Perhaps it is because of the 24 hour, never ending news commentaries all over the World. Perhaps it is because I have never heard a city mentioned on a BBC radio weather forecast that I have not visited. Perhaps it is because I am just more interested in world conditions, but there seems to be more storms, more weather disasters, than any other time in my memory.
Most weather or other weather catastrophes are just news for a few days. Think of the thousands of human beings still living in makeshift tents and other shelters in Haiti (230,000 killed, 1,000,000 homeless). Think of the earthquake victims in Chile (521 killed), victims of mudslides in Guatemala (at least 96 killed). This past weekend, on isolated religious campground in Arkansas, a flash flood took 20 lives. Last week, in Oklahoma city there were torrential rains and around 136 people were injured.
And so it goes, day after day, somewhere in the world, a disaster of some type. Not a disaster for the onlooker, but a disaster for those afflicted. Much like a newspaper headline in WW1 “Great battle fought, great victory won, only one American killed” It was only one American killed, but for the family of that one American, it was a tragedy from which they would not soon recover.
We are now in the hurricane season. In 2004, we had one of the costliest hurricanes in history, Hurricane Ivan (Category 4). Among damages, Ivan topped 7 gulf oil platform rigs. Today, the world is facing the greatest environmental catastrophe in history, just the toppling of one oil platform belonging to British Petroleum. Millions of gallons of crude oil are poisoning the Gulf of Mexico, and could very well destroy much of the world's oceanic marine life. 31,000 miles of oil pipe and thousands of oil platforms can be found in the Gulf of Mexico, . Hurricane Ivan scoured the ocean floor, bringing up debris from the depths of the ocean floors. Can we even imagine the dilemma posed by a powerful hurricane in this area now? Think of what it will be like when the oil reaches the Gulf Stream and pollutes the entire east coast and probably waters around Europe.
At this very time, when America needs all it's resources concentrated on an international ecological disaster, we are bogged down in two senseless, endless, win-less wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The third world war has already begun, and the world will realize this as soon as Israel attacks Iran. Saudi Arabia has already cleared Israel to make flights through it's airspace. Israel, Pakistan, and probably both Iran and Saudi Arabia have nuclear weapons, all it will take is one nuclear explosion if even accidental to close the Straits of Hormuz and turn the entire middle east aflame. With the Islamic extremist in Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, and most assured the West Bank into a battlefront of biblical proportions and biblical prophecy.
At the same time, we have a second front, North Korea. Many of us remember the trauma and tragedy of the other Korean conflict. North Korea is threatening to turn South Korea into an “ocean of fire”. China, with it's eye on Taiwan, is using North Korea as a puppet. North Korea predicts that it has a “Los Angeles missile”, missiles which will reach the USA from Alaska to San Diego. From 1952, South Korea and USA have had an armistice with North Korea. North Korea states that the war is on again. When I was last in South Korea, staying in the Chosun hotel in Seoul, signs were in the windows of the hotels reading “Keep Curtains Closed” and it gave the mileage to the border of North Korea. All it will take is one more sunken ship, 46 South Koreans killed on recent sunken ship, and the far east can become aflame again. It will not be a Quemoy or Matsu entanglement, China will not be satisfied until it invades Taiwan, and China does not mind involving North Korea as a puppet against its enemies.
China has a long-range space program, Mr. Obama is destroying our space program...as well as everything else that has kept America a superpower. Russia and China are no longer communist, they have found like America that communist-capitalism serves them best. The three great world powers: USA, Russia and China are fascist in their political doctrines. Russia probably fears China more than it fears America. I crossed the Gobi desert when Russia was had missiles aimed at China. Russia realizes China's superpower, nuclear superiority ambitions. The ash storm from Iceland, killing agriculture in Europe, the storms of America including the great oil-spill are nothing compared to threats of a nuclear annihilation storm which could happen...a prolific storm beyond compare.
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