14 times in the Gospels, Christ warns us about false teachers, no one has done as much to promote false teachers as Oprah Winfrey. Oprah would hitch her horse to any wagon of the New-Age movement. The movement which is attracting much attention, which has infected every denomination, every seminary, every college, is that of the “emerging church”. Participants seek to live their faith in what they believe to be a “postmodern” society, most are disillusioned with modern Christian worship, the institutional Church, and the nature of the modern Christian community.
Brian McLaren, founding pastor of the Cedar Ridge church in Maryland, based this philosophy on his “A New Kind of Christian” trilogy. Another involved is Mark Driscoll, SBC pastor known for his liberal, pornographic tongue. Other, lesser known “preachers“ play the usual games with God...attempting to put every religion under one umbrella. Attempting to change God instead of God changing them...making the “Cross” just a figment of the imagination, a distraction. John 3:16 is interpreted as “God so loved the Earth, that he gave the emerging church”.
In order for socialism or communism to succeed, the Christian church must be squashed. Go to any city in western civilization, even Jerusalem, and you will see church steeples dominating the skyline. You will never see a church steeple in a communist country. In a communist country, the great churches such as St. Basil in Moscow, or St. Isaacs in Leningrad became museums. In communist China you cannot find a church of any type. Like all monuments, even tombstones, all these buildings were beat into gravel, and used to build highways.
Jesus Christ, the “Ideal Servant” was not looking for people who agreed with him. He preached himself, he told us that he was the truth (John 17 and John 14), the light, the life, the way, the door, the bread, the water. He was either who he said he was, or the greatest fraud the world has ever known. But, after two thousand years, this man who never led an army, never wrote a book, never traveled over 40 miles from the place he was born...who was born in a borrowed stable, buried in a borrowed tomb, still has every check written, every document of every source dated because of his birth.
We can understand how Richard Dawkins, biologist and Darwinian evolutionist, can have such a low opinion of Christianity because of his opinion of Christians. We can understand why Christopher Hitchens, radical writer and Darwinian evolutionist, has a low opinion of Christianity because of his opinion of Christians.
Most church goers, pew-warmers, are more concerned about themselves than th servitude of Christ. It is all about them. Most are more concerned about the “Order of Worship”, the musically correctness of the anthem, that the pastor did not say anything politically incorrect, that no adulterer, fornicator, embezzler was embarrassed. In fact, I can understand the attitude and disappointment of these progenitors of the emerging church. But, their paganism, like all paganism does not justify anything else.
Today's churches have become gigantic pet stores, you can teach parrots to talk, all puppies like to be petted. When was the last time you saw a Christian cross prominently displayed in a protestant church? How can a Christian participate at the communion table in remembrance of Christ and then walk out of the building, laughing and smiling (at breakneck speed to get to the Cafeteria) unaware of the significance of Christ's atonement.
Karl Marx, in Communist Manifesto, stated that America must implode, that America can not be defeated from the outside. The Christian church has done a good job of imploding. Americans like to imitate Europe, Europe has become pagan. Two churches are sold in England every day, more caskets than cradles are manufactured in England.
The Bible is a Jewish book, Gentiles come in contact with the Jews, Jews attempt to keep the law, Christians are delivered from the law. Most would attempt to cross a raging river, climb a slick mountain side to gain the eternal promises of God through Jesus Christ. Most are not willing to accept the free gift of salvation or live their faith before others, they had rather redesign the Gospels, the Good News. In Uganda, a native pastor attempting to put a new roof on his church said to me, “Go home and tell Christians: that Christians are still building here.”
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