Rocking and rolling, the world has become one big gambling joint.
By the time any child is six years old, there should be an authority figure in his life, mother and father. We should learn early that we cannot have everything we want...we should have a frame of reference: God's word, the Constitution, laws of the land. Our first parents, Adam and Eve could not live with one law, one “frame of reference”, not to touch one tree.
Recently, in California, in a football stadium, there was a series of earthquakes, the announcer can be heard saying, “we are having an earthquake.” Then he told how the people were laughing, clapping, dancing as the earth shook the very seats on which they were sitting and standing. They did not care, they like most of the world, have lost their frame of reference.
One 9/11, when the planes hit the buildings in New York City, my secretary, a black woman, mother of several children, who also worked part-time at the post office, was telling me about the situation as she watched my television. She began to dance and laugh and clap her hands. I said, “what is wrong with you, there are people jumping out the windows of those buildings?” She said, “I have lived in New York City, you don't know how much I hate those people there. At the post office, at other places, I do every thing I can to show how much I despise this country.” That was the last hour she worked for me, she, like most of her race, like the Democrats who voted for Obama, the killers of babies, the promoters of the gay agenda have lost their frame of reference.
One of my best friends was the chief assistant to a former congressman from the third district of North Carolina (each senator and congressman has about 50 assistants). My friend told me, on the occasion when I being decorated for the service to my country (over forty years ago), “that Washington DC is as close to Sodom as a city can get, just debauchery, corruption. The buying and selling of the nation.”
We become more aware of this everyday, particularly with gulf oil...the penetration of the motherload (this is the way you refer to a large “find” of gold, or an ocean of oil). It is possible, having penetrated this ocean of oil and the ineptness of corporate and government ability to control such, that this Armageddon activity will last for many years, poisoning the entire Atlantic ocean. Already venturing into the Gulf stream, pollution from bottom to top. Bird-life is very sensitive to catastrophe, with brains only the size of pinheads, bird-life is leaving the Gulf area. America has lost it's frame of reference, statutes controlling every breath of human life...no plans for such disasters, life has become a game of chance. Like the catholic priests from South Carolina who won a big pot of money in the television poker contest, he said he learned to play poker in seminary. One preacher told me he learned to play the game of pool at bible college. Where is the EPA, the carbon-tax people, Al Gore, OPEC? Is it true that the Arabs who became richer than King Midas when oil was 15 dollars a barrel now realize that the energy shortage is a big charade, that there is much oil in the center of the Earth. We have hauled away Saudi oil because it is at the surface of the Earth, easy to extract. Just as our future economy is faced with either inflation or depression, and either one will take at least 6 month to recognize, this gulf-catastrophe is probably an effort to establish the cap-and-trade international taxation which failed in Copenhagen, but will become expedient with the nationalization of the oil industry.
Someone wins in Las Vegas everyday, someone will win from this oil disaster...probably Obama and his Democrat loyalists who have received so much money from British Petroleum (BP). Galileo, with his “little” telescope, went blind trying to tell us about sunspots, solar flares and stars. Since, most Americans have lost their frame of reference regarding the constitution, the bible, and their fellow man. Little will be done about the lives of people forever changed by this disaster, just as other disasters: wars, epidemics, etc.
There is a suspicion that a nuclear bomb has been used to “blow shut” the opening. We usually blow things open rather than blowing them shut. The use of atomic energy in this disaster will only add to the ecological dilemma.
In my lifetime, there has been more scientific, technical knowledge added to the scientific encyclopedia, than ever before in history. In my college years, 1953: DNA, nuclear fission, plastics, even zippers were discovered. I saw the first television in 1948. The great adventures into healthcare, communication, interplanetary travel, now a reality, not a comic-book imagination. But, nothing has been handed to us easily, certain principles must be followed, a frame of reference.
The Jewish nation was promised a land flowing with milk and honey, from Egypt (a type of sin) through 40 years of wondering in wilderness because of disobedience, crossing the Jordan, the promised land was not heaven. There were 45 cities, pagan societies, it must have been a magical mystery for the inhabitants of Jericho, standing on the walls of that fortified city to watch this 2 ½ million nation of Jews march around their cities once each day, God keeping his ear close to them, having instructed them not to speak one word. Then on the seventh day, marching around 7 times and then blowing trumpets, when the walls of the city fell, the people of Jericho, in their dying breath knew that something great had happened. Not a shot had been fired, not one rock thrown, but hanging on to a frame of reference, obedience immunizing their very soul from a wilderness experience, for our example, these people have learned to follow a leader such as Joshua. Americans do not have a leader...Americans have lost their frame of reference, but God never changes, He is the authority figure, He is boss. Like the Garden of Eden, there is a tree we do not touch.
Abraham Lincoln said, “there are not enough armies in Europe, Africa, or Asia to come into America and take a drink from the Ohio river. If Americans are determined, foreigners will not enter their land.” Walk down any street in any city, and you will know that we have already been invaded without putting up a fight, they just had to walk across the border. Any one from anywhere who had the stamina to cross Mexico or Canada. Do we know that the oil platform was not sabotaged? Can we can know that any enemy could do more damage than this oil gusher has done? “There is a place of peace and quiet, near to the heart of God.”
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