This year, we are observing the 60th anniversary of the Korean war. I am a veteran of the Korean conflict.
The US combat involvement in Vietnam began in 1960, I was still in the military during the Vietnam conflict. Having had eight eye surgeries, last Boston General, Boston Massachusetts. In spite of everything bad I can say about the veterans administrations, with evidence to support everything, at least they sent me to the best. Although it was a horrendous experience, traveling alone, having to depend on the kindness of other people on the plane. Before I went to Boston the last time, VA had placed me in the Eye Center of Duke University Hospital, there, the doctors Anderson, Jr and Sr, and others, did what they could. I was in a room on the second floor of the Duke eye center, I know I was in a corner room right across from the veterans hospital. Liberal, communist students and professors from both UNC Chapel Hill and the Duke campus just ten miles away, were demonstrating around the VA hospital and other government facilities, protesting the Vietnam war.
Most people do not believe this, Duke University refused to admit that it happened, it was never published. But a black communist nurse came into my room and told me how much she despised the military, then to show her disdain for the military and this blind medical officer in bed, she spat in my face. My mother and sister, after a long drive from Goldsboro, NC arrived shortly thereafter. They were in disbelief and horror stricken at this treatment of any patient. They went to making arrangements to get me out of that hospital, but Dr. Banks Anderson Jr. came in and assured me and them that nothing like that would happen again. I don't know what happened to this black nurse, she probably got a promotion. But it goes to show you again, who's fooling who?
The things that went on with returning Vietnam warriors, the things that go in VA hospitals until this very day. The things that go on in all hospitals and nursing homes to this very day, are beyond the comprehension of man. Like the Mexican boyfriend, who babysat his girlfriend's two year old son in Texas, and beat him to death. Or the three year old girl who was beaten to death by a mother's boyfriend in Johnson county, NC, with an extension cord. We might as well learn to accept man's inhumanity to man.
From 1799 to 1892, even the Supreme Court proclaimed this a Christian nation. Is it a Christian nation that has 900 military bases around the world? Is it a Christian nation that has killed 53 million babies, legally, since 1973? Is it a Christian nation that elects a Sunni Muslim, Communist as President? Is it a Christian nation, center of the production and promotion of the world's pornography? Is it a Christian nation that manufactures more useless, exotic, “big pharma” drugs at a big price, than any other country in the world? Is it a Christian nation that has more people in prison, that has more drug addicts, that spends more money on munitions than any other nation in the world? Is it a Christian nation that has enslaved its future generations with a 14 trillion dollar debt to date? (Remember, one trillion is one million million)
Americans are forced to work so hard, just to stay afloat that most do not have time for pleasant memories. Even memories of family, friends, who have died. Most work so hard, and live with such a routine that they do not have time to enjoy the flowers which they have planted. Several generations of Americans know nothing of the security and stability of good government, all they know is the daily regurgitation of corruption, local, state and federal. I was at Duke hospital that Sunday morning, when around 9 o clock, Governor Umstead died...to be replaced by Lieutenant Governor Luther Hodges, my doctor said, “only his wife and daughter know, Governor Hodges is in church.” These were the last honorable representatives of North Carolina government.
I had read Dr. Samuel Johnson's book on the New Hebrides Islands. I thought of missionary John G. Paton, when I arrived there. Just think, a missionary and his wife arriving on a cannibal island. She died shortly after they arrived and he had to sleep on her grave to keep the cannibals from eating her, but he never gave up, and the islands were evangelized. Think of the early missionaries who went to the guillotine for their faith, and even later, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, dying as did so many Catholic priests in Hitler's death camps. I think of this as see the pretending, the masquerade party that takes place in America's churches. Powdered and perfumed, sitting on patted pews in air conditioned comfort, a ridiculously overpaid minister tickling their ears, laughing and clapping, drums and drama. They think that three hours a week, when the weather is good, and they feel like it, they are fooling God. Who's fooling who?
Even in my lifetime, I remember the pastor on his knees in the pulpit, men of the church, family leaders on their knees around the alter. Their faith was real, God, family, country were real in the lives our ancestors. Don't you wish you knew more about your ancestors?
In today's America, where 52% of all black babies are aborted. Where 75% of all college students leave their religious background totally. Perhaps from habit, 85% of Americans say they believe in God. If they knew the terror of what they say, they would either change their way of living or their answer.
Having traveled the world (8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries), I deceived myself into thinking that groups and the press would be interested in a blind man's travels of the world. Starting out at zero, a millionaire by the age of forty, totally blind, I thought media or groups would be interested in how becomes successful. Living alone, looking after my various interests, I thought media, disability groups and others would be interested in how a disabled person manages, and many other factors pertaining to my life: military, travel, business, one would think there would be some interest, but really, no one cares. Who's fooling who?
The churches, civic clubs, patriotic, and other groups, are just pretending. They cared nothing for veterans, or others who have put on a good fight. Most are just interested in the “slop” (liquid garbage) they find on the television screen. Take away the prosperity gospel, a few professors, and you have left a few possessors. Take away the flags and hyperbole of patriotism, and you have a naked America.
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