Dutchmen Joran Van Der Sloot, who has received more publicity for a murder since Jack Ruby was caught on television with his gun, said in his panic that he was blind to what he was signing...that he was tricked by the Peruvian police, that they said he would be extradited to the Netherlands. We are all being tricked, tricked by the backroom dealings of Mr. Obama and the officials from British Petroleum (BP). British Petroleum, Goldman Sachs, Obama, are all so closely entwined with lies and deceit, sorcery and trickery, Houdini, at his best, could not separate them.
Now, as with everything else, it is a matter of throwing money at the problem. Have you ever seen so many totally lost, educated people. They do not know what to do. Where were the world's environmentalists when BP was licensed to drill that far down, in that particular spot, knowing ocean of methane gas there? Can one even imagine the explosion of gas with a pressure at 100,000 PSI and the tsunami that would develop. In your lifetime you are witnessing one of the world's greatest man-made catastrophes.
Once, on the front porch of my beach house, one of my friends talked about a small ant carrying a stick several times the size of the ant. Another one of my smart friends went over and stepped on the ant. Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise (Proverbs 6:6)Three thousand years ago, King Solomon told us about our wisdom. The ant always prepares ahead of time. The ant, with 250,000 brain cells, shows us how to live... preparing for the future, industriousness. So far, with only state-controlled news we have just speculation and hysteria about the gulf oil disaster.
Until recently, we thought international warfare would come from nations who share rivers, such as the Indus River of India and Pakistan, two nuclear countries with long-held animosities. Water is almost as valuable in the middle east as oil, the Euphrates and Tigris rivers are drying up.
As geophysical problems continue in Africa and other parts of the world, leading to starvation, populations will migrate to places known to have food. There has not been rain in southern Iraq for 5,000 days, in other parts of the world, particularly Africa, crops are drying up.
The fumbling, bumbling Obama administration, trying to clarify a Gulf policy while cramming BP money in their pockets. BP contributed one million dollars to the Obama campaign. Along with the gaggle of eugenic promoters such as Kissinger, Brzezinski, Rumsfeld are only interested in the new world order, taking care of their own. Little concern with the millions who will suffer and die from the greed of the affluent politicians. All multimillionaires: Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Brzezinski, Bush (41 and 43), Clinton, 237 members of Congress, why should they care about marine life in and around the Gulf of Mexico? Why should they care about the thousands of Haitians still living under tents?
For many years, I owned an apartment in Manhattan which I used while I was in town. I attended the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, one of the great churches of our country. During the first years of Princeton University seminary, this church would give a new suit to each graduating Presbyterian minister.
The man who now heads the bioethics department at Princeton University is Dr. Peter Singer...as great an abortion promoter as Obama. He said, “Is life worth living? Are the interests of a future child a reason for bringing that child into existence? And is the continuance of our species justifiable in the face of our knowledge that it will certainly bring suffering to innocent future human beings”.
It is not up to Dr. Singer, Obama, Bill Gates, or any of the other rich eugenics promoters to decide. God made the decision about every human being he would put on this Earth before the very foundation of the world. The challenge for us is to find, though divine providence, the biophysical survival for a world devoted to the bioethicist, survival of man in order that man will glorify God. From one end of the Earth to the other, traveling through every continent, I have seen beautiful children of every color, no two alike, each special. I have never met one person in the world who wished he had never been born, never had the blessing of life.
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