America's great writer Washington Irving wrote a short story about about a man named Rip Van Winkle. Van Winkle after drinking a strange mixture, went to sleep for 20 years. After awakening, he found the world had changed around him. Most of us have not been sleeping, but those who died twenty or even thirty years ago would hardly recognize today's America.
One morning, several years ago, my driver who always who came to work at 8 AM was driving me several places on business. We always parked right at the end of my walkway to my backdoor, making it easy for a blind person to get in and out of the car. I noticed my backdoor was unlocked, strange because I always locked the door. Walking inside the lower floor of my house, I was almost knocked down by two police officers about to exit the house. My driver, Joe Rush, who had worked for me for 20 years, was just behind me. Not knowing who these people were, still stymied and shocked by the unexpected, I said, “what are you doing in my house?” My driver said, “they are police officers.” then he asked them, “don't you know this man is a blind veteran?” One of the police officers said, “we know he is a veteran, he has a uniform hanging in a closet, we are just here checking on him.”
To this day, after having talked about this on the radio, written about it several times, as I am doing now, I do not know what they were checking on, uninvited and without a warrant. Why would they check my closets? I have kept one dressed uniform with all my ribbons and decorations, in which to be buried. But since, one employee stole all the military decorations. Since my country has no more regard for me than to break into my house, I have decided to dispel all such previous arrangements, to just have a cremation process and burial without any services, ashes next to my parents. Any government, any country that will so degrade it's veterans, should not spend one dime even for a flag to bury a veteran.
The average American does not understand what we have lost. When you go to a police state like the Seychelles Islands and learn how those citizens live you can understand how rapidly America is turning to such tyranny, with our present communist-mafia-capitalistic government. I was in the Seychelles for one week, staying at the famous Plantation Club Hotel. In these Islands, ruled by the police tyrant, everyone is assigned work. You are completely at the mercy of the government. A government officer can enter your house at any time, inspect, molest your family, do anything they want to do to you. On the Seychelles, there is a mandatory curfew on the islands.
At the hotel, I noticed one of the swimming pool boys who was very nice to me, could hardly walk because he was so badly beaten. Secretly, he told me that he had been caught on the road trying to get home before curfew. The police had almost beaten him to death. I found many similar practices in communist, police-controlled countries.
The first photograph I made in Moscow was of a really old woman sweeping the streets with a worn broom. Everyone had a job, this was her job. Many of you have seen photographs of people sweeping snow off the streets in North Korea.
Legislation is in progress now to regulate your house, and unless you house meets certain specifications, you will not get a permit to sell it. You can be certain that in the near future, grids will be used to regulate the amount of electricity you use. You can be certain that in the future your medicine cabinet will be inspected, your refrigerator will be inspected. The unemployment rate in this country is now 22%, the unemployment rate after the Great Depression (1930-1940) was 20%. People going to work are all going to work for the government, the government pays better than private industry, so there will be government officials to do these inspections.
Legislation is in progress now regarding the farming community, all animals on the farm must have a number, and nothing can be sold from the farm without a license. Life in America will be a matter of permits and inspections, things that are not already under such regulations. There are very few things left in this free country not subjected to permits, licenses, and inspections. Our ancestors would not believe the takeover, without a shot being fired.
Nikita Khrushchev, premier of the USSR, standing before the United Nations, while banging his shoe on the podium said, “we will bury you.” Alexander Solzhenitsyn, said Russia lost everything because he forgot God. Today, in white Protestant, Catholic, and Baptist churches you are left small congregations of white-haired Americans, the young white Americans are gone. Today, in the black nationalistic churches you are left with white-haired black Americans, the young black Americans are gone.
When Elisha went out to plow with his twelve yoke of oxen (1 Kings 19:19) he did not know that Elijah would cast his mantle upon him, but once a man is changed he will never be the same again. Elisha immediately stop plowing, burned his plow, barbequed his oxen, then for eleven years, he studied and served under Elijah. He was a changed man forever.
The 56 Americans who signed the Declaration of Independence, risking everything, were changed men. They were awake, knowing the thrill of liberty. Those who fought in the Revolution, those who fought at Gettysburg, on Okinawa, even in Baghdad know the challenge of liberty.
The coarsening of our culture, the corruption of politics through money, and state-controlled news media, where such Americans as Palin, Huckabee, or Romney cannot win an election because they are Christian. The incompetence of government as shown in the “gulf oil” disaster. Failure on every side: economics, education, industry tells Americans in a very loud voice, “drugs and indifference has replaced accomplishment and victory.”
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