We spend our lives intimidated by knowledge, mostly by people who we think know more than we do, teachers, school-board members, people who are supposed to know more than we do...mostly because of the letters after their name...mostly because they are university-connected, corporate-connected, or media connected. You must fit into one of these three categories for anyone to believe anything you say.
There is an advertisement which states “a mind is a terrible thing to waste”, think of the minds in the world that have been wasted, think of those marvelous minds aborted: doctors, nurses, teachers, parents, poets, perhaps even a Pope.
Out in the country where I was raised, I will never forget her, my first Sunday school teacher, one of my mother's best friends, a woman with little formal education. She had the most comprehensive, photographic mind one can imagine, she could tell you the birthdate of every person in the countryside, old/young, black/white, rich or poor. She could quote almost any verse or scripture in the Bible, the preacher, in services would ask her where a certain verse is found. She could quote almost exactly anything she had ever read in any book...give you the diagnosis for any disease, the incubation period for any plant or animal, she was a walking storehouse of knowledge. Can you even imagine what she could have accomplished if given today's opportunities, a formal education, the opportunity which so many youth just throw away?
She came to me when television was just becoming popular, available in the countryside, she knew that I was a vision specialist and that she could talk with me. Probably, she loved me almost as much as my mother. She said, “Thomas, this new television is nothing but mind control, I can detect the subliminal words in the speech patterns and music from the set. With the camera and lights, they are hypnotizing the people who watch. With this instrument, Satan can change the thought patterns of anyone.”
I had studied subliminal perception in school, was familiar with the work of the Chinese in the Korean conflict, their effective mind control over prisoners and their own people. It continues to amaze me that more research and discussion has not taken place in this field, unless it is a contrived deception participated in by the “New World Order” for mind control. Bertrand Russell, atheist educator, said, “the ultimate conquest of communism will be by mind control.”
The Christian community has abrogated itself to Satanic purposes. Children from Christian homes are much more familiar with the vampirism found in the blood-sucking exploits in the Harry Potter books, then they are the credulity and historicity of God's infinite, immutable instruction. Young or Old, Satan does not care where you put your faith, Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad, as long it is not in Christ.
Congress wants the American taxpayer to perform like a trained dog...just roll over and play dead, Bernanke wants full control of all tax dollars. Foreclosures increased 2500% last year. Fat, lazy, spoiled baby-boomers starting their retirements this year, grabbing at their entitlements, have seen America's best days. People are holding on to their money, not knowing what the future holds, not spending, there is no hiring, joblessness will increase and so will the downward spiral of everything.
Dumb Americans abrogated their good sense in voting for communist ideology, hope and change, a president who, with his chief of staff were members of the “Man's Country” gay bathhouse in Chicago (stoptheaclu.com). A president, who if not born in Kenya, when he his divorced mother married an Indonesian in order to go to a Muslim Indonesian school, was an Indonesian citizen, in any matter, his citizenship regarding presidency is questioned and he has spent millions try to quash inquiries, as well as his college records, as well as other information that presidential candidates readily make available. When you abrogate one thing to wind up abrogating everything. Henry Kissinger says the American soldier is just a “pawn” for the new world order. Everything is in battle gear for a middle east warfare and the beginning of World War 3. We can expect Israel to attack Iran, endless conflict at hotspots around the world.
The Christian and patriot community have abrogated their culture to the whims of Oprah. In the gospel according the Oprah, The Secret (Rhonda Byrne), becomes holy writ...we creatures become Gods.
The exploitation film, Reefer Madness, which came out in 1936 enticed the world to use Marijuana. Teens laughing, dancing, smoking, then going off to the bedroom, a delusional-illusional world not based on reality. Through the madness of the film, and Steven Spielberg has told us that he can control the world through film, every one wants to participate. Addiction becomes the norm, evil becomes good, good becomes evil.
Horace Greeley, founder of the Republican party, editor and politician said, “people who read and study the Bible will not become enslaved.” People who study the human cell, who have any comprehension of the first chapter, first verse of the Bible, will not abrogate or subrogate their marvelous mind to the sorcery of Satan.