Wednesday, June 30, 2010


We spend our lives intimidated by knowledge, mostly by people who we think know more than we do, teachers, school-board members, people who are supposed to know more than we do...mostly because of the letters after their name...mostly because they are university-connected, corporate-connected, or media connected. You must fit into one of these three categories for anyone to believe anything you say.

There is an advertisement which states “a mind is a terrible thing to waste”, think of the minds in the world that have been wasted, think of those marvelous minds aborted: doctors, nurses, teachers, parents, poets, perhaps even a Pope.

Out in the country where I was raised, I will never forget her, my first Sunday school teacher, one of my mother's best friends, a woman with little formal education. She had the most comprehensive, photographic mind one can imagine, she could tell you the birthdate of every person in the countryside, old/young, black/white, rich or poor. She could quote almost any verse or scripture in the Bible, the preacher, in services would ask her where a certain verse is found. She could quote almost exactly anything she had ever read in any book...give you the diagnosis for any disease, the incubation period for any plant or animal, she was a walking storehouse of knowledge. Can you even imagine what she could have accomplished if given today's opportunities, a formal education, the opportunity which so many youth just throw away?

She came to me when television was just becoming popular, available in the countryside, she knew that I was a vision specialist and that she could talk with me. Probably, she loved me almost as much as my mother. She said, “Thomas, this new television is nothing but mind control, I can detect the subliminal words in the speech patterns and music from the set. With the camera and lights, they are hypnotizing the people who watch. With this instrument, Satan can change the thought patterns of anyone.”

I had studied subliminal perception in school, was familiar with the work of the Chinese in the Korean conflict, their effective mind control over prisoners and their own people. It continues to amaze me that more research and discussion has not taken place in this field, unless it is a contrived deception participated in by the “New World Order” for mind control. Bertrand Russell, atheist educator, said, “the ultimate conquest of communism will be by mind control.”

The Christian community has abrogated itself to Satanic purposes. Children from Christian homes are much more familiar with the vampirism found in the blood-sucking exploits in the Harry Potter books, then they are the credulity and historicity of God's infinite, immutable instruction. Young or Old, Satan does not care where you put your faith, Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad, as long it is not in Christ.

Congress wants the American taxpayer to perform like a trained dog...just roll over and play dead, Bernanke wants full control of all tax dollars. Foreclosures increased 2500% last year. Fat, lazy, spoiled baby-boomers starting their retirements this year, grabbing at their entitlements, have seen America's best days. People are holding on to their money, not knowing what the future holds, not spending, there is no hiring, joblessness will increase and so will the downward spiral of everything.

Dumb Americans abrogated their good sense in voting for communist ideology, hope and change, a president who, with his chief of staff were members of the “Man's Country” gay bathhouse in Chicago ( A president, who if not born in Kenya, when he his divorced mother married an Indonesian in order to go to a Muslim Indonesian school, was an Indonesian citizen, in any matter, his citizenship regarding presidency is questioned and he has spent millions try to quash inquiries, as well as his college records, as well as other information that presidential candidates readily make available. When you abrogate one thing to wind up abrogating everything. Henry Kissinger says the American soldier is just a “pawn” for the new world order. Everything is in battle gear for a middle east warfare and the beginning of World War 3. We can expect Israel to attack Iran, endless conflict at hotspots around the world.

The Christian and patriot community have abrogated their culture to the whims of Oprah. In the gospel according the Oprah, The Secret (Rhonda Byrne), becomes holy writ...we creatures become Gods.

The exploitation film, Reefer Madness, which came out in 1936 enticed the world to use Marijuana. Teens laughing, dancing, smoking, then going off to the bedroom, a delusional-illusional world not based on reality. Through the madness of the film, and Steven Spielberg has told us that he can control the world through film, every one wants to participate. Addiction becomes the norm, evil becomes good, good becomes evil.

Horace Greeley, founder of the Republican party, editor and politician said, “people who read and study the Bible will not become enslaved.” People who study the human cell, who have any comprehension of the first chapter, first verse of the Bible, will not abrogate or subrogate their marvelous mind to the sorcery of Satan.

On the Caboose

I have never been in a Starbucks coffeehouse, I understand that they serve very expensive coffee. Recently, the CEO of Starbucks, overseer of 9000 Starbucks said, “if one shop closes, we feel we have lost part of our soul.” I have said to many relatives and friends who just play church, who are on the fringe of commitments, but who love the world too much to let go, why go to hell on the caboose? Why not go first class?

A black preacher, Reverend Jackson, in my living room, said to me, “Doctor, before I was saved, I was a first class sinner. Now, through the mercy of God I try to be a first class Christian.” Someone said to me, “if a man murders ten people, rapes ten people, robs ten houses, then repents and god forgives him for his sins, will he go to heaven as quickly as my grandmother who has only told a small white lie?” I said, “yes, sin is sin. No sin large or small will God allow into his heaven.” The apostle Paul, writer of most of the New Testament, said to Timothy that he was chief of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15).

I was in Damascus, one of the world's oldest cities, in the country of Syria. I have walked down the street called Strait, where Paul after his Damascus road conversion was sent by God. Those who have not experienced redemption, do not know redemption. Those without God cannot know God.

Someone asked me if it is sinful for a believer to have a social drink. I said, “it is a matter of your own conviction, your own testimony to God. I cannot give you scripture that prohibits a social drink anymore than I can give you one that prohibits cigarettes, the overeating of food. Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)

If you can glorify God by over-drinking, over-eating, over-smoking, taking illegal drugs, or any sinful act, you have yourself fooled. Every alcoholic started with a first drink. I will give you a written guarantee that if parents drink cocktails in front of their children, if children grow up seeing beer in the refrigerator, you will have drinking children, and who knows which will become addicted.

More people dig their graves with a fork than smoke themselves into one. There is no reason, from my long years of study, why any Christian should be overweight, why any Christian should be unhealthy. We have an answer book, the answer for every question involved in human existence. There is no reason for a believer in God to seek the services of a psychologist or a psychiatrist, to seek the services of a social worker, a behavioral therapist, a palm reader, mystic, or hypnotist. When I hear a Christian talk about their astrological sign... that they are a Pisces or Cancer or talk about Karma, I know they have been in the devil's bookshop, not the storehouse of the Lord. Why go to hell on the caboose, why not go first class?

On one round-the-world trip, one wealthy couple, he, an official with Pricewaterhouse, traveled the entire trip, about 50 flights, first class. From what I could tell, this couple got on and off the plane at the same time that I did. Unless bumped up, I always traveled the cheapest way. The billionaire William Buffet said he would fire any employee who rode on a plane first class. Another couple, officials with Caterpillar Corporation, traveled first class, they would tell me about their extravagant meals, free liquor, pampered service. I do not need these things.

Only corporate officials, movie stars, sports figures, television preachers (remember Dr. Schuller of the Chrystal Cathedral and Victoria Osteen, Joel's wife, and their problems in first class?) deserve such extravagance. Of course, these days, with the inflated salaries of sports figures, television preachers, etc. most have the enjoyment, privacy and security of private planes. Those with fortunes to spend such as the Bush family (41, 43 and the others), the Limbaughs, the Hannitys, the Giulianis of the world, certainly all Democrat and Republican officials, these civil-masters who like to call themselves civil servants would not dare breath the air of the common man, those whom they profess to love, and many of which so love them. Many Americans, including some of my relatives, spend more time with Rush Limbaugh than they do with Jesus Christ.

Many politicians are known for politicking from the caboose of the train, hot air from the end of the train. China and Russia still use steam engines, on one trip around the world, mostly by train, even crossing the Gobi desert. I was on a steam powered train and I made photographs from the caboose...airy, desolate. Early trains were not air conditioned, windows could be opened, we all remember those western movies involving trains. Like the front porch, fresh air is a thing of the past, the most dangerous thing in the world as far as contagions is a jet plane, recirculating the air of everyone.

Before AC and television, people sat on the front porch, people enjoyed the most wonderful instrument of man, the rocking chair, they visited, house to house, you could ride through the countryside, any town and see human beings visiting. I have learned a lot about my family from listening on the front porch. Today's childrens are fed “muck”, a form of hypnosis and mind control, contrived by Satan in the dungeons of pornography and satanic culture, Hollywood. An American 65 years of age will have spent a total of 10 years watching television, just think of how this time could have been spent.

If you want to throw your life away, if you are desperate to serve Satan, do a first class job of it. There are many you can imitate, don't go to hell on the caboose.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Smoke and Mirrors

I saw the play David Copperfield on Broadway, I have seen several of the great magicians such as Doug Henning. We have all heard of Houdini, these magicians utilize smoke and mirrors in order to fool the audience. Today's politicians should know that the public is aware of their smoke and mirrors act.

Life has become a daily activity with smoke and mirrors. Day to day, week to week, you cannot predict what will happen next. Somebody has said that life is a hectic interlude in an otherwise peaceful nonexistence.

On the farm, my hardworking parents faced the daily trials of insects and weather. By the time the crops began growing out of the ground, there were already insects trying to eat the greenery, if not an insect, a new disease of some type. And every time a storm cloud came, blackness, thunder and lightning in the sky, you did not know what would be left in the fields after the storm.

I have yet to send one repairman to a building and not have him notify me of damage he has found from original poor construction, water seepage, termites or some other pest, rot, or neglect of some sort. Life becomes a calculated series of minor and major disasters. Most of these problems are financial disasters. I don't know how the average person, without faith, lives to survive these problems, the risk involved, always looking for answers. Those who you'd expect to be able to give advice seldom have advice to give; everyone is caught in the same bind. I walk everyday by faith, not sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). How I wish there were someone around who could always tell me what to do, on whose advice I could depend. In this self-centered world, the “me generation”, you learn to depend on divine guidance, the One who knows the beginning as well as the end of the parade. I have spoken of just physical things, even more important, medical, spiritual, or emotional trauma.

When we walk through the fire, we get tougher, impurities come out. Money is not the answer, so many lose their health seeking wealth. Money is like drinking seawater, the more you have, the more you want.

Liberal ministers and church members have told me time and time again, “I don't like to be preached to, I don't like people who 'pound' on the bible.” I often point out the most strict scriptural preacher you will ever read, Jesus himself, his woes as found in Matthew 23. Can you even imagine anything more specific than this: “Ye serpents, Ye generation of vipers. How can ye escape the damnation of hell.” (Matthew 23:33) The word woe means “pitiful”, he speaks of hypocrites, the only word not allowed in the US House of Representatives is the word “hypocrite”. Even our forefathers, those who wrote the rules of the House of Representatives, knew that most there would be hypocrites. It is from the Old Testament, and many people do not like to apply the Old testament to them. God dictated every word of the Old Testament, inspired, inerrant, just as He did the New Testament, sovereign. Read Deuteronomy, the 28th chapter, the cursing and blessings. Listen to what he told the Jews: “And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth“ (Deuteronomy 28:1)

I was in Kashmir, the country being fought over constantly by Pakistan and India. It is one of the God's chosen beauty spots in the world, more beautiful than I could possibly describe. As in so many beautiful places, unspoiled by civilization, the people were poor and delightful. The house boy on the house boat where I was living, want me to visit his aged grandfather. He was a remarkable man of delightful intellect, having lived as a boy in England, he spoke perfect English. He said, “so doctor, you are a army medical officer, you have a superior education, what then?” I told him about my aspirations for service, always he would come back, “what then?” I would say that I would like to have a family, and then he would say, “what then?” I said that I wanted to be successful, make much money so I could help others, “what then?” I said I would like to get old and be an inspiration to others; “what then?” I said, then, I suppose I will die; “what then?” He said, “only when you live everyday as if it is your last, you are ready to live.” He said, “believe me, in just a short time you will be my age: 90. At 80, I fully realized the intelligence of this wonderful man of India.”

The average person treats life as a soap opera, thinking that each day is a continuation, a never-ending saga. Not just the stock market, not just real estate transactions, not just disease that can enter the body, not just fire or some other disaster, we live every minute facing...what then?

On the radio, on the first day of the Afghanistan war, I said, “these people in Washington have never seen the Hindu Kush mountains...the most anguishing heights of the Himalayas. From the time of Rudyard Kipling, the British, the Russians, no one has been able to conquer this land. I remember the first time I saw the Khyber pass, a camel train was coming through the mountain pass, just as it had done two thousand years before. The tribal people were still living in huts, riding on donkeys. These people can survive drones...can wait for years until their last enemy surrenders.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German Lutheran minister, went to the gallows in 1945, like so many Jewish and Catholic ministers in Nazi Germany, stripped naked, still walking erect, he said, “I never received much encouragement from my church.” He knew, as you will learn, not to expect much from others, that God and His mercy is all that you need.

This totally blind writer can honestly say, “I do not believe anyone can prove otherwise, that I ever received one letter, one word of encouragement, during my long life, living alone, totally disabled, giving the largest part of my income to church and church-related activities, awards and scholarships. But that is nothing, these are just people, people who do not thank God for anything.

I visited my wife's uncle about 50 years ago, he and his wife lived in a very small house, very poor. He told me of his once wealthy lifestyle, they had owned a large hotel complex in a Texas resort on the Gulf of Mexico. A huge tidal wave, tsunami, had erased all his property, worth millions, from the face of the earth. He thought he had insurance on the property, but the insurance, to his sorrow, did not cover such a loss. His only words, “always read your insurance policies very carefully. We all know that insurance policies are written by lawyers, and only lawyers can understand them. They are all filled with loopholes, insurance is for selling not for paying. The great hotels in Las Vegas, were built by losers. I have never collected from any insurance policy of any type, at any time, without a fight.”

Insurance, like your government promises, like warfare, like the daily challenges of living in an unpredictable world, all smoke and mirrors. Now you can understand why everyone wants to work for the government, the whole world is caught up in an enticing, risk-free aroma of entitlements.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Born in Seattle, Washington in 1955, Bill Gates, since 1995 has been at the top of the world's richest men. Co-founder of Microsoft, philanthropist, writer of several books, he has given us his ten rules for success in business: his first rule: life is not fair, get used to it.

Don't confuse success with celebrity, think of Bill Gates and Helen Keller, or Madonna with Joni Eareckson Tada. Think of the thousands of our finest who lie buried in military cemeteries around the world and the Bernie Madoff, Ken Lay, Harvey Milk, Charles Wrangle or the thousands filling America's prisons who have chosen the low road rather than the high road of life. Their vote in an election counts just as much as yours. Prisoners eat better than most disabled veterans.

Studying history, we know what happened to most of the corrupt historical figures in the world. Not only did most of them suffer here on earth, but if everything we believe to be true about eternity, they will suffer forever. One of the most revered men in history is King David, although a first class sinner, spending his live in many psalms in repentance, was a man after God's own heart (Acts 13:22). David's son, King Solomon, world's wisest and richest man, 300 wives, 700 concubines, builder of the great temple, wonder of the world, still richest building ever built (est. 14 billion dollars), bowed when his mother Bathsheba came into the room. King's fathers were never mentioned, except in this case, but their mothers were always given prominence.

You may not be a king or even related to royalty, but it is a sorry man who does not honor his mother, the fairness involved in what she went through to give you birth and to raise you. I like to see a boy pull out a chair for his mother at a table in a restaurant. Abortion is still inconceivable to the hearts and minds of most people. We are only responsible for sin, but ours is a destiny of sacrifice (Romans 1). The person who deserves the most is always the weakest, the person who deserves the least is always the greatest. A group of university seniors were asked to put the ten commandments in the order in which they considered their importance. Of course, as expected they put #1. Not to murder, #2 Not to steal, these are laws in every civilization, religious or not. Their ninth commandment was honoring father and mother, and their tenth commandment, a total reversal of the commandments which God Himself had given, honoring God and having no idols before Him.

There is a joy in goodness, a satisfaction in fairness. We like to see the criminal punished, justice rewarded. I said to a detective recently, having reported things taken from a house by a tenant, “this boy is not the criminal type, he is just young and dumb.” It is not always the monetary value of a theft with vacating tenants, (towels, bathroom rugs, kitchenware, wastebaskets, trashcans, shower curtains, curtain rods, brooms, chairs) but it is the aggravation of having to replace these things, the time and money involved. Careless driving in a parking lot, when you slightly damage anothers' car, is not a matter of vehicular accident, but it ruins the aesthetic, psychological enjoyment of your car as well as the time and expense in returning it to it's undamaged condition.

I remember arriving in the country of Togo, the customs officer let me know real quick that he expected a five-dollar tip in order for me to get my suitcase. Going into India, my guide went to the duty-free shop to get gifts for the customs officers. It ruins your trips to these places to know you are exploited at the very doorway of the country.

If every person were born the right color skin, the right hair color, eye color, healthy, wealthy, wise. All the genetic code that makes life fair, then we would have nothing for which to wish or want, pray or work and we would get very tired of one another.

It took me a long time to get over the unfairness of blindness. But, it is only when we are down that we can look up. Christ told us that we must die in order to live, this is the advantage of farm life, only through seed do you have harvest. Only by giving to do you get. Only though death do you live.


In arbitrage, you profit from a scam. Our blessed lord has been aware of arbitrage since the world was formed by the manipulation of his hands. Those who have been transformed have known all along, those who conform are realizing it. (Romans 12:1-2)

The Universal Life Church in California licenses 3,000-5,000 ministers each month, simply through a process of filling out an application and paying a fee. One out of every seven weddings is performed by such a “licensed minister”. The tax authorities are well aware of these counterfeits, people love counterfeits, you only recognize counterfeits by knowing the real thing.

Mr. Lash Larue was a famous western movie actor of the 1940s and 1950s, known for his skill with a bull whip and his cowboy persona. This supposed Christian activist speaker was able to give a very effective Christian testimony. Mr. Lash Larue spoke at a local baptist church one Sunday night, reportedly and allegedly, later the same night at a downtown Holiday Inn, he was arrested for drunkness and disorderly conduct. Allegedly, he was given the choice to leave town or go to jail.

In the gospels of John (John 8), we find Jewish religious leaders bringing to Christ a woman caught in the very act of adultery. I've asked the question many times, “what happened to the man?” Anyway, Christ said to the woman, who never denied her sin, who would have been stoned to death, “go and sin no more.” Christ told us, “he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.” I have never known a sinless person, certainly not this writer, but if you are going to walk in the sun, don't transport butter on your head.

It is strange that so many notables can give a testimony, when convenient. A Christian is someone who can live at midnight, in a foreign city, where no one knows him, the same way he can live in midday in his hometown where everyone knows him. Your family or friends do not know what you watch on television or read in a magazine or book, but the all-seeing eye of God knows and cares...more than they do.

God's obsession is with order, not with evangelism, not with rituals, god wants the real, not an imposter, the genuine not an imitation. Abraham was probably the world's richest man, like Moses, he had talked face to face with God. He knew the value of the real, so he sent his trusted assistant Eleazar to find a wife for his son Isaac. Eleazar knew how to trust, knew how to pray, and immediately knew the answer to prayer when Rachael at the well, not only drew water for him, but spent many hours drawing water for all of his camels. Do you have any idea how much water many camels can drink?

When will we learn to recognize the real from the counterfeit? Propriety from the parasite? Success results from studying and learning, we have seen what political appointments, people who nothing of a subject, can do for your country. We expect those who have put us in a financial mess to correct the financial mess: Barney Frank, Dodd, Obama, Geithner (people who have never run a business know nothing of finance). The only thing politicians know how to do is run for reelection, they have a license to deceive (The stadium at the World Cup matches have a license to serve alcohol to the crowd).

The bible contains 788,000 words, 319 times we find the word “if”, always with a promise from God. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land (Isaiah 1:19). 700 years before the birth of Christ, the nation of Israel was given the same assurance the gentile church is given today.

1But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.
 2When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.
 3For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee.
 4Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life.
 5Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west;
(Isaiah 43:1-5)

In these days when God talks with us through earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and every form of discourse. I know of no more precious words than these: ours is not a cheap faith, if you have something better, please let me know what it is.


Michael Jackson's doctor, the one now accused of neglect in his death, was reportedly paid $150,000 a month to care for him. Most of his health problems came from drug addiction; he could not sleep and he consulted doctors all over the world and had finally resorted to surgical anesthesia, which was administered in a hospital-care manner. Jackson's life was marked by three words: fame, fortune, and fantasy.

All of the nine Jackson children were talented, their father Joesph, never called “dad”, only Joesph, walked around with a whip as he trained each of them in their own talent. Michael lived at home until he was 30, he never had any warm relationships in his life, and at one time had 30 pet rats living in his room. Later, after moving to his 3,000 acre ranch (Neverland Ranch), he owned animals of every type, including elephants. Jackson seemed to have a close relationship with animals, and his love of animals was transferred to his children, when he had children.

His first great animal love of his life was that of his chimpanzee, Bubbles. Bubbles had been raised in a research lab, and when Bubble was with Michael, he had his own nanny and 24 hour care. Bubbles was a constant entertainment to the press and became almost as famous as Michael himself, he would sit in the audience and watch Michael perform, wore designer clothing and would even do Michael's famous moonwalk. After Bubbles grew into an adult, very strong, almost vicious, he was sent to a game park in Florida where he now lives at age 26, weighing over 200 lbs.

It took nine hours to prepare Michael's body for burial, his hair, his makeup. The king of pop is as famous in death as in life, and makes as much money. The thing which will stand out in Michael Jackson's bizarre life activities is his relationship with animals. Animals have replaced real relationships for many people. There are more tigers living in America, than there are in the wild, and these cats can be very dangerous animals, have led to the mauling or deaths of many owners. Always though, without exception, animal rights people say it is not the animal's fault.

In 2006, latest figures available, Americans spent 39 billion dollars on food for their pets, this at a time when according to the USDA, 33 millions American are hungry. Is there anything wrong with this picture? I know people who spend money on pet food each week than I spend on food for myself. The father of our country, George Washington, the wealthiest president said, “national morality cannot survive without religious principles.” There is certainly nothing wrong with pets or the feeding of pets. There is nothing wrong with Leona Helmsley billionaire hotel-owner leaving her fortune to her dog. There is nothing wrong with Roy Rogers having his horse Trigger stuffed and put on display.

I do find something very wrong with Buddhist temple monkey worship, where I have seen some of India's poor take food to monkey temples for the monkeys to eat when their own children were hungry. At one of these monkey temples, one of the “holy monkeys” jumped up and grabbed my dark glasses and ran off with them. I'm sure he was trained to do this because the attendant came back shortly with my glasses knowing that I would give him a tip. Is this any worse than what goes on in the name of God, in many places of worship in western civilization...”benevolent” offering boxes for the poor, love offerings.

I have been totally blind for 40 years, but there are still visions in my mind which will stay forever. One, I saw a mother pulling her child along, carrying her dog in her arms. She had the dog's leash and she would the hit the crying child every so often because the child was not walking fast enough. We have heard of children eating from the dog's feeding bowl. A child being neglected from the doctor because of veterinarian bills. Remember, the human being is the only animal which aborts her young...the most dangerous species in the world, the black baby, 52% of whom are aborted. 3000 babies aborted in America each day, 1542 of them black. My friend, a black doctor said to me recently, the black will disappear due to abortion and HIV/AIDS.

Michael Jackson and his talented family, instead of lower animals, could have done much good in the world through their money, by helping out the people of their race. We were all given the instructions of life, and how to live it, long ago.

(Proverbs 3:5-35)
 5Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
 6In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
 7Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.
 8It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.
 9Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase:
 10So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.
 11My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction:
 12For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.
 13Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.
 14For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.
 15She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her.
 16Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honour.
 17Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.
 18She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her.
 19The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens.
 20By his knowledge the depths are broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew.
 21My son, let not them depart from thine eyes: keep sound wisdom and discretion:
 22So shall they be life unto thy soul, and grace to thy neck.
 23Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble.
 24When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet.
 25Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh.
 26For the LORD shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.
 27Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.
 28Say not unto thy neighbour, Go, and come again, and to morrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee.
 29Devise not evil against thy neighbour, seeing he dwelleth securely by thee.
 30Strive not with a man without cause, if he have done thee no harm.
 31Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways.
 32For the froward is abomination to the LORD: but his secret is with the righteous.
 33The curse of the LORD is in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just.
 34Surely he scorneth the scorners: but he giveth grace unto the lowly.
 35The wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Front Row Seats

Today is the one year anniversary of the death of Michael Jackson. I understand his fans are pouring into Los Angeles and into the places which he frequented to honor him. He is making more money dead than when he was alive, his estate hoping to pay off his many debts. If you went to a Michael Jackson concert, this little sissy, pedophile, drug-addicted pervert, you paid well for front row seats. The same people who pay so much for front row seats, to be close to perversion would get as far away as possible from people of principle...real pastors, real political leaders, real towers of talent; Jackson was a counterfeit. You must know the real to recognize counterfeit, the world loves counterfeit, impostors.

Those of my age have lived through the most marvelous time in history, we saw the world when it was still a decent place. Like those in Pompeii when volcano Vesuvius erupted, they saw Pompeii and Italy at its zenith, they had front row seats. They saw how quickly and easily Pompeii became an ash heap in history. Walking through the streets of Pompeii, I noted that the heat flash of the volcano so paralyzed everything that the animals and people were killed and covered instantaneously. They are still there, frozen in cement lava, having never been removed.

Those of my age saw America at it's best, real patriots returning from WW1, giving justice to much of the world. Returning from WW2, rectifying the struggle, seeing great scientific exploits: plastics, vehicles, plane travel, education and exploration (DNA, moonwalk, health exploits). Grabbing at the wisdom of man, and forgetting God, depending on government checks, not the gifts and abundance of a creator, killing rather than saving the lives of babies, killing rather than bringing health to the unfortunates of the world, educators whose livelihood depend on children support a political party (Democrat) that promotes abortion (the killing of the very children which they expect to live from educating). The president of the national education association apologizes to his membership because a black choir sang an anthem in which God was used. In the popular, gay resort-town of Provincetown, Massachusetts the school board voted unanimously to pass out condoms to elementary aged school children, the parents will not even be informed if their children receive such.

Today's Americans, today's youth have front row seats to watch the dismantling of the world's greatest republic. It happened to Greece, it happened to Rome, it happened to France, it happened to Germany, warned ahead of time. People were too busy with themselves. Although we talk of illegalities, we are a country of “laws rather than men”. Obama will make millions of Mexicans legal citizens with just a stroke of a pen in an executive order. Socialized, old-people Europe, will use it's attempt at a European union, countries who historically fought one another, just came to insulting one another, then decided to unionize. The hardworking, thrifty Germans were expected to support the spending, spreeing Spaniards. The reckless Greeks, early retirees, leisure living, expected the vacationing French to support them. It has become a mess. In America, about half the population, vigilant and diligent, supports the other half who pay no taxes at all, but have learned to live well on welfare.

There is no way that those who pull and push the wagon will not rebel in time against those content to just ride in the wagon. Those who love God will cease to tolerate those who hate God. We known Nehemiah and his fellow Jews returning to Jerusalem after captivity, they rebuilt it, with bricks in one hand, their swords in the other, because they realized it is necessary to defend what you have built.

Lackadaisical, all you need is love, “eat drink and be merry, because tomorrow you may die”, liberal-hypocrite Americans will no longer be supported by God-fearing, tax-paying, hardworking citizens. The fat, lazy, complacent baby-boomers, themselves raising spoiled children, should learn basic math. A country with its entitlement, its medicare, medicaid, social adventures now reach 108 trillion dollars, must get factual, not sociological. An aging, socialized population in Japan is keeping it in the doldrums of depression. An aging, socialized population in England and other European countries have brought most of these countries to brink of disaster: UK, Iceland, Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, the Balkans, etc.

Adding to the “black hole” of disbelief by those of us sitting in front row seats, as we see the insanity on stage, passport photos are no longer believable because of so many transgendered people (men changing into women, women changing into men) and we thought the French had problems with veils used in driver's licenses.

The communist-socialist agenda, the black nationalist church agenda, the gay agenda, the blame and hate America first agenda will certainly do us in, unless real patriots, not counterfeit smoochers, go to war for America and the ideals that made America great, that has made the greatest migration the world has ever known towards our shores by people seeking only opportunity.

I never thought of going to college by anyone's efforts except my own (I worked my way through school), there were no grants, no scholarships. I never knew a man to go to war in order to get a pension. We went to war to save the world from tyranny, for God, family, and country.

In the story of the alabaster box, the woman who gave all she owned to glorify Christ, Christ tells us to do as much as she did. Only in the great commission are we told to do more, “wherever this Gospel is preached, tell what this woman has done.” (Matthew 26) This woman in the house of Simon the leper gave all she had, Christ complimented her, disputed them, and gave her as an example of giving, forever.

In front row seats, watching the insanity around us, our ancestors, the forefathers of this country has given us much to remember, to think about, to defend as we face those who would, and will eventually, if left unchecked, destroy it. We are in the front row seats of history, world history, ecological history, economic history, the very survival of mankind.

The Tap-Dancing Generals

WW2 brought us up close and personal with soldiers through the writings of Ernie Pyle. Marion Hargrove of North Carolina brought us close to the enlisted men with “See Here, Private Hargrove”. One general said,” show me a soldier who does not complain, and I will show you a sorry soldier.” The problem with General McChrystal, highly praised when picked to takeover in Afghanistan (2nd most corrupt nation in the world, Mexico being the most corrupt). He and his staff had so little sense to allow a reporter from, of all places, Rolling Stone, to bivouac with them. This liberal reporter, true to form, from this liberal rag, fragged them.

General McChrystal had no choice but to resign. He knows the chain of command. Every officer knows that every private knows better how to run a military operation than he does. America has prevented a coup d'etat (take over of civilian government by military) as happens in most third world countries, because civilian authority invested in the military is always commander in chief. Regardless of our feelings toward the commander in chief, Obama like Clinton, never having served in the military, knows nothing of the military, not even how to return a salute or standing at attention.

The soldier/sailor/marine/airman salutes the uniform, not what is in the uniform. Since the time of George Washington, military control has always been in the hands of civilians. All of us with military experience know the ineptness of many who have obtained rank. As I heard one colonel say at his retirement party, “just keep breathing and you will get here.” The military is rife with incompetence. Those of us in the Korean conflict, found the upper ranks filled with drunks and misfits, who were just hanging on until their retirement. Many of the ranking officers had been drafted but obtained rank through battlefield commissions. Field grade officers gain rank through warfare. In time of war, they always arrange to get orders for the battlefield. This was so obvious with the woman general, and the embarrassment of the Abu Ghraib fiasco.

I still remember general of the army Douglas MacArthur addressing Congress after he had been replaced by President Truman, “old soldiers never die, they just fade away.” MacArthur did not fade away, toured the country making speeches. MacArthur became CEO of the Remington Rand corporation, he, like his father, a recipient of the congressional medal of honor. He, like his father, like his grandfather, all generals of the army. At least, unlike general George Patton who was assassinated by his country, MacArthur lived long enough to know he was correct in his evaluation over that of Truman. To this day, America is still humiliated by North Korea and China.

Humiliation of another type, Obama replacing McChrystal with General Petraeus, both generals members of the infamous foreign relations council (CFR). It was in 2007, that Obama's chief supporter, “” used a prominent ad that read, “General Petraeus or General Betray Us?”. Obama had hand picked McChrystal to lead America in this “drug-protecting” military endless, winless, phony war to protect and distribute Afghanistan poppy gardens. McChrystal was the general responsible for the cover up of the murder of American soldier/football star Patrick Tillman...a young man who had given up his career for a patriotic venture which he had found to be fraud. I understand that the Tillman family are aware of what happened, that he was shot close up several times.

Starting with general MacArthur and President Truman, American warfare has become political upmanship, it is the boys from the poor homes, the minorities who are paying the price. Again, Vietnam was a disaster of political upmanship, not just President Thieu, Madam Nu, General Ky and the other South Vietnamese, most of whom are now living in splendor in Hawaii via American tax dollars. But, the attempt by such despots as President Lyndon Johnson to manage a war from thousands of miles away, “I don't want a Vietnam outhouse bombed without my permission.” Those of us involved know why there are 58,000 names on the marble monument in Washington. I think most of us know what is being taught in the public schools, I think most of us suspect what is being taught in military academies. Surely, if we survive as a nation, we must get back to basics of military and civilian statesmanship.

One general had told me that he had seen more military promotions because of an officer's wife than the officer's confidence. With “don't ask don't tell”, military ranks being filled by women, military decisions being made through legislative influence, military equipment being built on the best bid, at least, equipment not made by our enemies (China builds most spare parts, all of military shoes and clothing), or a frustrated military-industrial complex, we will be fortunate to win a battle, much less a war. Regardless of who takes over, or goes over, with present methods of engagement, only drones or robots will have the backbone to fight.

Slowly, surely, an idea projected since WW2 by enemies of democratic republics: peace on Earth comes through softness, kissing up to your enemies, staying politically correct in everything you do, not drawing any lines of right separating wrong. I said to a great theologian one time, why was there so much killing in the Bible?...God would kill thousands to accomplish his purpose. He said, “and every time people refused to follow God's will by eliminating their enemy, they lived to regret it.” Mr. Obama, who Saw Lewinsky called his best pupil (Rules for Radicals), the dedication of the book by Lewinsky is to Lucifer. Lucifer, father of lies, demons, deception. In this world, you have three classes: the ignorant, the scoffers, and the believers; only the ignorant and the believers will escape the wrath of God. The Washington elite, the military elite, the CFR, the Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, the academics will scoff and will perish. They dance to their own tune.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

What Has Happened?

About forty years ago, I attended a funeral that is still fresh in my memory. One of my good friends was a very prominent black physician. He came from one of the finest families in our city. He told me once, “my grandmother told me that if I went out and got into trouble, I need not call any of my family. Your family has worked too hard, and is too well known and respected in this town to put up with any meanness on your part. If you go to jail you will stay in jail.”

I knew the grandfather and grandmother, and when the grandfather died, I attended the funeral as an honorary pallbearer. I knew a little about black funerals... I had witnessed a black funeral procession in New Orleans...carrying the casket down the street accompanied by many New Orleans musicians with creole music. The funeral was held in the cities largest black church, crammed full of dignified, well-dressed people of every color. I remember the pallbearers all dressed in black, wearing white gloves. I remember nurses dressed in white uniforms attending to the inconsolable family members. I remember the carillon (chiming bells) with their mournful drone, the many speakers, the well-expressed music. The service was worthy of the person in the casket.

Yesterday, one of my friends told me of going to a funeral where the pallbearers were wearing flip-flops, jeans or shorts, and t-shirts. I am told that very few people even dress formally for a funeral anymore. There was a time, when we had “Sunday clothes”, we attended church well-dressed, and so we did for funerals. We had enough respect, not only for God in His house of worship, but for the family of the deceased. Every thing you do for a deceased person who knows nothing about what you are doing, is done for the surviving family, to show your respect and concern for them.

What has happened? Friends sit on my front porch at my beach house and describe the language, appearance, and attitude of the young people walking by my house to the ocean. In this time of the “liberated woman”, the girls are more carnal than the boys. It has been a long time since I had a woman working for me who did not smoke cigarettes. It has been a long time since I have known a woman, working for me or otherwise, who cared very much about her appearance: her hair, her makeup, her skin. People describe the tattoos they see on woman's bodies, just the parts of the body that they can see. In the era of bikinis, almost nakedness, there is not much left for exploration. My grandfather, in his day, seldom saw a woman's ankle. Women were almost totally covered, modest, feminine, delicate talk, delicate movement.

As communist ideology takes over, the first thing to go is the idealism pertaining to children or women, women become just breeders. In China, Russia, third world police-state countries, as was the case before Christ was born into the world, women are a little more than slaves. Women have been stripped of their femininity, “butch” haircuts, lackadaisical attitude towards shape, or the qualities of beauty.

An interesting study would be the effect on the female personality and purposefulness when kept as separated through clothing, veils as is found in the Islamic traditions. Do Muslim women, so separated from everything by Sharia law have a direct effect on Muslim men and Muslim children. In traveling Muslim countries you seldom saw Muslim women, they stayed in their homes and cared for their families. Outside the home, always fully clothed, always veiled. In talking with one in a business situation, through the holes in the veil I could only tell if she was wearing glasses. I could tell nothing of her features: hair color, shapeliness, but they all seemed very intelligent, and evidently most are content with their place in life, especially in relation to the men and the children in their lives.

If the Islamic system, the Islamic traditions, the Islamic law did not work, I feel sure it would have been changed long ago. I believe the Muslim believers in America like the Jewish, the Amish, Mennonite, and other religious traditions in America make whatever alternatives necessary for living in this country at this time. Overseas, you respect the traditions of the country you are visiting.

There are two kinds of courage in the world: physical and moral. Most of us have neither...not the physical courage to defend right, or the moral courage to condemn wrong. I believe that faith is 90% courage, and most spiritual believers do not have courage, not even enough courage to correct children, not even enough courage to uphold decent traditions. Not even enough courage to teach or show the absolutes of right and wrong.

Three times in our life, we are called upon to demonstrate courage: physical pain, hardship, and death. When my cancer was diagnosed, I knew that I had experienced hardship in my life, I had experienced physical pain in my life, I had experienced disappointment through blindness in my life. I prayed for the faith and courage to face death. The last thing we must conquer is death, and life is so unpredictable, there are about as many short graves in a cemetery as long graves. It can happen any time, you do not have to be old to die. Courage is a virtue for teenagers, but all should realize as was once said in a very remarkable movie: we are all “walking-dead'.

My life, your life, matters. Life is a gift. When some young girls get old, they will appreciate the beauty of youth, many will wonder: why did I have these tattoos and piercings? Why did I give away my decency, innocence so early?

One girl told me, “I was so infatuated with this boy, I felt that I must give myself to him in order to attract and keep him. I just knew that he would be totally crazy over me because he had taken my greatest possession. The first day I was so surprised that he did not call. The second day I began to get saddened. And then, I saw him on the street and he did not speak to me.” Remember, most people are just animals, wanting what they can get, right now, without thinking of anything.

One of my grandmother's sisters went to visit her only daughter in New York, who was enrolled in a college there. My grandmother, like my mother and most women of their day, wore beautiful hats. My own mother was known for her “wide-brimmed” hats. There were hat shops which specialized in women's hats.

My father never tired of telling this story: My grandmother had her sister bring her back a beautiful hat from New York. My grandmother, after returning home from church, put her purse and her new hat on the bed. It just so happens that in the flowers on the hat was a beautiful bird. The family cat, Lucy Mae, thought the bird looked very delicious, and the cat leaped on the bed and made rapid destruction of this new “big apple” hat.

What has happened? The world has changed, but human beings need not return to the stone age, to the uncivilized conditions of the cave people.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


It started in California with Dr. Michael Newdow, his efforts to have God removed from our money, our pledge of allegiance, even mention of God at military facilities and in the halls of Congress. Dr. Newdow, a Jewish physician and lawyer, has spent much of his own money in lawsuits against the consecrated principles of this once Christian nation. From 1799 to 1892, the Supreme Court declared this a Christian nation, since then, particularly with the founding of the ACLU in 1920, and the influence of such communist-atheists as Roger Baldwin, who served as the executive director of the ACLU from it's founding to 1950, and who made the following statement, “I am for socialism, disarmament and ultimately for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control by those who produce wealth. Communism is, of course, the goal.”

This week, the city in which I live, Wilmington NC, a sign has gone up in the area paid for the by the North Carolina Secular Association, their public relations statement reads as follows:

A billboard going up Tuesday on Carolina Beach Road near Sanders Road is causing some controversy. Drivers will be able to see what's being called the "Godless Billboard."

Six other billboards just like it are popping up across the state and will be there for four weeks.

The campaign is being organized by the North Carolina Secular Association, a coalition of "local secular, humanist, free thought and skeptical groups throughout North Carolina." The project is costing them $15,000.
The group says they want to see an end to religious discrimination against non-religious people and groups in the Wilmington area. They also take issue with a religion being a prerequisite for becoming a public official in North Carolina according to the State Constitution.

They want "under god" taken out of the pledge of allegiance.
(from WECT)

With the liberal, modernistic, “feel good”, “all you need is love” type of Christian leaders and pastors, we have in our country today, and at the head of various denominations and religious groups, we will see how willing Christians are to defend their faith. The Garden of Eden was consecrated to man for his enjoyment. The first couple were not able to keep one rule, one commandment, there was murder in the first family on earth (Kane killed Abel). Even though our first ancestors lived to very old age (Methuselah was 969 years of age when he died, Noah was 950). Family reunions, almost endless, at the time of the Great Flood, 5000 BC, the world was one cauldron of Sin, nothing was consecrated. Around 4000 BC with Abraham, the consecration of lives began, and the consecration of objects such as the Ark of the Covenant (1 Chronicles 15:12), and the consecration of priests (Exodus 25:26). Since all Christians, believers, are consecrated, a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), daily we show our devotion, commitment, battleflag, as “onward Christian soldiers”. We defend our faith.

The communists speculated, years ago, that they would destroy the Christian church through pedophile priests in Catholicism and a lackadaisical, “lukewarm“ skepticism in others. This began in the seminaries, college campuses, even Christian colleges are no longer different from the secular, and the worldly church where there is little difference between the language, dress, music, or activities than that of the nightclub. Instead of the Christian church changing the world, the world has transformed the Christian church into a secular, civic club-type assembly, where, in most churches, you no longer even have the Christian cross. There may be reading from the Bible, or a book of prayer, but the Christian message has been muffled by sports and political activity. I attended one Southern Baptist church where the pastor talked more of baseball than he did the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Jesus, preacher of Judaism and the Law, was tired of the money-changers in the temple, he ran them out. Until the Christian church is willing to cleanse itself it will be powerless to cleanse the community, even against a billboard that debases our savior.

Television, particularly childrens programs have done a very good job of making evil good. I have been totally blind for 40 years, I am told that I would not recognize today's television, today's magazine racks, today's dress of most young people. One person told me he was having eye surgery and recuperation for six months. He could not believe how much television changed in just six months: promotion of homosexuality, political socialism.

One third grade school teacher calls a local talk show talking about the indoctrination of elementary school children to evolution. A sixth grade teacher who worked for me, told me most teachers were indifferent about spirituality, homosexuality, euthanasia, and politics. We have sown to the wind, and we have reaped a whirlwind (Hosea 8:7)

Through television and today's public schools, Children have been brainwashed to accept evil. I remember speaking at a Baptist convention in 1955, and I said, “just wait until you see what the hippies and the communists via television and the public schools have done to your children.” Now we see that they are teaching them and are the program directors of the shows they are watching.

The most dangerous species of animal-life left on the Earth is that of the black human being, 52% of all black babies are aborted. One of my good friends, a black doctor, said to me recently,” abortion and AIDS are wiping out the black population.” The black nationalist church does not seem to care. 3000 babies are aborted in America each day, 1352 black, the black population is only 13% of the national population. There was a time when the black population, the black church was consecrated. There was a time when the white churches, temples, synagogues, were consecrated. Even with the greatest man-made disaster in history, the “gulf oil” pollution, we hear nothing from the churches. God, expecting our consecration, may become silent...speaking only with volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Dutchmen Joran Van Der Sloot, who has received more publicity for a murder since Jack Ruby was caught on television with his gun, said in his panic that he was blind to what he was signing...that he was tricked by the Peruvian police, that they said he would be extradited to the Netherlands. We are all being tricked, tricked by the backroom dealings of Mr. Obama and the officials from British Petroleum (BP). British Petroleum, Goldman Sachs, Obama, are all so closely entwined with lies and deceit, sorcery and trickery, Houdini, at his best, could not separate them.

Now, as with everything else, it is a matter of throwing money at the problem. Have you ever seen so many totally lost, educated people. They do not know what to do. Where were the world's environmentalists when BP was licensed to drill that far down, in that particular spot, knowing ocean of methane gas there? Can one even imagine the explosion of gas with a pressure at 100,000 PSI and the tsunami that would develop. In your lifetime you are witnessing one of the world's greatest man-made catastrophes.

Once, on the front porch of my beach house, one of my friends talked about a small ant carrying a stick several times the size of the ant. Another one of my smart friends went over and stepped on the ant. Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise (Proverbs 6:6)Three thousand years ago, King Solomon told us about our wisdom. The ant always prepares ahead of time. The ant, with 250,000 brain cells, shows us how to live... preparing for the future, industriousness. So far, with only state-controlled news we have just speculation and hysteria about the gulf oil disaster.

Until recently, we thought international warfare would come from nations who share rivers, such as the Indus River of India and Pakistan, two nuclear countries with long-held animosities. Water is almost as valuable in the middle east as oil, the Euphrates and Tigris rivers are drying up.

As geophysical problems continue in Africa and other parts of the world, leading to starvation, populations will migrate to places known to have food. There has not been rain in southern Iraq for 5,000 days, in other parts of the world, particularly Africa, crops are drying up.

The fumbling, bumbling Obama administration, trying to clarify a Gulf policy while cramming BP money in their pockets. BP contributed one million dollars to the Obama campaign. Along with the gaggle of eugenic promoters such as Kissinger, Brzezinski, Rumsfeld are only interested in the new world order, taking care of their own. Little concern with the millions who will suffer and die from the greed of the affluent politicians. All multimillionaires: Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Brzezinski, Bush (41 and 43), Clinton, 237 members of Congress, why should they care about marine life in and around the Gulf of Mexico? Why should they care about the thousands of Haitians still living under tents?

For many years, I owned an apartment in Manhattan which I used while I was in town. I attended the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, one of the great churches of our country. During the first years of Princeton University seminary, this church would give a new suit to each graduating Presbyterian minister.

The man who now heads the bioethics department at Princeton University is Dr. Peter great an abortion promoter as Obama. He said, “Is life worth living? Are the interests of a future child a reason for bringing that child into existence? And is the continuance of our species justifiable in the face of our knowledge that it will certainly bring suffering to innocent future human beings”.

It is not up to Dr. Singer, Obama, Bill Gates, or any of the other rich eugenics promoters to decide. God made the decision about every human being he would put on this Earth before the very foundation of the world. The challenge for us is to find, though divine providence, the biophysical survival for a world devoted to the bioethicist, survival of man in order that man will glorify God. From one end of the Earth to the other, traveling through every continent, I have seen beautiful children of every color, no two alike, each special. I have never met one person in the world who wished he had never been born, never had the blessing of life.


Someone asked me, “how can you tell a Christian?” I said, “a Christian is in love with God's Word. The bed is too short and the blanket is too narrow, something is going to always stick out. You cannot hide your commitment, you cannot get enough of it...the written word, the musical word. You want to commit most of it to memory.” I have thought of this often, “do I know very many people who are truly Christian?” When I call friends or relatives, I can hear a television set going...they always have time for that type of slop (liquid garbage), but, they never speak to me of God's Word, their devotion to it. Nothing makes me happier than to enjoy Christian communication-relationship with another Christian.

One small boy went to pet store wanting to buy a puppy, he told the owner, “I have two dollars and fifty seven cents. I saw a mother with her puppies in the window, I want to buy one of the puppies.” The owner said, “these puppies sell for thirty dollars.” The owner opened the door of the cage, and the mother and her puppies ran out, except for one which was much slower than the others. The owner said, “which puppy do you like best?“ to which the boy said, “I like the one who is running slow.” The owner replied, “no, you do not want that one, he was born deformed. He will never be able to run or be as active as you'd want a puppy to be. He is not worth as much as the others.” The young boy pulled up his trouser legs, showing a prosthesis and said, “I am not very fast either, but he is worth just as much as the others. I will pay you $2.57 today and 50 cents each month until I pay the 30 dollars for the puppy.” The disabled boy left the store with the disabled puppy.

Only the disabled can understand disability, no person can understand blindness except the blind. No person can understand God without God.

I have told many people, over the years. I truly believe most people think that one who is blind can see most of the time... can see when it's time to get dressed, can see to shave, can see to prepare food, can see what you are eating in restaurant when you realize something is wrong with the food, can see how to get a thorn out of your hand, can see the disgust of the “normal” when you ask for help.

God has a way of equalizing everything, we know he loves best those who have lost most. I will never understand how and why Christians are so envious of the lost...wanting to act like them, look like them, think like them. 85% of Americans say they believe in God, yet most find very little time for a God.

If this Psalm does not change your life, nothing will:

(Psalm 73)

1 Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart.
2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped.
3 For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is firm.
5 They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men.
6 Therefore pride compasseth them about as a chain; violence covereth them as a garment.
7 Their eyes stand out with fatness: they have more than heart could wish.
8 They are corrupt, and speak wickedly concerning oppression: they speak loftily.
9 They set their mouth against the heavens, and their tongue walketh through the earth.
10 Therefore his people return hither: and waters of a full cup are wrung out to them.
11 And they say, How doth God know? and is there knowledge in the most High?
12 Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world; they increase in riches.
13 Verily I have cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my hands in innocency.
14 For all the day long have I been plagued, and chastened every morning.
15 If I say, I will speak thus; behold, I should offend against the generation of thy children.
16 When I thought to know this, it was too painful for me;
17 Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end.
18 Surely thou didst set them in slippery places: thou castedst them down into destruction.
19 How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! they are utterly consumed with terrors.
20 As a dream when one awaketh; so, O Lord, when thou awakest, thou shalt despise their image.
21 Thus my heart was grieved, and I was pricked in my reins.
22 So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee.
23 Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand.
24 Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.
25 Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.
26 My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.
27 For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee.
28 But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works.


Our sovereign God knew exactly what he was doing in his magnificent design of life, flora or fauna. In the design of animals, man's “crowning glory” is his nervous system. The equine (horses, zebras, etc.) species have a far superior digestive system. The feline species (cats) have a superior muscular system. The canine species (dogs) have a superior sense of smell. The avian species (birds) have a superior visual system, although the birds have brains the size of pinhead, with a superior lens-capsule of the eye they can spot a small insect on the ground from many feet, and so it is, even with the hen in the chicken yard.

Genus Homo Sapiens (man) is the only animal who knows he is going to die, who has the ability to reason. We know there are exceptions to every rule, that some animals are much smarter than others. One of my secretaries said that her dog could talk to her, I never heard the dog say anything. Humans have a remarkable ability to compartmentalize, the brain is wired so effectively, that through voluntary and involuntary stimuli we accomplish certain actions.

The brain surgeon tells us that there are about 14 billion cells in the human brain, very few people use even a small percentage of their mental ability. We see a marvelous work of art, hear a genius play the piano, come in contact with other talents which give us the blessed assurance that a divine creator knew what he was doing when he created the creature in his image. Many can compartmentalize our talent, keeping it separate from perversion or deviancy. You can staff a university from any prison system.

Most human beings have an ability to love, and a desire for love. In traveling the world, every continent, I never found a civilization that did not have the desire for worship. The devotion to a power greater than self is built into the fabric of every human personality. Even pagans worship something, they may carve an idol out of a piece of wood and then burn the scraps of the wood from which they carved their idol, but they worship something. Every human being who witnesses the warmth of the sun, knows the refreshment of water, the smell of a flower, hears the laughter of an innocent child, knows that there is a superior creator...that darkness can not overcome light...that there is no compatibility between health and disease.

Most of the poverty in the world is below the 30th parallel, in a pagan country, untouched by western civilization, you find dirt and depravity. You never see a well-kept lawn, an attractive home, you never see a well-kept vehicle, stores are just stalls, the people know nothing of décor, or sophistication. Most of the third world countries of Africa, Asia and South America (note that I did not say “all”) , the people, though beautiful, are in a struggle for survival. Their survival, their family skills, atest to the reason that we are having such a migration from these third world countries: Africa to Europe, South America to North America, etc.

It will only worsen with both natural and man-made catastrophes such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and oil spills. Such volcanoes have caused mass starvation in the world, and so it has been with great climate changes. Eugenicists are, right now, promoting the idea of global haze curtain between the Earth and the Sun, which will limit agriculture and cause much starvation, because these people, the Bilderbergers, the elitists of the world, feel the Earth cannot support its present population, much less the predicted population growth.

I have studied the inner-man for many years, the fact that the power of God, the very power that created the Earth and everything in it, the power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, the very power that raised others from the dead, gave sight to the blind, healed the sick, can, most definitely, totally change the heart of a human being. We know it happens, we have seen the results, we know the feeling.

From the very beginning, man was created to worship, we are here to glorify God. God's first words to man, “He is a jealous God” (Exodus 20:1-5)

Much of the civilized world is punctuated by places of worship...synagogues, temples, churches. In Europe and America, the sky is awarded with church steeples, you do not find church steeples or places of worships in godless, communist countries, or pagan countries. The mystery to me, in recent years, the change of westerners in the attitude of worship. You will note some denominational churches have even removed the denomination and even the word “church” from their building. They prefer to call their worship area a “vineyard” or “rock”, etc.

In my life, great cathedrals, great temples of worship, with magnificent stained-glass windows, naves or wood-carvings, great bell systems, and multi-piped organs have been replaced by drums and drama, bells and smells...people playing church, forsaking worthy hymns of inspiration and doctrine.

I was in a west coast city, and near my hotel were several of these mega-liberal “religious adventures”. I decided to go to one, just to see what was going on. I entered a large courtyard type complex, many flowers, many plants, many trees, the assembly room was pew-less, just individual chairs, to the side was a large “night club-like” facility with a bar and individual tables. I went over and sat at one of the tables...just listening to what was going on. At that time, I had a small amount of vision in the left eye, 25 years ago. I noticed that the people came dressed very casually: shorts, flip-flops, sun dresses, etc.

Three women, dressed in long gowns, came in with musical instruments, a supposed minister dressed in a pink robe, came up to the supposed pulpit. One girl came over to ask me if I wanted a drink, she said, “we have beer, soft drinks, tea and coffee.” There was not a religious symbol of any type in the place, I did not a see a Bible, nothing worshipful in the entire complex. The minister was going around greeting people, laughing and joking. There were several minsters in strange garb. I had generally been ignored. Finally, one large man came over and asked me what I was doing there, asked if I was a member of the press. I said, “do you want me to leave?” He said, “yes, we would like for you to leave.” I said, “I don't see very much, you will have to help me out.” He got me to the street, through all the shrubbery and God's rather mixed-up crowd, I will not say “believers” because I do not know what they believe. I am sure now, as then, that they were seeking something, making a worship attempt, but lost in their ignorance about God, His book, and everything which His Holy Spirit has taught.

When you watch the Osteens of the world, the Schullers of the world, the Benny Hinns of the world, no please, in Christ three years of public ministry, 30 AD. There was nothing in history as violent as the Roman Empire, who was ruling over the very area of Christ's ministry. No religious group as mixed up as the Jewish nation, Pharisees and Sadducees, but from Jesus Christ and his disciples, his pentecostal followers, the “good news” of salvation still goes forth.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Wake Up Call

America's great writer Washington Irving wrote a short story about about a man named Rip Van Winkle. Van Winkle after drinking a strange mixture, went to sleep for 20 years. After awakening, he found the world had changed around him. Most of us have not been sleeping, but those who died twenty or even thirty years ago would hardly recognize today's America.

One morning, several years ago, my driver who always who came to work at 8 AM was driving me several places on business. We always parked right at the end of my walkway to my backdoor, making it easy for a blind person to get in and out of the car. I noticed my backdoor was unlocked, strange because I always locked the door. Walking inside the lower floor of my house, I was almost knocked down by two police officers about to exit the house. My driver, Joe Rush, who had worked for me for 20 years, was just behind me. Not knowing who these people were, still stymied and shocked by the unexpected, I said, “what are you doing in my house?” My driver said, “they are police officers.” then he asked them, “don't you know this man is a blind veteran?” One of the police officers said, “we know he is a veteran, he has a uniform hanging in a closet, we are just here checking on him.”

To this day, after having talked about this on the radio, written about it several times, as I am doing now, I do not know what they were checking on, uninvited and without a warrant. Why would they check my closets? I have kept one dressed uniform with all my ribbons and decorations, in which to be buried. But since, one employee stole all the military decorations. Since my country has no more regard for me than to break into my house, I have decided to dispel all such previous arrangements, to just have a cremation process and burial without any services, ashes next to my parents. Any government, any country that will so degrade it's veterans, should not spend one dime even for a flag to bury a veteran.

The average American does not understand what we have lost. When you go to a police state like the Seychelles Islands and learn how those citizens live you can understand how rapidly America is turning to such tyranny, with our present communist-mafia-capitalistic government. I was in the Seychelles for one week, staying at the famous Plantation Club Hotel. In these Islands, ruled by the police tyrant, everyone is assigned work. You are completely at the mercy of the government. A government officer can enter your house at any time, inspect, molest your family, do anything they want to do to you. On the Seychelles, there is a mandatory curfew on the islands.

At the hotel, I noticed one of the swimming pool boys who was very nice to me, could hardly walk because he was so badly beaten. Secretly, he told me that he had been caught on the road trying to get home before curfew. The police had almost beaten him to death. I found many similar practices in communist, police-controlled countries.

The first photograph I made in Moscow was of a really old woman sweeping the streets with a worn broom. Everyone had a job, this was her job. Many of you have seen photographs of people sweeping snow off the streets in North Korea.

Legislation is in progress now to regulate your house, and unless you house meets certain specifications, you will not get a permit to sell it. You can be certain that in the near future, grids will be used to regulate the amount of electricity you use. You can be certain that in the future your medicine cabinet will be inspected, your refrigerator will be inspected. The unemployment rate in this country is now 22%, the unemployment rate after the Great Depression (1930-1940) was 20%. People going to work are all going to work for the government, the government pays better than private industry, so there will be government officials to do these inspections.

Legislation is in progress now regarding the farming community, all animals on the farm must have a number, and nothing can be sold from the farm without a license. Life in America will be a matter of permits and inspections, things that are not already under such regulations. There are very few things left in this free country not subjected to permits, licenses, and inspections. Our ancestors would not believe the takeover, without a shot being fired.

Nikita Khrushchev, premier of the USSR, standing before the United Nations, while banging his shoe on the podium said, “we will bury you.” Alexander Solzhenitsyn, said Russia lost everything because he forgot God. Today, in white Protestant, Catholic, and Baptist churches you are left small congregations of white-haired Americans, the young white Americans are gone. Today, in the black nationalistic churches you are left with white-haired black Americans, the young black Americans are gone.

When Elisha went out to plow with his twelve yoke of oxen (1 Kings 19:19) he did not know that Elijah would cast his mantle upon him, but once a man is changed he will never be the same again. Elisha immediately stop plowing, burned his plow, barbequed his oxen, then for eleven years, he studied and served under Elijah. He was a changed man forever.

The 56 Americans who signed the Declaration of Independence, risking everything, were changed men. They were awake, knowing the thrill of liberty. Those who fought in the Revolution, those who fought at Gettysburg, on Okinawa, even in Baghdad know the challenge of liberty.

The coarsening of our culture, the corruption of politics through money, and state-controlled news media, where such Americans as Palin, Huckabee, or Romney cannot win an election because they are Christian. The incompetence of government as shown in the “gulf oil” disaster. Failure on every side: economics, education, industry tells Americans in a very loud voice, “drugs and indifference has replaced accomplishment and victory.”

The Set of the Sails

One ship drives east and another drives west
With the selfsame winds that blow.
'Tis the set of the sails,
And Not the gales,
That tell us the way to go.

Like the winds of the sea are the ways of fate;
As we voyage along through life,
'Tis the set of a soul
That decides its goal,
And not the calm or the strife.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox, “The Winds of Fate”

In Homer's Odyssey, Ulysses has himself tied to the mast in order that he may hear the sirens' song, yet not follow all other sailors who, having done so, become shipwreck. This shows that it may be advantageous not to be free, and so is a focus for debates over paternalism, and the relation between higher and lower inclinations, or reason and desire.

When God forgives, he forgets, but does not allow us to forget. He wants us to remember the pit or the hole from which we were digged (Isaiah 51:1). God, through the redemption of Christ, has forgiven us for our sins. But expects His new creation, to set our sails in a new direction.

Once, my driver and I went to a county prison, I wanted to deliver some Christian material for the prisoners. As always in the old south, the prison was located in a swamp, dilapidated buildings enclosed and separated by a wire fence. It was Sunday afternoon, visiting day. All around the fence, mothers, fathers, wives, children were on one side of the fence, visiting with the inmates on the other. Most of the prisoners were, then as now, minorities. In today's prisons 75% of prisoners are minorities.

There they were, grown men, sticking fingers through wire to touch their child, wife, or parent. This was the highlight of their life, a visit from a loved one. It put new emphasis on the words: “if you cant do the time, don't do the crime.” Which of the people involved: prisoner, family member, guard, whoever, could ever get over such a visual tragedy. Just think of these parents, who knew this grown man as a small baby, who they loved very much and for whom they had such great expectations. How many of these children will ever forget this experience, visiting a father behind a wire prison fence.

We can exercise much judgment about inequities in the judicial system, and there are so many: crooked lawyers, crooked judges, crooked witnesses, and law enforcement officers. We just have to depend on the justice of God. One day, and soon, He will judge all: prisoners, victims, law enforcement, politicians, with equity.

“Before the LORD; for he cometh to judge the earth: with righteousness shall he judge the world, and the people with equity.” (Psalm 98:9) This is a verse which should scare every one of us...knowing that the very One who threw the stars into space will judge us with equity. That we will be before Him all alone...without the efforts of a crooked lawyer.

Often, like Ulysses we would have been better off to have been strapped to the mast, completely constrained, unable to follow evil seductions. By the time a child is 6 years old, authority of parents, sovereignty of God should be established in the wiring of every child.

After my mother's death, my father still lived in the old family farm house where both he and myself were raised. You have all seen such, a big white house in a big oak grove. I would call ahead and tell him that I was coming the 150 miles to take him out to lunch. My driver would say each time that before we arrived, regardless of the weather, he will be sitting on the front porch watching for you. And he always was.

Likewise, my mother, when alive, was always standing behind a glass door watching for us coming down the highway. When I was young and still at home, she and the too large collie dogs, could time us to the very minute, because both knew our curfew. When I hear young people, drunk, infatuated with sin, going up and down streets at night, I know the types of homes from which they come. Setting the sail early, determining the course of travel early, will prevent many later sorrows.

We are human beings, made in the image of god, superior in every way to other life.

The honey bee, which according to the known laws of aerodynamics, is not supposed to be able to fly, will travel 3,000 miles in it's lifetime to produce 1 spoonful of honey. A microscopic bacteria is capable of killing any large animal or plant. A small incest is capable of shutting down electric grids covering many states. A small particle of sand is capable of killing a powerful engine. Small birds have brought down large jet planes.

In the Valley of Elah, where David slew the giant Goliath with a slingshot and one stone, as the entire Jewish army cringed in fear. We know that this was not the first time David had used a slingshot. It was 1000 BC, then, just as today, a sovereign God was in charge. The future king of Israel, son of Jesse, had set his sail early in life.

I was in a remote area in India, visiting an archeological site. Although monkeys are worshiped in many temples in India, a young boy was paid to chase monkeys away from this archeological site. He used a slingshot and rocks, and was deadly with his aim. Like a great athlete, who know exactly how to throw or hit a ball, a great surgeon who knows exactly where to cut, a great pianist who knows exactly which key to touch, it is a matter of setting your sail, taking life seriously very early.

I had rather to have died than to have embarrassed my parents by having them visit me in prison, nor do I want to disappoint them by them waiting for me on the other side should I not show up. As Ella Wheeler Wilcox has so beautifully said, life is full of storms, many winds. Use the wind behind your sail...the discipline producing character, character determining destination.