Usually, before the party is over, especially if spirits have been added to the mixture, the punch bowl is removed from the table. This usually means that the guests have had enough to drink. This is my 81st birthday. Years ago, I thought the bowl would have been removed before now. But God, in His infinite mercy, has seen fit to keep me around. HE IS BOSS. Our life, young or short, a trip, not a destination.
One minister said the most difficult question he ever answers, to parents who have lost a small baby or young child, “why did God take this child so young?”. I believe he gave the best answer “With God there is no time. He knows all. He knew the child might die of some dreadful disease or perish in some terrible accident, so He decided in His grace and mercy, not to put you or the child through such, to take the child young”.
Losing my eyesight early in life, I must have asked over a thousand times, why me? The question has always come back, because you can handle it. Perhaps, God in his omnipotence, omniscience, sovereignty, knew that in some way, I could be a blessing in my sightless condition, even in dictating what I am saying here.
I truly believe that while I still had a fraction of vision in one eye, God wanted me to see the world...arranged for me to have the funds to travel every continent. It has been disappointing that with the thousands of photographs made by this almost blind man, the knowledge gained in these world travels my expertise, in this area has not be utilized. I found early that very few people, even members of my own family, had little interest in my travel exploits, the fact that a blind man can still work, invest, do all of the things that the “normal” can do. Other than a living witness to the salvation of our blessed Lord, I want to be a witness to the fact, and it is a fact, that the world's largest minority, the disabled, can live productive lives.
The greatest shame of America, the greatest shame of the national experience, the treatment of disabled veterans and handicapped citizens. Almost as disgraceful as the treatment of Native Americans (Indians), the slavery of fellow human beings, many of which were brought over from Africa against their will, the ignoring of the abilities, God fearing, tax paying, working, disabled citizens. The handicapped (blind, deaf, crippled, mentally challenged) very often are the most reliable workers. They are expected to pay their taxes, tithes, live as law abiding as any other citizen (you find very few disabled people in prison) yet, the big tax dollars are spent on libraries, parks, trails, concert halls, and are unavailable to the handicapped. This is the reason you see so few disabled citizens at political gatherings, concert halls, even the church house. Christ left the admonition to go into all the world and preach the gospel and baptize them. Surely he said forget the disabled! How many disabled people have you ever seen in a baptistry?
I have been asked to leave two southern baptist churches even though, I was probably the most talented speaker, one of the largest givers in each. The first, (First Baptist Church, Goldsboro, NC), I asked the question, “When will this church become involved in the holocaust of abortion, the greatest evil in the world today?”. The pastor, Gilmer Cross said, “It is not the place of the church to become involved in social problems”. The second, (First Baptist Church, Wilmington, NC) I had returned from the Southern Baptist Convention which I attended each year. I asked the question, “When will you here in this church get as involved with the souls of the many who pass this church every day as you are with the souls of the black people who live across the ocean?”. (Dr. Queen, and his chief henchman, Mr. Parker, advised me that we were not to be involved in any social integration program, that they had their own churches.) Search, probe, investigate. You will find that the very reason abortion, the gay agenda, exploitation by taxation, of the poorest is due to a very unholy alliance between baptists and the Democrat party. Don't tell me you are a Christian if you support the platform with money or vote of a Democrat.
Old age is not for sissies. Amazing how rapidly the years go by. Life is not a “dress rehearsal”. Get aboard. The trip will be over before you know it. I just want one thing on my grave marker...Because thy loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee. Psalm 63:3.
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