Our sovereign God knew exactly what he was doing in his magnificent design of life, flora or fauna. In the design of animals, man's “crowning glory” is his nervous system. The equine (horses, zebras, etc.) species have a far superior digestive system. The feline species (cats) have a superior muscular system. The canine species (dogs) have a superior sense of smell. The avian species (birds) have a superior visual system, although the birds have brains the size of pinhead, with a superior lens-capsule of the eye they can spot a small insect on the ground from many feet, and so it is, even with the hen in the chicken yard.
Genus Homo Sapiens (man) is the only animal who knows he is going to die, who has the ability to reason. We know there are exceptions to every rule, that some animals are much smarter than others. One of my secretaries said that her dog could talk to her, I never heard the dog say anything. Humans have a remarkable ability to compartmentalize, the brain is wired so effectively, that through voluntary and involuntary stimuli we accomplish certain actions.
The brain surgeon tells us that there are about 14 billion cells in the human brain, very few people use even a small percentage of their mental ability. We see a marvelous work of art, hear a genius play the piano, come in contact with other talents which give us the blessed assurance that a divine creator knew what he was doing when he created the creature in his image. Many can compartmentalize our talent, keeping it separate from perversion or deviancy. You can staff a university from any prison system.
Most human beings have an ability to love, and a desire for love. In traveling the world, every continent, I never found a civilization that did not have the desire for worship. The devotion to a power greater than self is built into the fabric of every human personality. Even pagans worship something, they may carve an idol out of a piece of wood and then burn the scraps of the wood from which they carved their idol, but they worship something. Every human being who witnesses the warmth of the sun, knows the refreshment of water, the smell of a flower, hears the laughter of an innocent child, knows that there is a superior creator...that darkness can not overcome light...that there is no compatibility between health and disease.
Most of the poverty in the world is below the 30th parallel, in a pagan country, untouched by western civilization, you find dirt and depravity. You never see a well-kept lawn, an attractive home, you never see a well-kept vehicle, stores are just stalls, the people know nothing of décor, or sophistication. Most of the third world countries of Africa, Asia and South America (note that I did not say “all”) , the people, though beautiful, are in a struggle for survival. Their survival, their family skills, atest to the reason that we are having such a migration from these third world countries: Africa to Europe, South America to North America, etc.
It will only worsen with both natural and man-made catastrophes such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and oil spills. Such volcanoes have caused mass starvation in the world, and so it has been with great climate changes. Eugenicists are, right now, promoting the idea of global haze curtain between the Earth and the Sun, which will limit agriculture and cause much starvation, because these people, the Bilderbergers, the elitists of the world, feel the Earth cannot support its present population, much less the predicted population growth.
I have studied the inner-man for many years, the fact that the power of God, the very power that created the Earth and everything in it, the power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, the very power that raised others from the dead, gave sight to the blind, healed the sick, can, most definitely, totally change the heart of a human being. We know it happens, we have seen the results, we know the feeling.
From the very beginning, man was created to worship, we are here to glorify God. God's first words to man, “He is a jealous God” (Exodus 20:1-5)
Much of the civilized world is punctuated by places of worship...synagogues, temples, churches. In Europe and America, the sky is awarded with church steeples, you do not find church steeples or places of worships in godless, communist countries, or pagan countries. The mystery to me, in recent years, the change of westerners in the attitude of worship. You will note some denominational churches have even removed the denomination and even the word “church” from their building. They prefer to call their worship area a “vineyard” or “rock”, etc.
In my life, great cathedrals, great temples of worship, with magnificent stained-glass windows, naves or wood-carvings, great bell systems, and multi-piped organs have been replaced by drums and drama, bells and smells...people playing church, forsaking worthy hymns of inspiration and doctrine.
I was in a west coast city, and near my hotel were several of these mega-liberal “religious adventures”. I decided to go to one, just to see what was going on. I entered a large courtyard type complex, many flowers, many plants, many trees, the assembly room was pew-less, just individual chairs, to the side was a large “night club-like” facility with a bar and individual tables. I went over and sat at one of the tables...just listening to what was going on. At that time, I had a small amount of vision in the left eye, 25 years ago. I noticed that the people came dressed very casually: shorts, flip-flops, sun dresses, etc.
Three women, dressed in long gowns, came in with musical instruments, a supposed minister dressed in a pink robe, came up to the supposed pulpit. One girl came over to ask me if I wanted a drink, she said, “we have beer, soft drinks, tea and coffee.” There was not a religious symbol of any type in the place, I did not a see a Bible, nothing worshipful in the entire complex. The minister was going around greeting people, laughing and joking. There were several minsters in strange garb. I had generally been ignored. Finally, one large man came over and asked me what I was doing there, asked if I was a member of the press. I said, “do you want me to leave?” He said, “yes, we would like for you to leave.” I said, “I don't see very much, you will have to help me out.” He got me to the street, through all the shrubbery and God's rather mixed-up crowd, I will not say “believers” because I do not know what they believe. I am sure now, as then, that they were seeking something, making a worship attempt, but lost in their ignorance about God, His book, and everything which His Holy Spirit has taught.
When you watch the Osteens of the world, the Schullers of the world, the Benny Hinns of the world, no please, in Christ three years of public ministry, 30 AD. There was nothing in history as violent as the Roman Empire, who was ruling over the very area of Christ's ministry. No religious group as mixed up as the Jewish nation, Pharisees and Sadducees, but from Jesus Christ and his disciples, his pentecostal followers, the “good news” of salvation still goes forth.
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