I do not have to cross any raging river, do not have to climb any slimy mountain cliff to bask in the joy of my salvation. I can always be optimistic about that, if nothing else, regardless of what the world, the flesh, the devil throws at me. One of my friends was getting married for the fifth time. I said to him, “you must be a real optimist when you consider past history and prospects for the future.” Believe me, in my long life, very few things have gotten any better. Technology has changed the world, but human nature has sunk to new levels of decadence and disappointment. We can't afford, especially those who claim the name of Christ to become bitter, only better by grace through faith.
Around 750 BC, 650,000 Jewish captives were in Babylon, the king allowed 50,000 of them to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. It took four months for them to make the journey, along with their families and animals. In the ruins of the desecrated temple and the demolished city of Jerusalem, they first worshiped and gave gifts to God toward the rebuilding of the temple. They always had in mind the splendor of the first temple built by Solomon, still considered the world's greatest building (at today's prices probably worth around 14 billion USD). They worked hard to build the foundation, and after the foundation was built, they held great ceremonies. In the meantime, nonbelievers and hypocrites had infiltrated their ranks with all their depressive talk and negativity. So, for 15 years, all worked stopped. Eventually the temple was completed, this is the temple that Jesus, himself, visited. Jesus, his disciples, were all practicing Jews.
America is now about equally divided: liberals and conservatives, believers and non-believers. About 52% opposed abortion, about 48% promote abortion, just as 50% are conservatives and 50% liberals, 50% democrats and 50% republicans. The Congress is more unpopular than ever, the president at an all-time low in the polls. America is on the brink of catastrophe...ready to fall apart. Many of us have seen a house totally infested with termites. From outward appearance, the house appears to be in good condition. But because it has been devastated by an insect, it is ready to fall apart. One on side, the liberal agenda, god-hating people, who always put the creature ahead of the creator, if believing in any creator at all.
First in this group of liberals, those who promote the communist agenda: the state in control of everything. Since the takeover of health care, there is nothing left.
Secondly, he gay agenda. Long ago, in several books by prominent homosexuals, the plan for the takeover of every form of American life was laid out by gay activists. They said then, and have proven since, that the takeover of American society by homosexuality would be completed in the schools and the military.
Thirdly, the god-is-dead agenda. There is nothing new about this philosophy started by Friedrich Nietzsche who died in 1900. American academics and newspeople hold fast to atheism. In 1966, TIME magazine, for the first time ever without an image on the cover, read “Is God dead?”. Most liberals want to think that God is dead because they want no sovereign power to judge them. Instead of God changing them, they want to change God.
Fourthly, the black nationalist church. Most black churches fall into this category regardless of what they call themselves: black, A.M.E, etc. They have turned their places of worship into political havens of discontent. I heard Dr. Baker James Cauthen, secretary of missions for SBC, in a convention say “the greatest missionary opportunity for a southern baptist is among the black minority in America.” Blacks voted 99% for a pro-Muslim, pro-abortion president. Like the Jews, who voted 78% for a pro-Muslim president, who, more so than any other president in my memory has turned his back on the nation of Israel. Although blacks were liberated by the Republican Lincoln, although black civil-rights were passed by Republicans, although in North Carolina it was Democrat white men who kept blacks in the rear of the bus and using separate facilities (water fountains, bathrooms, etc.), the blacks, in lock-step always vote the big D. As one black preacher here in my town said about the local representative, now in prison, “he may be a crook, but he is our crook.”
On the other side of this house about to fall, this ship about to sink, this bridge about to fall into the river: the conservatives, who must, if the nation is to survive, put new people into places of political leadership: federal, state, and local. They do not necessarily have to be Republican. We know the Republican pretenders, we know the republican degenerates...the Bushs (41 and 43), the McCains, the Doles, the Cheneys, the Neo-Cons etc. We need real Republicans, real conservatives.
Firstly, those who listen to and support the 1,500 Christian radio stations in this country...stations which promote the cause of Christ, the cause for decent living, the cause for the evangelizing of the earth. Because we believe that only God's book, and God's people can save the Earth from political annihilation.
Secondly, the evangelicals. We know that only about 5% of the people who go to church are real believers. Although, the number is almost consistent that 85% of all people say they believe in God. We know that most are just “playing church” and think they are “fooling god”. The tragedy of the Catholic church: 52% of Catholics voted for Obama. The Catholic church may not be right about some things, but about abortion it is exactly right. How can any practicing Catholic vote for a pro-abortion president anymore than a practicing Jew can vote for anti-Jewish president?
Thirdly, the Mormons should certainly vote for a conservative because they are conservative in their lifestyle, in spite of the fact that they recently produced a calender showing muscular male missionaries in sexy, shirtless poses. Other religious minorities such as the Amish, the Mennonites, Seventh Day Adventists, Independent Baptists, Free-Will Baptists, Pentecostals should all promise and promote in every way possible the conservative country-saving patriot causes of this country.
Fourthly, the NRA, conservative broadcasters, conservative philanthropic groups such as the Salvation Army, Red Cross, civic and professional associations and organizations such as AMA, JC, Rotarians, Civitans, all these alpha, ego-centric, patriotic Americans convinced of the American spirits should be on the battle-line defending this great democratic republic.
Our voluntary military, “the salt and light” of our national destiny should be on the forefront with their votes and support. Insulted by “don't ask, don't tell”, embarrassed by the political correctness of our leaders, chaplains and pastors who do not stand up for anything anymore, our military must show the way, even though their clothing is now made in China. All airplane and military hardware replacement parts made by the enemy.
In one of my trips through India, I went through Bhopaul where 30,000 were killed in the Union Carbide disaster. With Iran escorting Red Cross vessels into Israel waters, war could break out in the middle east next week. Any day, anywhere, multiples of 30,000 could be killed. Would it take such a disaster in NYC, LA or Chicago to awaken Americans to a divided country? Only the Christian can survive these times with optimism.
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