Dr. Thomas Woods, author of the 2009 best seller, “Meltdown,” describes in detail the financial collapse we are enduring at the present time. The federal reserve had been the chief cause of this depression. Alan Greenspan put 8 million a week into the economy trying to prevent this depression. Ronald Reagan in 1987 authorized the treasury department to spend billions to prevent a stock market plunge, it was called the “plunge protector“. These activities, and worse with this new administration, is just digging the hole deeper, a hole that many generations will encounter as they carry bundles of money to the grocery store to buy anything. Social security is and will be the biggest problem. The older people who are drawing on social security now will probably draw $70,000 more than they put in. The younger people will put in $300,000 more then they will ever draw out.
New polls show that 53% of Americans now prefer socialism and they are most certainly going to get their wish. The problem is, they have never seen socialism at work in a truly socialist country. Most of these people have never seen the dehumanizing of people, as in China, Russia, North Korea, etc. Americans can hardly wait to get socialized healthcare. Only those with veterans administration experience in VA hospitals know the horror stories of socialized healthcare. (I am totally blind 100% disabled service-connected veteran) I am one of a group of veterans who have the opportunity to go to private facilities for care on a “fee basis” accommodation because of my condition. But, I have spent much time in military facilities and VA facilities, as well as being a military medical officer myself.
I have had a variety of drivers drive me to VA hospital facilities for care. Each one left in shock when they saw the impersonal treatment. It is a matter of taking a number and waiting. Recently, on a trip to the VA Hospital Durham, NC, I was sitting next to a WWII veteran who, like the apostle Paul, showed the marks of his service to our country. He told me about running through a burning building getting patients out of a hospital. Of course he told me about his many decorations and his lifelong fight just to keep living. When I finally got into the room for the drawing of my blood, I said to the technician, “The colonel before me is a great hero. Did you notice how his entire body was scarred?” She said “ These old men ought to just go ahead and die.” I said, “ What about me? Should I go ahead and die too?” This is the attitude in socialized healthcare.
3,500 innocent babies are killed everyday. If these folks do not care about the most innocent of life, you can be sure that the older people will be put to death. I sent a complaint to the VA hospital in Durham, NC about the fact that it is difficult for blind patients to get around the large facility, unlike Duke University Eye Center, right across the street, where they have volunteers to help the blind people to get from one clinic to another. The chief of staff called me and expressed his dislike for my suggestion and that they were just waiting for me to die. So, I could understand the attitude of the people who work in the hospital.
Governor Sebelius, Kansas tax evader, received thousands of dollars from Dr. George Tiller, the world's best known abortionist. Sebelius, catholic, is Obama’s choice for the chief of the Department of Health and Human Resources. There are enough Catholics, members of the US senate, to block her confirmation, and Dr. Tiller was her chief supporter in her race for Governor. When will the pro-life Catholics in this country take a stand for life, against the promoters of abortion such as Obama, Sebelius, Pelosi, Biden, Kennedys, etc.
An experiment in socialism was conducted some years ago in one of our leading universities. The professor said as long as they came to class he would give everyone the same grade on their tests. It so happened that the first test everyone got a B. The next test everyone got a C, and finally everyone in the class got an F. Because when there is no incentive for excellence everything goes down. I found in my 3 trips through China, since it reopened in 1976, that there is an attitude of just “live and let live”, no reason for excellence, no reason for hard work. As one student told me, when I spoke at a Chinese university, “it makes no difference how hard you work or what achievements you make, you will always be in the same category with the ones who do the least. Your life, your future, your final exit, is all determined by the state.”
In China, everyone wears the same clothes, everyone’s hair is cut the same way, (men and women) four families share one bathroom and one kitchen, parents can have one child, but that child immediately becomes the property of the state. Each parent has a work assignment and the child shortly after birth is taken to a government facility. I understand things have changed in recent years because of exposure to western capitalism. But those who have seen and experienced socialism, especially socialized healthcare, want no part of it. But, as in Saul Alinskey’s book “Rules for Radicals,” you isolate your target and expend all your energy achieving that target. The target of Obama and his fellow liberals is socialism and this certainly includes socialized healthcare. Like Belshazzar in his big liberal party in Babylon, the hand writing is on the wall. (Daniel 5)
The catholic church has been held up as an example of socialism, because the officials of the church (Priest and Nuns) live “servant” lives with limited expenses and wealth. Pope Pius 11th had 3 earned doctorates, yet was supposed to live a very frugal life.
It has always seemed strange for a man to have a house such as the Vanderbilt mansion (thousands of acres, hundreds of rooms) while decent American citizens live in poverty nearby. At least, in America, with our capitalistic system, we have the opportunity to achieve and to have a better house. In various businesses I have owned, I have put this system to the test and have always found it works. Just as the wait staff make better tips by good service and efforts of their own, I found that giving management a percentage of my profit from a business above a certain figure always worked. The commission basis of sales has made this country the commercial center of the universe.
A doctor's personality accounts for 80% of his success. The patient appreciates the careful attention of any caregiver. In a socialized system, such as a VA hospital, if you smile or say something nice to a caregiver, they look at you like you're crazy. Many times, while at my residence in Manhattan, I would go to the VA facility in lower Manhattan, it was a total horror story. I remember one time, because I was a medical officer with rank, from the nurse who took my blood pressure to the last doctor I saw at the facility, each asked me to write a letter of commendation for them. Like the post office or any other socialized facility, they try to work free enterprise in a very perverted way.
The greatest problem with the socialist security system, which will be the next really big bail out, is that abortion has taken 50 million people out of the workforce. Those who would be working, paying taxes into the social security system, were murdered. The illegal immigrants, flooding across the borders, pay little into the system, but are bringing disaster to all healthcare facilities. If you wish to see nations that have already attempted suicide, look at Europe.
One million citizens of the world take their own lives each year. In most countries, it is young men. In China, there are about as many women suicides as men suicides. The dehumanizing of people, everyone just becoming a number, leads to the despair of suicide, especially with young men who have ego and ambition.
The Final Exit for most of us who have been fortunate enough to not have been aborted, in spite of the trials of living in the enslavement tax system of this country and if we are fortunate enough to escape euthanasia, we have the wonderful expectation of eternal life with joy beyond comprehension.
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