Two of my favorite stories as a child were by Hans Christian Anderson, “The Little Match Girl” and “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. On one of my trips to Denmark, in Copenhagen, I walked through the houses of Hans Christian Anderson and the memories of the little girl selling matches and using them to stay warm as well as the little boy who was the only one brave enough to tell others that the emperor did not have on new clothes but was naked.
One Saturday morning, I was at my beach house minding my own business and the doorbell rang. At the door, was the wife of one of our city’s most influential lawyers. I remembered because she at one time worked for the newspaper and had interviewed me and likewise, she remembered me. She was looking for one of my ex-tenants from one of my buildings because she was a volunteer for the Obama campaign. She was trying to contact people on her list, like my ex-tenant, to make sure they voted for Obama. I said, “I’m sure she is an Obama supporter because she stole all of my furniture from my house, along with her boyfriend who is the assistant manager of one of the largest department stores in the city”. I proceeded to tell her that her father, who had made the initial arrangements and signed the documents for the lease was a former school official for the state of Virginia, who is now living in Marion, North Carolina and that I am sure that he is also an Obama supporter since two highly paid lawyers and the police department had been unable to get any of my money from this threesome, since they all made themselves “judgment proof” since the theft of my furniture and the annihilation of my house (I have the photos and documents to prove this). Needless to say, she was rather surprised that these not too respectable people were on her list.
Near an office complex which I own was the Obama Headquarters. The parking lot was full almost constantly, 24 hours a day, with mostly black young people working for the Obama campaign.
After a few weeks of his presidency, perhaps a few of his followers are beginning to question his “clothing”. The naked truth is that Mr. Obama is a product of the corrupt political system in Chicago. All of our lives we have heard of Tameny Hall in NY, the Dailey machine in Chicago, the Pendergast machine in Kansas City and even the Jim Hunt machine in North Carolina. Every democrat political stronghold seems to thrive on corrupt politics. In North Carolina at least four prominent democrats, including a congressman, are in prison at the present time. The mayor of Detroit has just walked out of prison, the former governor of Illinois has just had a trial at the capital. In Washington DC, before and since the inauguration, like leaves falling off the trees in autumn, we hear daily of prominent democrats who want to be a part of this “Chicago Mafia” leadership such as Richardson, Daschle, Geitner, Killefer, Franken, Clinton, Franks and god only knows how many more.
Sometime ago in London, while eating in a respectable restaurant, the Maitre Di, came over and said to me, “sitting over there is Ms. Lewinsky, who is well known for servicing your former President”. This 79 year old, totally blind, 100% disabled service connected veteran, is still working everyday knowing that he must pay more money in taxes than he ever thought he would make as a youngster. My parents, hardworking farmers, my grandparents and other ancestors right on back until the 1700s (which is as far as I could trace) which I still have tax receipts and family papers, paid their taxes. It is an amazing commentary that men such as Charles Wrangle, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, or Tom Daschle, who served in the US Senate, writing tax laws, did not realize that they too are entitled to pay tax.
We now have a president, part black, part white, part Muslim, part heathen, part lawyer, part gullible, but 100% a product of the Chicago Illinois political corrupt system. Like Bokassa of the Central Africa Republic, who declared himself emperor and rode up and down the streets on Bangui in a chariot dressed like a Roman emperor and who had a moat around his house (I was allowed to see this by the officials) and who disposed of his political enemies by feeding them to the crocodiles in the moat. How long will it take for such drastic measures to take effect on Pennsylvania Avenue?
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