A piece of metal that controls the activity of most lives is a “key”. Historians do not know when locks and keys were first made, we know that such came to life in the Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations (at least 2,000 BC, about the time Abraham arrived in Cana, 1000 years after the great flood). Before then, our early ancestors, with few regulations, steeped in sin, had little regard for one another in any way. I once found a very old wood lock buried several feet in the ground. A historian sold me a ring of large brass keys, which he had found near the civil war bentonville battleground, just a few miles from my home. We know they were civil war vintage and were probably used to keep prisoners in the stockade.
Many hotels, many automobiles use electronic locking devices. Security systems are a part of life, since everyone and every thing is more insecure than ever.
One man was sitting in a bar of a very plush hotel, it was magnificent in every way, the type of thing he had always loved, but he could not understand the vice and vulgarity going on around him. Every so often, a totally naked person would walk through, there was pornographic literature all around and the telling of dirty jokes, hilarious laughter, cursing and swearing. He said to the waiter, “I died and I thought I was in heaven. But I'd just as soon be in hell.“ The waiter said, “you are in hell. I have already been here 10,000 years.” So it is, those who have not known the importance of locks and keys in their lives, locking some things out and having the key to many things.
I have not been to a funeral, never talked to a bereaved family, all believed that their dead loved one was in heaven. Even those who have never put a foot in a house of worship, who could not stand Christian people, all believed that heaven was their final destination. Christ talked more about hell than he did heaven, we know this, not one particle of sin will enter heaven...heaven is a sinless place.
The “normal people” do not realize what disabled people go through: blind, deaf, crippled. The alignment in which they must keep their mind, absolute order: the importance of routine, the importance of having everything in it's place, the importance of keys.
I have several employees, I have always kept a very fine automobile, the key to the vehicle must be kept in a certain place. Then, everyone knows where the key is located when I must be driven somewhere. Would you like to guess, over the year, how many times the key to my car has been put in their pocket, and I have been left with a “key-less car”? Would you like to guess how much money I have spent on key duplication: for vehicles, buildings, etc.? They simply do not have presence of mind to keep their thoughts in order. Most young people, even those who are not drugged out of their skulls, stay up late into the night watching slop (liquid garbage) on television, or have other things on their mind (those who have a brain), instead of on their job. Aggravation to me, at my expense, is not a concern to them. The word “concern” is a lost word in most vocabularies.
In this “me” generation, very few are concerned about others. A public school teacher told me that she started teaching at the age of 24, after college graduation. After 30 years at the age of 54 she retired from teaching with full retirement. Her retirement is over 100,000 a year because before retirement she was principal of the school. Now, after retirement, she is working part-time at another school as an associate principal. So, she gets a hefty paycheck there also. So in other words, after retirement she will draw more money than she ever made while working, if she lives to the expected age of 90-95. This nation, right now, owes 108 trillion dollars in entitlements and retirements to such government workers and others. 60% of the population draws a government check every month.
Over the years, when going to the doctor's office, in the reception room I always ask my driver two questions, most of the doctor's reception areas, in recent years have been turned into auditoriums, in this age of assembly line health care: doctor's running from one small room to another. The questions are as follows:
1.How many people are here?
2.Are not all of them old?
Always, since the onset of medicare and medicaid, the answer was the same...the place is full, and they are all old. They are entitled, they have nothing else to do with their lives, except sit in doctor's offices and, with the productive workforce (who pay taxes) shrinking every year, with the millions of young people who would work and pay taxes being aborted. Who will pay the interest, just on the national debt? Do you realize that future opportunity has been totally destroyed for your children's children's children? Do you realize that land of the free, and home of the brave has been replaced by land of enslavement and home of the weak, silly, lying, pretending, sissies.
The key to the lock was lost somewhere, in the wasteland of political correctness, gay agenda, liberated women, and academic meltdown. He has to try and find the key, turn the lock and rediscover the America my generation inherited.
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