I was in Egypt about 40 years ago and just before making a picture of the great Aswan Dam, the guide said, “you are not allowed to make a picture of Egypt's great electrical system.” A Jewish friend said, “when you get to Israel, you can make all the pictures you want. They think that other nations do not have pictures of their power-plants of every type. Israel has pictures of every significant electrical facility in the world.” Electricity is something that most of us, like most things, take for granted. Every thing in life is controlled by a switch, except children.
No one has ever defined electricity precisely, when I was in freshman Physics, and so it is today, electricity is defined as electrons in rapid motion. We put a male plug into a female receptacle in the wall and expect power, and I understand that Physics professors and engineers refer to the entire process as “electrical power”.
Our ancestors knew something about electricity, enough to know that it can kill you, even static electricity. Over 400 workers are electrocuted in America each year. The old fashioned, fine homes of my youth had lightning rods on the roofs. Many progressive farmers even put lighting rods on the roofs of their barns, well grounded with conducting rods. These people knew the horrors of home or barn fires caused by static electricity (a lightning strike).
The entire world is one large globule of electrical activity. When you look at the structure of a molecule, it is mostly space with protons, electrons, neutrons in an exact configuration designed by God. Even the staunchest atheist cannot refute this, the absolutes of atomic weights, physical constants, the periodic table. If the Earth had a a crust of gold, men would lie, cheat and steal for a handful of dirt. The dirt of the Earth contains all the elements God put here, none have been created, divided, or destroyed. In my study of analytical chemistry we recognize unknown elements by their color, put a piece of wood in the fire place and you will see all the colors of the elements in the wood (their spectrum).
From the dirt, God created man, and in the flesh of man, we find all the elements of dirt. Man too is just a big electrical mass, on fire with electrical activity. All the cells in the body have the essentials for electricity. To be healthy, the body must be well-grounded. It is essential to walk around barefoot...to even walk on the ground or grass barefoot. Men were healthier when they wore leather soled shoes. It is since people started wearing rubber bottom shoes (rubber being the best known practical insulator), particularly athletic shoes, that our health has taken a downward slide.
Parents profess to loving their children. Most parents do not love their children, if they did, they would not buy these expensive, designer shoes made of rubber and substitutes. They would be careful about the food which goes into their child, garbage in, garbage out through the mouth, mind, everywhere. The obesity epidemic and the diabetic epidemic can largely be traced to an upset of the homeostasis going on in the human body. The body is 80% water, an electrical “firestorm”, water, and yet a perishing humanity.
China has two great problems with it's huge population, a problem with water supply and too many workers. Traveling the world, water is the great problem of the universe. In Africa and Asia, women walking long distance with jugs of water on their heads or in between them...so many germs because of low sanitation, not enough water for bathing and cleaning.
Added to this consternation, ¾ of the Earth's surface is covered with water, salt water which must be taken into the sky, it's molecules changed by the alchemy of God and then rained on the Earth as fresh water. In India, rainwater is being harvested. Across the World, with it's increased scarcity, water must be saved. The polluters of oceans, such as British Petroleum, should be defiled by the public.
God put a special significance on water, he made sure we understood the power of water baptism. The power of water is shown in so many ways: turning turbines, shipping, sanitation. Every time I take a shower, I think of the number of ancestors who never had a decent bath. Most of today's spoiled young people think the daily shower is a custom going back to the Garden of Eden...the first bathtub was put in the White House during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt only about 100 years ago...Abraham Lincoln's family used outhouses. I had two sissy, young college male graduates, and when I described the outhouse, the way most older Americans were raised...they both became ill.
Today's electrical facilities depend on the satellites, we believe some of the satellites have been hijacked and reprogrammed. Can we even imagine the terror involved in such...our military procedures, nuclear power plants, generators programmed at water treatment facilities. The Nazis taught us that the public can be dumbed down by the usage of chloride and fluoride in drinking water, we know these poisons are toxic enough to be used in rat poisons, pesticides and weed killer.
I live just a stones throw (my downtown home) from a polluted river...one of the south's largest, the Cape Fear. All the cities up the river put their treated garbage into the river (Raleigh, Fayetteville, etc. ). Here, at the mouth of the river, the polluted water is taken from the river, and put through a water-treatment plant where it is again treated with poison to make it potable for our children and animals to drink. Are we that insane? We put poisons into the sewage before the sewage is dumped into the river, and then put poisons into the water that is taken from the river. Those familiar with the complexity of the H20 molecule knows that we are slowly killing ourselves.
It is good to be well-grounded, not only with the electrical systems of our bodies, but well-grounded in our spiritual and political beliefs. It takes faith to live above the stupid practices of this world. Faith is a verb, action substantiated by belief, sustained by confidence. We do what we do because we believe what we believe. Take faith in grounding yourself in the spiritual consequence of your personal and political life. You only go this way once, it is not a dress rehearsal.
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