For the blind, and this writer is totally blind (over 50 years, veteran of the Korean Conflict). You see by knowing the beauty of God in your life and in the lives of others.
God does what He wants to do, it is not necessary for Him to make sense to us. HE IS BOSS-WE TRUST HIM!
The founders of this country would laugh and then cry. My parents, my grandparents, even in my lifetime, would never believe what has happened to my country. IF, and I do mean if, the parents, pastors, military veterans of this country really cared there would be an insurgence of concern, seeking God's guidance in prayer, from one side of this nation to the other.
My own mother said, “You do not know the meaning of prayer until you hear your son drive out of the yard, onto the road in the family car, on which the family so depends.”
Bill Mccartney, who founded promise keepers in 1991 said, “Everyone must have a rock on which they can cling.” (Psalm 18:2) The world, the people of the world, need an anchor.
The debt of this nation ($16.7 Trillion) which can never be repaid, falls back on the tax payers. The extremism of insanity involving this debt can be traced directly to such federal government programs as FEMA.
In 1996, after a hurricane on this coast, there was much destruction along the beaches. I own a beach house right on the ocean. God always takes care of my house, but all around it, were pieces of houses, piers, fences, etc. FEMA workers, with their trucks and cranes were clearing off the beaches. A very articulate young man came on my porch, and said, “You must move your car so we can clear debris.” My driver had already left, I was in my house alone. I said, “This blind man cannot move the car but you can move it for me”. In order to move my car a few feet, he wrote an exclusion permission paper for me to sign. Then, in conversation, he told me the northern university he was attending, where he was living in the local city, plays in which he was acting at the local theatre... all while working for FEMA. This past week, it was revealed that FEMA workers in Wisconsin, working after the floods caused by hurricane Irene, were staying in Wisconsin’s most expensive hotel (about $500 per night, per room). This year, there has been at least one disaster every month, (flood, hurricane, earthquake, tornadoes, etc.) There are now 1.9 million federal workers working for FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency).
There was a time, before regulations had destroyed competition, that men and women wanted to own their own business. This is the reason that costs for electronics (televisions, computers, etc.) have come down. Costs of everything involving government continue to go up for instance it costs $15,000 per year, over $1000 per month for the average family’s health insurance. By 2020, and even more with ObamaCare, the cost will double.
The role model in the inner city, the new entrepreneur, the one to whom youth looks with envy, with their new “duds” and cars, the drug pusher.
The CEO of Coca Cola, knowing about business, knowing about establishing businesses in many places, said that communist China is much more business-friendly than the United States.
This writer has made Eight round the world trips, cross Russia on the Trans Siberian Railway, China three times since it's reopening, so obvious, as communist countries become capitalistic, they flourish. As America, once the epitome of capitalism, has become communist, we have faltered and failed... become more and more non-competitive. On my three trips to China, the first after the Nixon reopening, textbook, classic communism. (Everyone, men, women, children wearing the same style uniform, same style haircut, attempt at equality at housing, food, education.) Mao killed millions (est. 126 million) to get such totalitarian, authoritarian control.. With each return trip, I noticed, even with my partial sight in one eye changes... changes in manner of dress, changes in decor of homes, business opportunities. The human soul, China or anywhere, desires exceptionalism, beauty of the individual. The true canvass artist does not want to paint by the number... the art critic recognizes personality in technique, difference.
I understood completely when a sixth grade teacher, working for me on weekends, said, “Every teacher I know has become completely indifferent... we just don't care anymore.”
On one round the world trip, island of Mauritius (Indian Ocean) a lady friend became interested in an airline pilot who wanted to meet me. He predicted to me the 911 disaster. He said, “Uniforms, uniforms make all the difference. A terrorist can dress in a uniform, stolen anywhere, fly a plane, drive a truck, in any way compromise security.” He further said, “A pilot terrorist, my size, stealing my uniform, leaving me in my room dead, could walk right on my plane and fly it anywhere”. This is the evil side of life.
My cousin, country farmer, knowing nothing of art, told me, that the greatest beauty he had ever seen was his grandchildren in crepe paper costumes performing in a play on a stage at the country school with handmade scenery. This is the beauty side of life.
Psalm 92:15
To shew that the LORD is upright: he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.
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