Today is the one year anniversary of the death of Michael Jackson. I understand his fans are pouring into Los Angeles and into the places which he frequented to honor him. He is making more money dead than when he was alive, his estate hoping to pay off his many debts. If you went to a Michael Jackson concert, this little sissy, pedophile, drug-addicted pervert, you paid well for front row seats. The same people who pay so much for front row seats, to be close to perversion would get as far away as possible from people of principle...real pastors, real political leaders, real towers of talent; Jackson was a counterfeit. You must know the real to recognize counterfeit, the world loves counterfeit, impostors.
Those of my age have lived through the most marvelous time in history, we saw the world when it was still a decent place. Like those in Pompeii when volcano Vesuvius erupted, they saw Pompeii and Italy at its zenith, they had front row seats. They saw how quickly and easily Pompeii became an ash heap in history. Walking through the streets of Pompeii, I noted that the heat flash of the volcano so paralyzed everything that the animals and people were killed and covered instantaneously. They are still there, frozen in cement lava, having never been removed.
Those of my age saw America at it's best, real patriots returning from WW1, giving justice to much of the world. Returning from WW2, rectifying the struggle, seeing great scientific exploits: plastics, vehicles, plane travel, education and exploration (DNA, moonwalk, health exploits). Grabbing at the wisdom of man, and forgetting God, depending on government checks, not the gifts and abundance of a creator, killing rather than saving the lives of babies, killing rather than bringing health to the unfortunates of the world, educators whose livelihood depend on children support a political party (Democrat) that promotes abortion (the killing of the very children which they expect to live from educating). The president of the national education association apologizes to his membership because a black choir sang an anthem in which God was used. In the popular, gay resort-town of Provincetown, Massachusetts the school board voted unanimously to pass out condoms to elementary aged school children, the parents will not even be informed if their children receive such.
Today's Americans, today's youth have front row seats to watch the dismantling of the world's greatest republic. It happened to Greece, it happened to Rome, it happened to France, it happened to Germany, warned ahead of time. People were too busy with themselves. Although we talk of illegalities, we are a country of “laws rather than men”. Obama will make millions of Mexicans legal citizens with just a stroke of a pen in an executive order. Socialized, old-people Europe, will use it's attempt at a European union, countries who historically fought one another, just came to insulting one another, then decided to unionize. The hardworking, thrifty Germans were expected to support the spending, spreeing Spaniards. The reckless Greeks, early retirees, leisure living, expected the vacationing French to support them. It has become a mess. In America, about half the population, vigilant and diligent, supports the other half who pay no taxes at all, but have learned to live well on welfare.
There is no way that those who pull and push the wagon will not rebel in time against those content to just ride in the wagon. Those who love God will cease to tolerate those who hate God. We known Nehemiah and his fellow Jews returning to Jerusalem after captivity, they rebuilt it, with bricks in one hand, their swords in the other, because they realized it is necessary to defend what you have built.
Lackadaisical, all you need is love, “eat drink and be merry, because tomorrow you may die”, liberal-hypocrite Americans will no longer be supported by God-fearing, tax-paying, hardworking citizens. The fat, lazy, complacent baby-boomers, themselves raising spoiled children, should learn basic math. A country with its entitlement, its medicare, medicaid, social adventures now reach 108 trillion dollars, must get factual, not sociological. An aging, socialized population in Japan is keeping it in the doldrums of depression. An aging, socialized population in England and other European countries have brought most of these countries to brink of disaster: UK, Iceland, Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, the Balkans, etc.
Adding to the “black hole” of disbelief by those of us sitting in front row seats, as we see the insanity on stage, passport photos are no longer believable because of so many transgendered people (men changing into women, women changing into men) and we thought the French had problems with veils used in driver's licenses.
The communist-socialist agenda, the black nationalist church agenda, the gay agenda, the blame and hate America first agenda will certainly do us in, unless real patriots, not counterfeit smoochers, go to war for America and the ideals that made America great, that has made the greatest migration the world has ever known towards our shores by people seeking only opportunity.
I never thought of going to college by anyone's efforts except my own (I worked my way through school), there were no grants, no scholarships. I never knew a man to go to war in order to get a pension. We went to war to save the world from tyranny, for God, family, and country.
In the story of the alabaster box, the woman who gave all she owned to glorify Christ, Christ tells us to do as much as she did. Only in the great commission are we told to do more, “wherever this Gospel is preached, tell what this woman has done.” (Matthew 26) This woman in the house of Simon the leper gave all she had, Christ complimented her, disputed them, and gave her as an example of giving, forever.
In front row seats, watching the insanity around us, our ancestors, the forefathers of this country has given us much to remember, to think about, to defend as we face those who would, and will eventually, if left unchecked, destroy it. We are in the front row seats of history, world history, ecological history, economic history, the very survival of mankind.
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