One of the most interesting words in the English language is the word “prevention”. Every time without fail, I made sure my shot record was up to date when traveling the world. Often I would have to go to a military hospital to get some inoculations such as Yellow fever. I was intent on preventing any thing, anywhere.
In1950, Prevention, a magazine that promotes healthy American lifestyles that now has millions of subscribers around the world, was started. It is my contention that sickness of any type should be rare, that cancer should be rare. It is a matter of prevention, a healthy lifestyle, a good immune system. What more can you expect than cancer when you have a populace thriving on sweets, sugar and acidosis, the basis for cancer cell growth. Taking exotic chemicals and illegal drugs into the body, for which the body must rid itself of toxicity. But, can you even imagine how many people would be out of work, the economic catastrophe in the healthcare industry and otherwise, if the cancer industry were shut down?
Daily, you learn of someone with cancer, and daily, you yourself are blessed if you do not come down with the dreaded disease. About 5 billion dollars is spent in America each year on cancer research, 400 million dollars given to the American Cancer Society (ACS). Most universities, medical schools, research foundations, keep lobbyists and professional beggars in Washington DC, channeling taxpayer dollars to their respective causes.
Prevention and conservatism go hand-in-hand, it is much better to be proactive than reactive. America has yet to learn this, we hear news-people and politicians wailing, “why is our ecology being destroyed by the 'gulf oil' spill when it could have been prevented by thinking ahead of time using 'fail-safe' procedures.” Most politicians, bureaucrats, regulators, are so busy with their buffets, cocktail parties, sexual exploits (both gay and straight), and in the case of FCC 33, watching porno, that they do not have their minds on anything but self, reappointment, and reelection. University professors, many letters after their names, do not have clue about conservation or prevention.
52% of Americans blame the Obama administration, 82% of Americans blame British Petroleum. Whichever, or whatever the gulf oil debacle is a catastrophe of biblical proportions, it is too late now for prevention.
Last evening, who did Mr. Obama think he was fooling? Those of us who studied him ahead of time, know without a doubt, that he is a pitiful “book-worm”, incapable of anything except political extravagance. We need a Harry Truman or Dwight Eisenhower in the oval office, men of ability and character in the Congress, entrepreneurs guiding procedures to save our nation from chaos.
We learned long ago, that the church is being destroyed form the inside-out. Madison avenue techniques, conforming to the ideas of the world, is not what was intended by God when he said, “occupy until I come”. (Luke 19:13) It has been the blind leading the blind, when Moses came down from the Sinai, the mountain covered in smoke, having been in God's presence for 40 days and 40 nights, he had one message from God, “make me an offering” (Exodus 25) Giving, fasting, praying should all be done in secret, in the closet. The church, thanks to such charlatans as Benny Hinn, has become a display of hypocrisy. A once patriotic republic has become a charade of corruption.
Once, parents were mindful of the food going into their childrens mouths. Childrens work, ethical behavior, and eating habits. The wedge between fathers and sons came when fathers went one way to work and sons the other, no longer working together in the fields or the family business. The vacuum between mothers and daughters came when mothers were forced into employment because fathers could no longer support a family with one paycheck. As lifestyles have become more perverted, illegal habits, unnatural and unhealthy eating and drinking. Addicted to sitting in front of the television, computers, video games. The only people exercising are professional athletes. Those who need exercise, who need the preventative measures which exercise brains, are sitting at home or in a stadium, watching millionaires who do not need exercise running up and down a sports-complex of some sort.
In the worst economy in 75 years, everyone is trying to get as much bang possible for their buck. It costs to eat healthy, I never cease to be amazed that “supposed” educated people know so little about genetically modified foods, synthetics, aspartame. Put poison into the well and you will have poisoned water. When the 'gulf oil' spill started, 1.2 million gallons of poison was put into the water, used to disperse the oil. Now, it is predicted that 18,000 pound bomb will be used to seal the leak, there are 31,000 miles of pipe in the Gulf. (There are still people who believe that dead dinosaurs and plants created the oil in the middle of the Earth, 10,000 feet down, how did they get there?) Can we even imagine the poisons released by this bomb, not only in the water, but over the land?
Most nations of the world are bankrupt, America is bankrupt, next will be the seizure of all retirement funds. Legislation is in Congress now, which permits banks to furnish all information about your bank account.
We are living in a world of eugenics (population control). Until 1920, laws prevented contraception, today, condoms are advertised on television, just as is Viagra for erectile dysfunction (ED). Sex has become a social matter: “hooking up”, abortion is “no big deal”, why not prevent or kill the zenith of God's creation...made in his own image. Do we dare think we can prevent the wrath of God for our sins of omission and co-mission.
Man, from the very beginning, was given free will and has not been very smart with his freedom. Most of our sickness, problems, dilemmas could be prevented, especially warfare, I still remember as the ranking, field-grade officer in charge following the flag-draped casket of my best friend to his grave...such a waste, so much sorrow. President Theodore Roosevelt said America's greatest general was Smedley Butler, here again, what General Butler said about war, we could say the same thing about disease, vehicle accidents, destruction of the home, the capture by Satan of the church. “War is a racket... A few profit – and the many pay. But there is a way to stop it....It can be smashed effectively only by taking the profit out of war."
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