WW2 brought us up close and personal with soldiers through the writings of Ernie Pyle. Marion Hargrove of North Carolina brought us close to the enlisted men with “See Here, Private Hargrove”. One general said,” show me a soldier who does not complain, and I will show you a sorry soldier.” The problem with General McChrystal, highly praised when picked to takeover in Afghanistan (2nd most corrupt nation in the world, Mexico being the most corrupt). He and his staff had so little sense to allow a reporter from, of all places, Rolling Stone, to bivouac with them. This liberal reporter, true to form, from this liberal rag, fragged them.
General McChrystal had no choice but to resign. He knows the chain of command. Every officer knows that every private knows better how to run a military operation than he does. America has prevented a coup d'etat (take over of civilian government by military) as happens in most third world countries, because civilian authority invested in the military is always commander in chief. Regardless of our feelings toward the commander in chief, Obama like Clinton, never having served in the military, knows nothing of the military, not even how to return a salute or standing at attention.
The soldier/sailor/marine/airman salutes the uniform, not what is in the uniform. Since the time of George Washington, military control has always been in the hands of civilians. All of us with military experience know the ineptness of many who have obtained rank. As I heard one colonel say at his retirement party, “just keep breathing and you will get here.” The military is rife with incompetence. Those of us in the Korean conflict, found the upper ranks filled with drunks and misfits, who were just hanging on until their retirement. Many of the ranking officers had been drafted but obtained rank through battlefield commissions. Field grade officers gain rank through warfare. In time of war, they always arrange to get orders for the battlefield. This was so obvious with the woman general, and the embarrassment of the Abu Ghraib fiasco.
I still remember general of the army Douglas MacArthur addressing Congress after he had been replaced by President Truman, “old soldiers never die, they just fade away.” MacArthur did not fade away, toured the country making speeches. MacArthur became CEO of the Remington Rand corporation, he, like his father, a recipient of the congressional medal of honor. He, like his father, like his grandfather, all generals of the army. At least, unlike general George Patton who was assassinated by his country, MacArthur lived long enough to know he was correct in his evaluation over that of Truman. To this day, America is still humiliated by North Korea and China.
Humiliation of another type, Obama replacing McChrystal with General Petraeus, both generals members of the infamous foreign relations council (CFR). It was in 2007, that Obama's chief supporter, “MoveOn.org” used a prominent ad that read, “General Petraeus or General Betray Us?”. Obama had hand picked McChrystal to lead America in this “drug-protecting” military excursion...an endless, winless, phony war to protect and distribute Afghanistan poppy gardens. McChrystal was the general responsible for the cover up of the murder of American soldier/football star Patrick Tillman...a young man who had given up his career for a patriotic venture which he had found to be fraud. I understand that the Tillman family are aware of what happened, that he was shot close up several times.
Starting with general MacArthur and President Truman, American warfare has become political upmanship, it is the boys from the poor homes, the minorities who are paying the price. Again, Vietnam was a disaster of political upmanship, not just President Thieu, Madam Nu, General Ky and the other South Vietnamese, most of whom are now living in splendor in Hawaii via American tax dollars. But, the attempt by such despots as President Lyndon Johnson to manage a war from thousands of miles away, “I don't want a Vietnam outhouse bombed without my permission.” Those of us involved know why there are 58,000 names on the marble monument in Washington. I think most of us know what is being taught in the public schools, I think most of us suspect what is being taught in military academies. Surely, if we survive as a nation, we must get back to basics of military and civilian statesmanship.
One general had told me that he had seen more military promotions because of an officer's wife than the officer's confidence. With “don't ask don't tell”, military ranks being filled by women, military decisions being made through legislative influence, military equipment being built on the best bid, at least, equipment not made by our enemies (China builds most spare parts, all of military shoes and clothing), or a frustrated military-industrial complex, we will be fortunate to win a battle, much less a war. Regardless of who takes over, or goes over, with present methods of engagement, only drones or robots will have the backbone to fight.
Slowly, surely, an idea projected since WW2 by enemies of democratic republics: peace on Earth comes through softness, kissing up to your enemies, staying politically correct in everything you do, not drawing any lines of right separating wrong. I said to a great theologian one time, why was there so much killing in the Bible?...God would kill thousands to accomplish his purpose. He said, “and every time people refused to follow God's will by eliminating their enemy, they lived to regret it.” Mr. Obama, who Saw Lewinsky called his best pupil (Rules for Radicals), the dedication of the book by Lewinsky is to Lucifer. Lucifer, father of lies, demons, deception. In this world, you have three classes: the ignorant, the scoffers, and the believers; only the ignorant and the believers will escape the wrath of God. The Washington elite, the military elite, the CFR, the Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, the academics will scoff and will perish. They dance to their own tune.
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