Living right on the coast, we are always on Hurricane alert, the same people who fail to predict earthquakes, tornadoes, and weather are the same ones who predict hurricanes, NOAA. We know ahead of time, that each year NOAA will make dire predictions, it is only by promoting and propagating disaster that their funding is assured. You can be assured that, if from NOAA headquarters, they sent out a message that there would not be many hurricanes this summer, there would not be as much funding provided. The squeaking wheel gets the grease, the loudest squeakers and squealers in Washington get the funds.
4 million Americans have Hepatitis C, not all from alcohol, most from the poison in our water and food supplies. I have talked with public health officials, the second largest public-health school in America is in Chapel Hill, it has grown tremendously since I was there...located in small, prefabricated buildings near the medical school. They are not prohibited from investigating and talking about breast-cancer in northeastern North Carolina, but when it comes to sterility of males and the dumbing-down of citizens by putting chemicals in water systems (fluoride, chloride, etc.) they get very silent because it is not “PC” to discuss such things.
Genetically-modified animal feed, over a period of time will sterilize farm animals and greatly increase farm animal defects. The veterinary schools are aware of this, but their science, like all other healths sciences have become a matter of tax-funding instead of truth-telling. Satellites have been hijacked and reprogrammed, leading to erroneous conclusions and problems in every area of life. You are not told this, but the captains of world-finance, such as Goldman-Sachs sold 4,680,000 shares of BP stock before the spill.
Having just concluding the Bilderberg meeting in Barcelona, Spain, a get together of the world's richest; Bill Gates, chief eugenics promoter, was there. Population growth experts know that the population, now in excess of 6 billion will be around 9 billion by the year 2050, they claim that the world cannot support this many people...so they are promoters of abortion and same-sex marriage. It does not bother these people when there is an environmental catastrophe such as “gulf oil”...or a volcano eruption with acrylic acid ash drifting across Europe. It was during these disasters, such as the great freeze from lack of sunlight and warm temperatures, there were no crops and 1/3 of the total European population starved.
It is the insanity of Mr. Gore's global warming, the carbon footprints, that gives a bad name to scientists. We know that the Earth has moved into global cold for several years, the exact opposite of global warming: the fiasco of the Copenhagen scam.
In Creation, the Sun was not created until the 4th day because God wanted man to know that he is the light of the world, that he gave light for the plants. Just as man has tried to create artificial blood, which would be a good thing if for no other reason than to give pets transfusions, the stability of hematology, “life is in the blood” (Leviticus 17:11) As with the complicated formula in the clotting of blood, and I had this formula memorized at one time, man does not have the ability to enter the complexity of the red blood cells. Like photosynthesis (and I could write this formula at one time, also), the Creator has kept many things to himself and “laughs” (Psalm 2:4) at the funded directives of man to discover them.
The wisdom of God should be a magnificent exclamation to every person with the brain cells to comprehend it, rather, instead of God changing men, men want to change God. Over and over again, I hear some bright student say, “I don't believe what the bible says”, it does not matter what you believe...”his word is forever settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89). He is boss, in spite of B. Obama and J. Osteen. “The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” (Psalm 24:1)
Until recently, about 5000 babies died in America each year from SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). We know, without a doubt that many of these deaths are a continuation of abortions, a parent deciding after the birth of child that this is an easy way to eliminate a problem child. It has a provided a perfect escape for murderers. This weekend, it was disclosed that just one couple in North Carolina has disposed of two children by SIDS. They will not escape this anymore than any mother or doctor will escape abortion. We do not understand deaths from earthquakes, tornadoes, disease, or even warfare, but that is god's business...just as the often thrown subject: “how many angels can dance on the head of a pin” is none of our business. Even when Jesus himself was on a ship in the sea of Galilee (he never ventured more than 40 miles from the sea of Galilee) in a storm and he quelled it completely, or when he walked on the sea in a storm. He knows about physical, temporal, and personal storms.
In the old family cemeteries of my ancestry, I was surprised to see the number of children's graves. Our ancestors were acquainted with the burying of children, acquainted with grief. Before the time of refrigeration, knowledge of sanitary care, so many children died in infancy. With all our knowledge of pediatrics, what type minds depends on 90% of all vaccines coming from communist China? Increasing the number of childhood inoculations to about 50.
How do Christian church members, or members of any religion walk out of a place of worship (Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, etc.) feeling good about themselves unto streets where others, the so called “unbelievers” of the world live among the muck of illegal drugs, hunger, poisoned water and the fragility of every thing spiritual adherents think important.
Christ told us to love God “with heart and mind, soul and body.” God means every word He said in His Word, your safety is in believing every word, body, soul, heart and mind. In a 4-door car you should not feel safe if any one of the 4 doors is left unlocked.
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