Some friends arrived at my beach house. Tom, Where is your hammer. Then Bruce began nailing down the nails on my porch that were sticking up. Always, You hit the nail sticking up highest first. Over the years, my house sitting right on the beach, the ocean, constant motion, nails give away, working their way up . Of course the people working for me are too lazy to notice these nails. They don't care if I walk on them, trip a shoe over them. This friend did and he spent some time hitting the nails that were sticking up.
Let me assure you, if you stand up, stick up against the evils of the world, you will be the first hit.
The time is long gone when real men of principles stand up for the absolutes of right and wrong. There was a time, when preachers, teachers, civil rights leaders, even some politicians, in spite of political correctness-popularity-money, would stand up for what is right. They knew they would be called a nut, strange, odd but, the Holy Spirit of God indwelling their very being demanded that they take a stand.
I learned about evil in the world as a small child. My father had a friend who worked for the NC Hospital for the Negro insane (now called cherry hospital after governor Greg Cherry) Goldsboro, NC. This would have been around 1937. My father would stop by to see his friend and I would watch the horror of what went on at that type place. (the negro males were castrated.) The contonement-type buildings porches around. Black people tied on the porches. Those with sense enough to do any type of work,working in the fields, picking beans, etc. This was an all black operation except for some employees. A black man-foreman riding on a horse through the fields with a whip, hitting those who were not working fast enough,. The same thing took place at the NC School for the Blind, separated whites in Raleigh, blacks in Garner. I could describe what went on there. Evils at prisons, hospitals, etc. Which I have described before the NC legislature but no one cared.
In communist China, where babies are immediately separated from mothers (children's palaces) children, raised by the state. More or less trained as animals
Traveling the world, every continent, I have seen evil hatched in hell but it is not necessary to leave this country. Politicians, pastors, minority leaders, have sat back believing the greatest lie ever promoted by Satan, (things will get better).. In your lifetime, you country has become financially, morally, spiritually bankrupt.
There is not another civilization-culture that has lost more privacy... internet, TSA, IRS, DMV, credit and banking institutions, even the education system. You now get a permit or license for everything. Most of the loss of freedom started with FDR, his agricultural stabilization programs, his sociology experiments (social security, social services, FDA, etc.) The family farm, the symbol of liberty, now just another government program with all the shackles involved. The community schoolhouse, locally controlled now shackled by mandates. The family doctor, hospital, once, next to the pastor, essence of privacy and trust, controlled by government.
In my lifetime, I have seen fearless advocacy groups, civil rights workers, preachers of the gospel stand up for what is right, regardless of the cost. As in God's word, Acts 5:27, we were told to “sit down and shut up.” We just talked louder and, thankfully, there were some converts. With political correctness, liberation theology, among the blacks, Baptists (particularly Southern Baptists and Free Will Baptists) running away from the greatest evils in the world, abortion and same sex marriage, only a few stand against anything. The Episcopalians, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Methodists with their lesbian bishops, gay pastors have jumped into the box of acceptability-popularity. You cannot lift a box by standing in it. Winston Churchill said long ago., “try lifting a bucket by standing in it.” Instead of the church changing the world, the world has changed the church, drums and drama, bells and smells. The judiciary, law enforcement, on the side of thugs and bullies. The armed forces expecting real warriors to be joined by homosexuals, tri-sexuals, bi-sexuals, cross dressers ready to fight and defend our nation with sexual innuendos, cosmetic cases and hair dryers.
The secular, state-controlled news media along with the totalitarian democrat party is doing everything possible to hit first those willing to stand. As one pastor (Alan Layman, First Baptist church, Wilmington, NC) said, “If I preach against sin I will lose most of my congregation.” Biometrics is the new science, sports events, political gatherings. Your features, like all your other personal information, are stored in a database but, as I told a ministerial group one time talking about the marvels of the computer, think of the marvels of God's knowledge about us, just think 450 MILLION square miles of arctic crystals at both the north and south poles, each crystal, each snowflake, with it's own God inspired design. This totally blind veteran is accustomed to being attacked... just hammer me.
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