It started in California with Dr. Michael Newdow, his efforts to have God removed from our money, our pledge of allegiance, even mention of God at military facilities and in the halls of Congress. Dr. Newdow, a Jewish physician and lawyer, has spent much of his own money in lawsuits against the consecrated principles of this once Christian nation. From 1799 to 1892, the Supreme Court declared this a Christian nation, since then, particularly with the founding of the ACLU in 1920, and the influence of such communist-atheists as Roger Baldwin, who served as the executive director of the ACLU from it's founding to 1950, and who made the following statement, “I am for socialism, disarmament and ultimately for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control by those who produce wealth. Communism is, of course, the goal.”
This week, the city in which I live, Wilmington NC, a sign has gone up in the area paid for the by the North Carolina Secular Association, their public relations statement reads as follows:
A billboard going up Tuesday on Carolina Beach Road near Sanders Road is causing some controversy. Drivers will be able to see what's being called the "Godless Billboard."
Six other billboards just like it are popping up across the state and will be there for four weeks.
The campaign is being organized by the North Carolina Secular Association, a coalition of "local secular, humanist, free thought and skeptical groups throughout North Carolina." The project is costing them $15,000.
The group says they want to see an end to religious discrimination against non-religious people and groups in the Wilmington area. They also take issue with a religion being a prerequisite for becoming a public official in North Carolina according to the State Constitution.
They want "under god" taken out of the pledge of allegiance. (from WECT)
With the liberal, modernistic, “feel good”, “all you need is love” type of Christian leaders and pastors, we have in our country today, and at the head of various denominations and religious groups, we will see how willing Christians are to defend their faith. The Garden of Eden was consecrated to man for his enjoyment. The first couple were not able to keep one rule, one commandment, there was murder in the first family on earth (Kane killed Abel). Even though our first ancestors lived to very old age (Methuselah was 969 years of age when he died, Noah was 950). Family reunions, almost endless, at the time of the Great Flood, 5000 BC, the world was one cauldron of Sin, nothing was consecrated. Around 4000 BC with Abraham, the consecration of lives began, and the consecration of objects such as the Ark of the Covenant (1 Chronicles 15:12), and the consecration of priests (Exodus 25:26). Since all Christians, believers, are consecrated, a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), daily we show our devotion, commitment, battleflag, as “onward Christian soldiers”. We defend our faith.
The communists speculated, years ago, that they would destroy the Christian church through pedophile priests in Catholicism and a lackadaisical, “lukewarm“ skepticism in others. This began in the seminaries, college campuses, even Christian colleges are no longer different from the secular, and the worldly church where there is little difference between the language, dress, music, or activities than that of the nightclub. Instead of the Christian church changing the world, the world has transformed the Christian church into a secular, civic club-type assembly, where, in most churches, you no longer even have the Christian cross. There may be reading from the Bible, or a book of prayer, but the Christian message has been muffled by sports and political activity. I attended one Southern Baptist church where the pastor talked more of baseball than he did the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Jesus, preacher of Judaism and the Law, was tired of the money-changers in the temple, he ran them out. Until the Christian church is willing to cleanse itself it will be powerless to cleanse the community, even against a billboard that debases our savior.
Television, particularly childrens programs have done a very good job of making evil good. I have been totally blind for 40 years, I am told that I would not recognize today's television, today's magazine racks, today's dress of most young people. One person told me he was having eye surgery and recuperation for six months. He could not believe how much television changed in just six months: promotion of homosexuality, political socialism.
One third grade school teacher calls a local talk show talking about the indoctrination of elementary school children to evolution. A sixth grade teacher who worked for me, told me most teachers were indifferent about spirituality, homosexuality, euthanasia, and politics. We have sown to the wind, and we have reaped a whirlwind (Hosea 8:7)
Through television and today's public schools, Children have been brainwashed to accept evil. I remember speaking at a Baptist convention in 1955, and I said, “just wait until you see what the hippies and the communists via television and the public schools have done to your children.” Now we see that they are teaching them and are the program directors of the shows they are watching.
The most dangerous species of animal-life left on the Earth is that of the black human being, 52% of all black babies are aborted. One of my good friends, a black doctor, said to me recently,” abortion and AIDS are wiping out the black population.” The black nationalist church does not seem to care. 3000 babies are aborted in America each day, 1352 black, the black population is only 13% of the national population. There was a time when the black population, the black church was consecrated. There was a time when the white churches, temples, synagogues, were consecrated. Even with the greatest man-made disaster in history, the “gulf oil” pollution, we hear nothing from the churches. God, expecting our consecration, may become silent...speaking only with volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis.
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