Devolving and Evolving
Last week, a 14 year old honor student in Florida was suspended for three days from school because his teacher overheard him say to another student, “I believe homosexuality is a sin”. Last week in California, a school banner reading God Bless America was removed from a school because the administrators were afraid it would offend Muslims.
The American education system, particularly colleges and universities, have become “concentration camps” for communist indoctrination. Parents have sat idly by while the television set, the greatest mind control apparatus Satan could ever have devised, has bleached their children's minds of all common sense, any holiness toward divine revelation.
Perhaps I was the most naive person to ever walk onto a university campus, having been reared in a hard working, God-fearing, patriotic home...ancestors having arrived on the shores of America and actually founded the town of Morristown, NJ. Hard working, farm people striving for opportunity, tilling the soil, cooking in a large iron pot in the fire place (the large cast iron pot I still have in my house).
At UNC-CH, at that time, there was only one avowed communist professor. Now, all are communists. Dr. John Myers said to me, “Surely you do not believe in fairy tales...this story of creation.” Dr. Myers said to me, “Your Bible will not get you very far.” He had probably never spent 20 hours studying the prophecies and promises of God's word. I know of no better history lesson than the record of the life of the apostle Peter.
Peter, so much like most of us, filled with flaws, but in the greatest missionary, evangelical message ever preached, Jesus said to him, “Follow me”, and he did. Peter was there when he fed the thousands, raised the dead, healed the sick. Why did Peter fail in his discipleship? Firstly, when Jesus asked him and the others to go with him for prayer, “Watch and wait”, and Peter went to sleep. We all fail when neglecting our prayer life. How often do you look around your church and see the snoozers? I so remember the pastor of the great church founded by my great grandfather, telling me of my great uncle Silas, who slept through every sermon. But, Uncle Silas was one of the greatest Christians I have ever known. Secondly, Peter reacted without God's guidance. I still do not understand how Peter cut off the soldier's ear completely missing his head and shoulder. I hope Peter was a better fisherman than swordsman. Today, activities buildings, swimming pool parties, pizza parties, even at the old country church which my ancestors built and attended. Thirdly, inconsistency, Peter did not hesitate to step out of the boat and walk on the water but did hesitate when our blessed Lord, in the greatest act of servitude one can give to another, did not want his feet washed. Peter, ready to build three tabernacles, putting Christ on the same level and Moses and Elijah. Fourthly, Peter easily resorting to cursing and swearing, forgetting his separation, trying to prove that he could be one of the unbelievers, even warming himself at the enemy's fire, following from a distance and, fifthly, denying his Lord three times at the most crucial illegal trial of Jesus in the court of Pilot. Remember, after the cock crowed, he went out and wept bitterly. Peter must have remembered when, after the crucifixion and he was in a boat fishing, catching nothing, Jesus on land (having caught more fish on dry land than Peter did in water), Christ inviting him to eat fish and bread, must have thought about the fire, as he was asked three times if he loved him. Remember this also, on that resurrection morning, Christ said, 'Go tell my disciples, and Peter...”. There was a very special relationship with Peter...effecting mostly Peter. Such was the power on the day of Pentecost when he preached and three thousand were added to the church. Such was his power that the sick were laid in the streets for his very shadow to heal them.
The parent, the pastor, must instruct young Christians, whether on the elementary level or the college campus, part of the deal, Christ told us, if they hated him they will hate us. Atheist, Agnostics, even pretending “Left”, have taken over the Christian schools. Just as rap music has been on the same level as the classics, just as texting on your cell phone is considered acceptable education skills. Political correctness, acceptance by the world, popularity will never replace the discernment of God and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our Christian experience is not a fantasy. Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8). For Dr. Myers, the education elitist, political hypocrites, tyrants of the world evolution is all they have. And, as in all evolution, their future is downward.
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