Mark Twain said, “the most beautiful thing you ever see in a foreign country is an American flag flying at an embassy or on an American ship in a port.” I know the feeling. The embassy grounds, in any country regardless of its politics is American soil. It was a delight, even in 3rd world countries to be invited to the American embassy, where the American flag was always flying outside the building. My only problem, the ambassador, so cordial, I wondered how much money he had given to a political party to get the appointment as ambassador.
I was in Malaga, Spain on Christmas Day, 1973. One of my traveling companions said, “when I pass the harbor I noticed an American ship in port...I saw our flag.” I said, “let's go down and get aboard, I have my military identification, I am sure there will be no problem.” The duty officer and the sailors on board welcomed me and said this was the greatest thing that could happen to them on Christmas day. I am sure he checked out my military identification, and the assigned officer whose last name was Parrish showed me and my friend around the ship and wanted me to greet everyone. They knew how to treat a blind, disabled veteran.
Once, on one of my many trips to France, I went to the military cemetery where President Theodore Roosevelt's son Kermit is buried, killed in World War 2. It was a holiday and there were American flags on all the graves.
I purchased a home in the historic section in downtown Wilmington, right after it was built in 1970. Like a thousand other communities here, there is a home-owner's association, a communist controlled group of blue-haired women whose mission in life is to make sure everyone on their street conforms to their demands. On flag day, I put my American flag in my front yard. Almost instantly, these little twits came rushing down the street, telling me that displaying a flag was against association rules. So, this old blind veteran put his flag back in the house, and never again on Memorial day, Veteran's day, Fourth of July, or any other patriotic day, have I offended them by honoring my country.
Of course, most of these people who live on my street are retired government workers, Democrats, who have always made the government work for them, instead of them giving to their country. The best example, any time I put a Republican political sign in my yard, I just listen for a few minutes to hear my Democrat neighbors, some even church-goers, to come outside to remove my sign. When I hear the rhetoric in the news media about honoring veteran or honoring country, I just want to vomit, because most Americans have little honor for their country, just as they have little honor for those who have defended their country.
Someone said, “why don't you report the theft of your property to the police...people going on your property and removing your things.” It is a matter of established policy here in solid Democrat North Carolina, where Democrats have been in absolute control state-wide and locally for over 100 years, that law enforcement (all of whom are Democrat) protect and defend their own.
Regardless of political party, regardless of religion or skin-color, regardless of the “things” of this world, all Americans should honor their flag. Thousands of our finest were buried, not in a box, only wrapped in the flag which they had defended. The American flag has been changed 26 times, many have claimed responsibility for its design: Betsy Ross, Francis Hopkinson, even the family of George Washington (whose coat-of-arms had a stars-and-stripes design).
Shortly after I returned, I was invited, as were several disabled veterans, since I was a graduate, to University day at Chapel Hill. President Kennedy, speaker at this University day, was riding with Governor Sanford in Governor Sanford's limousine. I could not see much, but one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen, one that so depicts the American spirit. All the children at Lows Grove school (located between Raleigh and Chapel Hill) standing by the roadside, each waving an American flag as the President, Governors, and Veterans went by. It makes no difference who designed Old Glory, Francis Scott Key or anyone else could have written a magnificent anthem. As hard as it is to sing the “Star Spangled Banner”, one should always get a thrill when it is played. Just as one should get a thrill when the bugler plays “taps” or we see a flag draped casket carried to a veteran's grave. Just to know there are still Americans who honor their country, and honor their country's flag. Why should we care if some idiot burns the flag, or disgraces our flag in some other way? We know there are drive-by conversions in the church, drive-by patriots in the courthouse, drive-by traitors in the schoolhouse, drive-by imposters in the White House. Real Americans know their heritage, and will always pledge their allegiance to their country, and its flag.
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