Evolution was discredited long ago. There is nothing more ridiculous than Darwinian evolution. Those academics, atheists, politicians, pagans, who cling to the myth of evolution do so at their own expense and regret. They are so smart, hiding beneath the insecurity of their own wisdom. They want you to believe that they are too smart, too educated to have faith in anything other than themselves. As we find in Paul's letter to the Hebrews, without a Bible (the Bible was not completed until 95 AD), the early prophets, priests, disciples, everyone is saved because of faith (Hebrews 11). It takes much more faith to believe in the myth of evolution than it does to believe in Creation by God (from the goo to the zoo to you). “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6)
Faith is a verb. Faith is action based on belief sustained by confidence.
A college professor said to me, “surely you do not believe in this religious creation bit. Think of the millions of years of geological study.” I said, “were you there?” This is the only thing you have to say, usually, when bombarded with such academic ignorance. It is like the so-called Earth experts talking about oil coming from the decay of dinosaurs and plants. As we have seen in the Gulf, where drilling goes down many thousands of feet. Were you there, and how did these animals and plants get there?
The world uses every occasion, Satan uses every proven method to cause doubt. On Sunday, June 14th, 5 were killed and 100 more wounded when bombs went off in a Christian gathering in Nairobi, Kenya. The bombing was attributed to promoters of Shira law, Islamic rule. Muslims so incensed by the pro-abortion activities of Obama, Biden and Hillary Clinton that they believed all Christians, including those gathered, are pro-abortion. Why not, Obama and the Democrats are the most pro-abortion segment of American society...along with planned parenthood, founded by the Rockefellers and eugenics promoters such as Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, all the nation's richest. Why not, Catholics, the most pro-life religion voted 52% for Obama and the Democrats. Why not, the Jews, who the Muslims hate voted 78% for Obama and the Democrats.
The American people are tolerant of everything except Christianity. Americans are indifferent or tolerant about homosexuality, same-sex marriage, even the killing of babies (abortion, 53,000,000 killed since it was legalized in 1973). Americans, so called Christians, feel “imposed upon” if asked to worship three hours a week. One hour on Wednesday, two hours on Sunday morning. Their profession of faith, includes only doing what they want to do, when they want to do it. Much more interested in “the world cup” than the world salvation, or world catastrophe (Chaos in the Gulf).
Soccer has such world-worthiness that a church in Argentina is dedicated to it (at least according to a commercial). Hyundai, the Japanese automobile manufacturer, sponsored the commercial featuring a soccer ball wearing a crown of thorns. The commercial features a stained glass window in an Argentine church, featuring the usual Catholic chants in Latin. Christians, no longer diligent or vigilant are content to sit back and let the world, again, spit on the face of our blessed Lord. If Christ can not be defended in the public square, if our faith is so weak. Why bother?
Please God, bring back the days of 'real men', men not afraid of political correctness, not afraid to defend God, family, country.
What make the difference, our ancestors had backbones, not a shoestring, for a spine. They were the first-born of a revolution, the first-born are always tough, obedient, alpha-personalities. Twenty-one of the first twenty-three astronauts were first-born children. Almost all presidential candidates for the last 100 years, were either the first-born or the only child in their families.
Parents have great prospects for their first-born child, the first-born always has the highest IQ. The parents have more time with the first-born, they expect perfection...there are rules of behavior. By the time the other children come along, the parents have mellowed, and by the last child, the last is just a comedian. The parents have given up on everything. Siblings always resent the first-born, because he or she is held up as the example: good grades, good behavior, many accomplishments.
As an example, I have lived in my present house in the city since it was built. Neither of my two younger brothers have ever been in my house...which I have owned for 40 years, their children have never been here, so much they resent my accomplishments, my parents having held me up to them as they developed. Don't make that mistake. John and Charles Wesley, founders of the Methodist church, were the last two of Susanna Wesley's 19 children. The world will not soon forget what these two great men have given to the world.
I feel so sorry that today's youth never enjoyed Jack Benny, Fibber McGee, Bob Hope, Ed Sullivan, Milton Berle, or even Fred Allen. Can you imagine today's pseudo-sophisticates laughing at Allen's Alley, Senator Claghorn, Titus Moody, or Mrs. Nussbaum. We were there. We know decency, love of family, country, a good education.
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