“He who does not toot his own horn, his horn goes untooted.” One of the greatest fields of conquest, endeavor, notoriety in this nation is that of public relations. Some call it advertising, but whatever you call it, whether from Madison avenue or the smallest business in the smallest town, it is a matter of trying to affect opinions...trying to mold a culture of powerbrokers...opinion makers.
Culture is an acceptance of long-held traditions and proven opinions. Laws are objective, we know many things are absolute: right or wrong. Evil is evil wherever you find it, some things are matter of objective evaluation. As long as the church was objective, holding onto the absolute law of God, the church was effective. It is only since the church became subjective, yielding more to the opinions of man, that the church has been ineffective, leadership of the church: “the blind leading the blind.” It is very much this way in the area of political science, politicians had rather be politically correct, saying nothing to offend anyone than to be absolutely right again, the blind leading the blind. Do you notice on the national talk shows, that the political leaders will go out on every limb having climbed any tree, not to offend any one. Before the government controlled news media, enterprising, thinking, reporters would saw off the limb and leave the politicians dangling in his own deception.
In today's world politicians, pastors, corporate executives, academics think it is much more important to be popular than to be right. If you tell the truth, you may lose some votes, you may lose some money out of the offering plate, you may not get promoted up the corporate ladder, you may not get tenure at the college, newspaper, the business place, the schoolhouse, the courthouse, your house.
Even Jesus Christ, son of God, the only perfect man who ever lived, was despised and rejected of men. Even though, out of thin air, he fed thousands, he broke up every funeral procession he ever met. He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, but was, by the use of church money, betrayed by one of his own disciples...whose feet he washed (Judas) on the night before his crucifixion.
I would have been a much more popular speaker, a more popular writer, a more popular family member, would have even been liked by my relatives, if I were not a seeker of truth, a purveyor of righteousness, one who knows the truth and has tried to live the truth. My relatives and friends despised me because I was different, uncompromising with the world, the flesh, the Devil. If you are going to be different, if you will live as a Christian, I will give you with a written guarentee, backed up by much money and much experience, that you will not be popular regardless of your attempts at a public relations image.
There was a time in this country when a politicians could run for office on his good name alone, people had confidence in his character as well as his abilities. Today, the average politician just needs a few well-paid staff to carry the ball and then enough wealthy contributors from the world and the corrupters of the world to pay for astute advertising. Other than sleeping with a small boy or a dead woman, most politicians can get by with anything. All you have to do is look at Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Bush (43), or (God help us) the communist, Muslim Obama. The “right” PR companies propped up by a 3,000 member corporate, state-controlled, news media, will keep you in office as long as you want to stay there: make you rich and famous, so you can get 1 million dollars for a speech. This is the power of public relations, advertising.
When I was the editor of professional journal, for 8 years, I was amazed at the public relations material that came to my desk. I was more amazed at the exhibits at conventions. Most minds can be persuaded or changed so easily, look at things yourself, what advertising has done to this country. Procter and Gamble put two attractive males in the same bed together, almost every sitcom has gay characters, most advertising supports the gay agenda, and the public now accepts the gay lifestyle without question. Every young person who works for me, is indifferent about the gay agenda, the killing of babies (abortion), political corruption, or anything for which our ancestors, men and women in uniforms shed precious blood or Jesus Christ died. Most of today's youth take a subjective approach to everything...it is a matter of what they think rather than what is evil or good, right or wrong. With the right public relations agency, you can convince an ignorant, unconcerned, shameless public to buy, do or accept anything.
The public square, has become a place for the brave, just this week, we saw a liberal, democrat representative from the state of North Carolina show his true colors. I'm old enough to remember Robert Dalton, Harold Cooley, Graham Barden, esteemed, honest representatives of the Congress of North Carolina. I remember honest Governors, even Democrats were honest at one time...J.M. Broughton, Clyde Hoey, now we have the likes of Easley, Hunt, Purdue...all smell of rottenness, so corrupt. We remember Kerr Scott and his son Bob, we remember the brown paper bags of money, the granddaughter thought she could do the same. No public relations agency could clean up that family name...nor that of Easley, Hunt, Erskine Bowles.
God was not joking when he instructed us through the apostle Paul that it is more important to know what God knows about us than men think of us. “For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.“ (Galatians 1:10)
In traveling the world, you study places ahead of time, third world countries will not tell you that is unsafe to leave your hotel at night. Communist countries will not tell you that you like their citizens, you will go to bed hungry...in totalitarian countries there is such a food shortage (Obama voters can hardly wait for the same thing to happen here). Beautiful, public relations, travel brochures will not tell you about the rampant prostitution on the streets of Asia or Africa. Only when you lose objective honesty can you understand what subjective dishonesty can do to your country.
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