The community organizer, muslim, communist sympathizer, and president of the United States, Barack Obama said he would bring a new day to the United States of hope and change. I hope all of you are enjoying this new day. Having witnessed thirteen presidents in my lifetime, I doubt if this country will ever recover from the present, president pretender.
“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 22:37-40)
On these words rest all the philosophy that has directed the world...words spoken by the very one who created the world. Can anyone even imagine what the world would be like if guided by these words? For the believer, it is easy to worship god, the ONE who gives us everything, even to the very air we breathe. With neighbors, it is a far different story, I have often said, “God did not have any idea about the type of neighbors I would have, even family, even acquaintances.” It is so difficult to love most people, but with god's help, you can get along with them...often from a distance. The politician, whether president, parasite, or patriot in his campaign professes to love everyone, particularly the supporters. It is far different story after they are elected, after getting their nose in the trough...after having the prestige and powerful position of political office. With the onset of the potemic virus, the consuming desire for re-election, the party hacks and lobbies become the “first love”.
With self-service stores, sales and professional advice via the internet, close association with providers has become a thing of the past. Before the time of self-service stores, even service stations there was a rapport between the customer and the person providing the service. When you buy fuel at your service station now, the entire process is almost mechanical. We remember the time that these attendants not only filled your tank, but insisted on checking your oil level, and even the pressure in your tires. He treated you in a neighborly manner. Most of us do not know those who live around us anymore, let alone those who provide services. Whether the garage, restaurant, shoe store, or even the health care practitioner's office. The country doctor knew all about your family, and many babies had the doctor's name somewhere in their own, usually as their middle name.
There is little relationship between families, friends, business contacts, even professional contacts (physician, lawyer, accountant, optometrist, dentist, etc.). The decline in church attendance can be traced to these relationships...most of today's churches only have their membership with white hair left. Don't tell me that a mega-church staff has relationships with members and attenders. Don't tell me that Joel Osteen, preaching to a congregation of thousands, has a pastoral view of Christ. Robert Schuller of the Crystal Cathedral, had a relationship with Armand Hammer and a few other rich industrialists, but like even the small-time pastors knew little about his bourgeois supporters. The “raison d'etre” (reason for being) of the church, the denomination, the academic, the conglomerate industry, the health care facilities (large or small), the commercial enterprise, be it a Walmart or smaller family business, the federal, state, or local government a tax supported entity supposed, like all these others, to exist for the benefit of the customer. We often get the idea that the customer is no longer important, that providers of services are just “going through the motions”.
On one thing you can depend: politicians will always do the wrong thing. Life is very much a battle, from the time you leave the apron strings until you die. I studied a nursing home at a communist commune in China, on one of my several trips to China. I noticed that large basses were bringing brought into the nursing home from the local schools, I was told that the “left-overs” from the school were used to feed the elderly. I will be completely honest with you, living alone a totally blind, 100% disabled service-connected medical officer veteran of the Korean conflict, I would be very glad to have leftovers from the local public school. I have been told that most of the food served to the students in the local public schools is thrown into the garbage because today's spoiled children will not eat the school provided food. The elderly, even in this country, have for many years been getting the “left-overs” when it comes to everything...scraps from social security, the cheapest housing in government subsidized housing, dependent on riding government-subsidized public transportation, totally dependent on clothing from subsidized thrift-store or religious largess, and health-care from social-engineered welfare clinics. These are the people who wore the uniform of your country, who raised the crops, worked in the defense plants, went through the trauma of child-rearing to provide the comforts and opportunities that young people enjoy today. The older people recognize their responsibility, knew how to recognize neighbors, knew how to recognize opportunity, knew how to recognize spiritual provisions, they knew the difference between the provider and the customer.
Mr. Obama and his cohorts have done a good job in wrecking the economy, financial, housing, industrial (particularly automobile), health-care, and most of all the defense establishments on which our very existence depends. Next will be his attempt to nationalize all retirement funds...the billion dollar build-up of federal, state and local retirement funds (teachers, law-enforcement, welfare workers, etc.) along with 40K union and other large piles of money which he eyes with greed as he thinks of the great national debt, which otherwise can never be repaid.
How many times have you been in a restaurant or other place of business, where the service was so poor, the staff so lackadaisical that you thought, “if I only I could manage this place for about ten minutes”? We are all customers of one type or another, it is time for the customer to become concerned about all services for he has paid such a tremendous price...blood, sweat, tears and often his very life, so you can enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
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