As poor as we were, my parents always made sure we went to the state fair each year in Raleigh. We knew ahead of time that we didn't have any money to spend on junk, my father always purchased tickets for the grand stand shows, afternoon and evening. Afternoon was harness racing which he enjoyed, the night performances were always spectacular. The ones I remembered the most were the high-wire acts, walking on wires, high in the air, swinging from one to the other.
Years later, while I still had a little eye sight, I went to the great circus in Moscow. The high-wire performances there were as exciting as in Raleigh. The only time I ever saw a Russian smile was at the circus. I have often said that the hard life of the communists could be compared to the hard life of poor Americans, the difference, in America the poor are responsible for their own welfare, in Russia the state is responsible for your care. Either place, regardless of where you find the poor in the world, life is hard. But, none of us were promised a life of ease. Even Christ told us that many would always be poor. Dante said, “there is a particularly hot place in hell for those who choose to not be involved in a moral crisis.” Those who want to remain neutral, unconcerned, indifferent.
The greatest high-wire and trapeze artists in the world are politicians...who should be surefooted, aware of gravity, not distracted or trying to distract. Do you think they actually know anything about your problems? Latest polls shows 30% of Americans have no savings at all. 68 US Senators are millionaires, Kohl being the richest of all at $214 million, 30% of all Congresspersons are millionaires. Adding insult to injury during this double-dip recession, when most Americans are just trying to survive, Ms. Obama and an entourage of friends and government workers went on an extravagant trip to Spain, at a cost of $2,500 per night (Villa Padierna) with her zest for the best. Of course, for a woman who made $315,000 at her last political job, whose husband made $5.5 million last year, the expense of this royalty seems like peanuts to liberals.
Remember in November, just as the gay judge ruling in California regarding same sex marriage. Just as Representative Wrangle, who writes tax laws for other people to follow. Just as Representative Maxine Waters, who has never seen a corrupt politician she did not like. Just as Al Gore, who still dreams of social security lock boxes, midnight basketball, and even making millions on carbon dioxide, the time has come for realistic evaluation, before the entire country, tripping to the left, falls of the high wire.
Grantland Rice, many of us remember this great sportswriter who died in 1954, said “it is not whether you won or lost, but how you played the game.” The entire matter of game playing, business, politics or whatever, is a matter of integrity. We hunger and thirst for people of integrity. Honesty and integrity are the building blocks of life.
This past week, in an effort to distract the attention of the naive from the budget problems, the two most corrupt politicians in this area: the Mayor of the City of Wilmington, and the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for New Hanover county went into a supposed weight loss fiasco trying to distract the tax payers from the indifference of cutting and slicing fat from their budgets. Who cares how fat these two politicians are? We all would be overweight if we could live as well as they do. As another indecent politician, Mr. Bobby Greer has said, “living in paradise.” It is paradise for those who think the public is their pawns, to be moved around, and squeezed for every nickle possible.
I speak as a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, for 50 years, medical officer veteran, like the others, largest minority (20%), disabled, who do not use the jails, parks, bicycle paths, public buildings of the community, we just want to survive. In the great depression, 7 million people starved, and at that time, 90% of people lived on farms, whereas today 90% live in cities. My family needed our beautiful cow, but she had to be sold in order to pay taxes. We could not feed her anyways, except for cottonseed. I lived through it. There were no contests for weight loss, people were glad to eat anything edible. God willing, the time will come for some of these corrupt politicians to know what hunger, sacrifice, cutting and integrity are all about.
People do what they do because they believe what they believe. Crooked politicians believe they can distract the public and get by with anything. Character determines destination, and their character will trip them and throw them from the wire, this is their destiny, now and in eternity.
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