A mother has nine months to bond with a child. The father's bonding must begin after the birth.
We, as human beings, part Christ are warned about loving things of the world. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
1 John 2:14-16
Before the day of the credit card, there was the “lay away” plan. Clothing, furniture, jewelry, things which people wanted. The merchant would keep it for them until they had paid for it. Today, the average credit card holder has an average balance of $7,300 and pays an average interest rate of 13.1 percent. Before the credit card, I have known people to economize, lie and cheat to accumulate enough money to buy a ticket to a rock concert, athletic event, car race. These same people will put 25 cents in the collection plate in church and think they have done God a favor. More and more, it is becoming essential to have things with which to barter or exchange in order to acquire other things. In countries with fiat currency (paper money) has become so worthless (and this is rapidly happening in America) gold, silver, memorial coins are being used as well as art objects. During the Great Depression parcels of of land were exchanged for farm equipment, furniture, funds for schooling, or other things which families must have. I remember so very well, one of my grandfathers exchanged a valuable piece of farm land for some machinery which he needed. During the Great Depression, corporate executives, bankers, and others with money or access to money became filthy rich taking advantage of people who had no alternative except to sell.
This writer, poorest of university students, remembers so well saving for his university class ring. I was so proud of the gold university ring with the onyx stone. Later in life, at at time of financial dilemma, it was necessary for me to sell that ring in order for me to pay a debt. In spite of our bonding with things, we must be willing to let go.
In the plans already on the drawing board for globalism, one world order, there will be the super rich and the vast majority of poor. Only those more blind than this blind writer cannot see this happening this very day. All over the world, the super rich, the complete disappearance of the middle class, the masses of the very poor. No better example of this than Israel a county of 7.5 million people. The super rich and the very poor. Even in Israel, like Egypt, Libya, Syria and many other countries where it is happening or about to happen. The hard working, God-fearing, tax-paying, poor are revolting. During the French Revolution, the super rich, fearing for the destruction of the nation, actually went among the poor passing out food even though hudreds of thousands of the poor were being exterminated.
There should be a bonding among the poor, particularly the Christian poor. A “oneness” which they share, their love for God and God's love for them. Christ had rather go to Hell for them than go to Heaven without them. Th writer C.S. Lewis said, “In all denominations, Christian beliefs, there should be a oneness which keeps believers together.” This is not true with captains and Kings, politicians and pretenders. They do not trust one another, have little affection for one another there only credibility between themselves comes from the fact that they know the truth about each other... that they cannot be trusted. Every con-man knows what he is. Every politician, faking preacher, corrupt businessman knows that he might be fooling someone but not himself, his family, the Creator of the universe.
The largest part of the growing up experience is learning early in life that there are three groups of people on campus, in the social world and the business world. You find the pretenders, those pretending to be what they are not. The over comers, those who live above pretension, the compromisers, the worlds the flesh the devil, and I am sorry to say, most churches, schools. Political parties, businesses are filled with compromisers. You go along to get along afraid to stand up, speak out because you may prove that you have not bonded with the “theys or thems” of the world. It takes backbone to be different, to be called names. Satan wants you to be popular with his crowd.
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