In a few days we will again celebrate the birthday of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I will not go into historical jargon about the accuracy of the birth time. When I was in St. Paul's Cathedral in London, that magnificently designed Cathedral by Christopher Wren, I was reminded of how the Church members always had their buckets and hoses to put out a fire that might damage their Church during the horrid Bombardment of World War II. One rocket which did not explode still rest in the front of the Cathedral. One of my professors at Chapel Hill, DR. Alfred Brauer told me how he taught the Germans trajectory of rockets and we all know the disaster of those explosions. People do what they do because they believe what they believe. The members of St.Paul, instead of going to the underground bunkers, like King George and Queen Elizabeth and "so called" believers, knew the importance of their Church, what the cross in the front of the church represents and their eternity. In the front of most Churches there is a communion table which has the words "in remembrance of me". Everyday of my life at five o'clock in the morning, for nearly fifty years, I have been very much house bound because of service collected blindness. I celebrate the Lords Supper with some bread and a little wine, and ask God to bless His Word wherever it is used because, in my opinion, at this season and every season, it is the only hope of the world. I have never purchased a Christmas Tree, or put up a commercial Christmas decoration. But, I did have the wonderful opportunity in all my world travels to spend Christmas Eve in Bethlehem, in 1964.
In a few days, a new polit-bureau with the new Socialist/Marxist President and his crowd will be established in Our Nation's Capitol. I will not go into the hypocrisy of this person or his followers, but the puppets and perverts on Wall Street and most streets want us to believe that just as Adam and Eve were beguiled, so will those who have fallen victim to "change". I am a 100% disabled, totally blind, service collected veteran of the Korean Era. Blessed beyond all comprehension at age 78, to still be working everyday, living alone and taking care of myself. We have nothing to fear because we know our destination. 365 times in God's Word, we are told not to be afraid. The insanity of present day global economics should scare the unsaved people around us, but most are unaware of just how tough things can get. I was born during the Great Depression and I still remember how the people I knew, did Trust in God and that is how they got through the disaster.
Most "so called Christians" who play Church today know nothing of the trust of being completely in love with Jesus Christ. The middle verse of the 1189 (psalm 118) chapters of our Holy Bible, states that we are to "Trust in God and put no confidence in men". Like blind Bartimaeus, who said that faithful day at Jericho "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me". I have learned to walk by faith, not by sight. And, I know what it is to be a true Conservative.
Graduating from the smallest of country schools, a graduating class of only thirteen, God saw me through eight years at two universities. I worked at night selling cookware and even cemetery lots and worked each summer selling Bibles door to door, down just about every "pig path" in eastern North Carolina. I was able to finish one doctorate and later did another after I had lost most of my vision. Most doctorate candidates hire someone to type their dissertation, I typed my own. From the time I graduated, entered the army as a commissioned Medical Officer, and until this present day, I know conservative. I graduated from college with money in the bank and back then, there were none of these scholarships or government loans which today's students enjoy. Rather, my education was earned the hard way. From then, until now, I have saved and invested fifty cents of every dollar I have ever made. And if it were not for the tremendous amount of tax which I pay from every "pick pocket" government angle I would be able to give even more to God's Work. And the education of the handicapped students such as I give and sponsor at Chapel Hill and the awards and scholarships at Mount Olive college and my great desire to encourage workers and ministers of the Free Will Baptist denomination, various Churches and other philanthropist where God directs.
I am thankful everyday of my life that from the humble (most would call down-right poverty) beginnings of being reared on a tobacco farm. I knew hard work, the sweat of toil, the feel of dirt in my hands and on my feet. I am thankful for the hardest working parents any child has ever witnessed, the glory of seeing life from the chicken coop to the hog pen or cow barn, of knowing the words of a praying mother as she blessed the food on the table, even though at times it was very sparce. I learned the value of a dollar and I know and can give all the paperwork more months to see, that money spent on trivial and unnecessary things cannot be invested. Other than a parking meter, I have never put a coin in a coin machine to buy anything in my life. Even on my many trips around the world, which were more economical than anyone could imagine, and the God inspired sounds and smells which I shall never forget from 157 countries and both poles. I did all of this in a most conservative way. I have never bought anything, to my knowledge, that was not on "sale" or from the thrift store. I do not own one shirt that cost over twenty five cents. And when traveling, I would carry two bags of second hand clothing, which I would barter for antiquarian items. When I returned from a trip, anywhere, anytime, my only clothing would be what I was wearing. My bags were always full of items in which I now sell for auction online. Such as a painting I purchased in Calcutta from the famous artist Proffa, for which I paid three dollars and sold for $3,500. Or a cabochon ruby ring which I purchased in Africa for $20 and is $80,000. I could give many examples, such as these, but when I see the executives of the country's largest corporations at the nation's Capitol, pleading for tax payer's money from a government which is already in bankruptcy. I believe you will agree with me that a true conservative should give some advice.
If our nation is going to survive, there must be a return to conservatism. I voted for President George W. Bush, twice, even though I am convinced that he is neither Christian or conservative. But I could not vote for the "Katsup King" from Boston or the "Confessed Tobacco Succorer" from Tennessee. In 1904, blind and deaf Helen Keller wrote a book in which she said "People just imagine they understand the isolation of total darkness." Don't try to understand blindness. Don't try to understand what the disabled veteran or the families of those finest young men buried at Normandy, where I have stood. Feel when they see a lack-a-daisical attitude of those who profess but do not possess patriotism. Or the hypocrisy of those who sit on Church pews, who profess but do not possess the love of Christ. As I have said in several graduation addresses, the first image I have in my mind (I must have been two years of age) is that small Union Grove Church where both my parents, grandparents on both sides and my great grandparents on both sides, worshiped. The image is my dear mother on her knees, washing the feet of another Saint in the church. I know conservatism.
The most important area of my life is to know that as I have reached the sunset, my only son, Doctor John Michael Morris, my two grandsons, Andy (Lawyer) and Paul (Engineer) are all carrying the torch. Mike, who graduated with a degree in science, then medical school, and two seminary doctorates since, spent many years with his wife as SBC Foreign Missionaries. Before Julius Caesar was put on the funeral pyre, he was uncovered so everyone could see the twenty three stab wounds. After the pyre was set ablaze, young men took tree limbs that were on fire and ran through the streets carrying the torches of a defeated leader. It is time for the true conservative to carry the torches of a still great nation and the promises of a great savior.
Some of Dr. Morris's older writing were not put on his blog or Facebook page. I am sending the old ones out again.
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