulting thing Obama has said to the American people, “get out of your bedroom shoes into your marching shoes” Most of us have had little time for bedroom shoes or flip flops. No bedroom shoes, only marching-working shoes. Many of us even wore combat boots, something this president knows nothing about .
God put shoes of iron and brass on the children of Israel when they left bondage. During their forty years of wandering in the desert, their shoes and raiment never gave out. (Deuteronomy 33:25).
I have traveled every communist country, no more regulations there than here. Now, 230,000 more federal jobs-democrat votes to be added to the EPA. Word is out for a military draft. One thing you can find, most employed with government jobs, the rest guarding those employed.
Real Christians, real military veterans, real parents, the fight is now.
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