Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States, probably the most brilliant president in our history, Vice President under Adams, Governor of Virginia, President of the University of Virginia, writer of the Constitution said, “I fear for my country when I think of the justice of God.” Only a mentally incompetent would not fear for the future of this country in the year 2010. The President of the United States is a Sunni Muslim, dedicated Marxist, he promised to transform the country and a sufficient majority voted for him, thinking the transformation would improve things. We have never seen the world in worse condition. Trying to save the Democrat majority in Congress, you can expect him to attack Iran just before the November elections. The dots are lined up, everything is ready for World War 3. Joint Chief of Staff Admiral Mullen admitted to NBC news that military options are on the table against Iran.
World conflict could not happen at a worse time, winless wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Floods in Pakistan, droughts sweeping Russia, heat so vicious in some areas in that some villages burn to the ground just from temperature heat (an area north of Moscow the size of Portugal). Magnetic activity on the earth's side of the sun, coronal activity producing aurora borealis, seldom seen so far south. Threats of world hunger from the destruction of the grain supply of Australia, never in history have locusts and mice been so destructive to the crops, predicted to decrease production by 35%.
We deserve the governments we get, all human suffering is not a result of natural catastrophe. I have traveled through Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, several times, once this fertile nation was the bread basket of Africa. Politics and the angry polices of Robert Mugabe has turned this country into a bleak wasteland. I saw beautiful homes, built by the British and Dutch agricultural pioneers, falling down, trees growing out of them. Plush golf courses that once attracted tourists are now grown up. This is what happens when a communist takes over...the producers are run off, native workers wait for a welfare check. I saw the same thing in Burma, trees growing out of once beautiful homes.
History is so clear, the Garden of Eden represents God's heart, guarded when the first family were expelled by fire. They procreated, probably each man had around 300 children, lived long, sinful lives. God had finally had enough, destroyed them all with the Great Flood (around 5000 BC), probably about 6 billion people, except for 8 souls, Noah, preacher of righteousness, who lived to 850 years of age, and his family. Seth, one of Noah's grandsons, taught Abraham, around 4,000 BC. Abraham, from a family of idol worshipers, first Jew, led by God 600 miles north to Canaan, then begins the marvelous history of the Jewish nation. The entire Old Testament and the Gospels, 700 years later, all preliminary to Paul's preaching of the Gospel to the Gentiles (Romans to Philemon, messages to the church). Always, strong foundations, not trying to nail Jello to the wall.
In the history of the ancient world, 650,000 Jews were led captive to Babylon, this all a matter of the historical record from historians such as Herodotus and Josephus. 50,000 were allowed to return and rebuild Solomon's temple which was been built around 740 BC. The rebuilding was completed around 500 BC (this is the temple in which Jesus taught and walked). When these 50,000 returned to Jerusalem, a city in ruins, the temple was just a mess of rubble and garbage. These people found their world in catastrophe, they worshiped, gave offerings, one after another. If the spirit of God is in you, you are willing to give: time, talent, treasure. Only after you have lost something do you appreciate what you have lost, I speak as a totally blind man, most of you do not appreciate your eyesight.
Churches, the cause of Christ, growing rapidly in North Korea, China, Russia, and other totalitarian places, where they realize what they have lost. There were old people who remembered, from them as with Haggai and the rebuilding of the temple, foundations stones were laid and the buildings completed. Many American church-members are cognizant about the loss right inside their own church, the church totally invaded by pretenders. The fastest growing church movement in America is the home church, real Christians gathering together in member's homes to study, pray, and worship. They have seen enough playing church, drama and drums. The fastest growing education movement is the home school, parents who love their children, parents who train their children correctly at home, protect their innocence and natural desire to learn by teaching them at home, it works every time. My son, grandsons, never went to a public school. They are grounded in good study habits, good minds, good character, are all reputable university graduates. They lost nothing by their non-exposure to satanic influences. God tells me, and you, if you will listen, that his purpose for my life is more important that my pleasure in my life.
Art Linkletter, known to all older Americans, died in May of this year at age 98, he died a wealthy man without ever bowing to satanic influences. Linkletter like so many others, learned to live triumphantly in an imperfect world. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, hanging by the Nazis for his religious beliefs said, “we cannot destroy the community because we cannot adjust to the imperfections in it. The tares are among the wheat, God knows how to sort things out.”
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