Last night, President George W. Bush gave his farewell to the Nation address. Not very many citizens, regardless of their political stripe will shed many crocodile tears with his departure. I was born during the Presidency of Herbert Hoover, I remember the 'Hoover carts' during the Great Depression, even the very few people that owned cars, could not afford to drive them. So the churchyards, the small country towns (Many photos still exist of this scene) were filled with the sight of small carts being pulled by the family mule. Even though there are government facilities named for President Hoover, very few citizens at that time had anything but disdain for him.
Then came the new deliverer, former Governor of New York, aristocrat married to his cousin, a man who until he was 14 years old was still bathed by his mother Sarah, and who picked as his Vice-President an avowed Communist Henry Wallace, who was a Communist until he died. I remember very well, the agriculture stabilization policies of the New Deal. Wherein all farmers were limited in their acreage and I can still see my mother and grandmother crying as the agriculture Nazis or as you prefer SS New Deal troops cut down, to die, large plantings of corn, cotton, tobacco, and even food products such as potatoes. Controls were the order of the day. Roosevelt's policy resulted in the death and burial of 62 million pigs. And, if you wanted to go to jail, one sure way was to try to save some of this food for your family. It was to be destroyed, but the good news since I have given you the bad news, is the fact that there was distribution of government sponsored cheese, butter, cornmeal, and even apples. This surplus parity, along with a few dollars for not planting until this day was considered the largess of the Roosevelt Administration. Most citizens were displaced and unemployed and it was strictly a matter of survival. Books have been written on this subject but only those who witnessed the trauma of this New Deal have it etched in their memory.
Harry Truman, and his Vice President Albin Barkley, had the advantage of taking over after World War 2 which had mostly brought the country out of the economic throes of the Great Depression. I remember that my father, a farmer/barber, could now charge 25 cents for a haircut instead of ten cents which he had charged during the Roosevelt Era. And my mother, instead of making our clothes from feed sacks, could now buy yard goods for sewing.
I will not go into the policies and problems of each President until 2009 when we are about to inaugurate an abomination from the Chicago Mafia. The liberal media has crowned this new 'Patrice Lumumba', first dictator of the Congo, it will be interesting for you to study Lumumba, Mobutu, and the recently deceased Contii to see how quickly a country and it's government can be totally demoralized, not only by the lack of integrity in our own government trying to buy off every type of illegality (people and corporate structures) but allowing UN and Socialist interference from global engineers.
I voted for George W. Bush twice, simply because I could not vote for the Ketchup king from Boston, or the tobacco succerer from Tennessee. From everything I had learned concerning the U.S. Senate grandfather, the grand puppeteer father, George W. was a glorified fraternity boy of the Skull and Bones variety. He was a playboy, social butterfly. President Nixon would send an Air Force plane to bring him to denizens of our Nation's capital, to escort his daughters. Until he gave the first State of the Union address, I understand he had never been in the Capital building even though his grandfather was US Senator, his own father was a Congressman and CIA director, Vice- President and President.
Any one of we peasants would have been happy to sit in the house gallery for any reason at all. He professed that he was not only a conservative but a Christian, and I have never been able to understand how a Christian can not be a conservative. There are over 1500 Christian radio stations in this country and in the beginning, since I spend most of my time and get too little sleep from the 4 radios on each side of my bed, I listen to Christian stations continually. It did not take long before you never heard President George W. Bush mentioned on any Christian station. It had already been decided by the Christian leaders in this country that God, who does the judging, was very disappointed in this President.
So long George, God help us now with what is taking your place. But, George you will be remembered as the one who brought disaster to the Republican Party and has weakened this nation by precipitating a liberal vote, not by just the Bush bashers, but decent citizens who just 'don't care anymore'. Look around you, those of you with eyes, look at all the visual compartments of life, listen to the most popular area of communication today, talk radio, and you will find that our citizenry have lost faith in their government.
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