Since childhood, this writer has been ridiculed because of his frugal habits of saving money. Don’t we wish that we had sent some politicians and bureaucrats to Washington and other places where power brokers gather who know more about saving than spending. Dr. Franklin said “If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting.” (Benjamin Franklin born in 1706 and died in 1790). Saving money is a state of mind. When one discovers, and it is something you learn early, if you are wise, you cannot invest what you have spent, and it takes money to make money. We have “supposed leaders” in our nation today who can be well described as “big spenders.” They love to spend other people's money, tax money, even though, they with all their political knowledge do not themselves pay taxes (Daschle, Rangel). I have found, in meeting politicians locally, state wide, and nationally, that most have never worked a day in their lives and that they know nothing about the saving of money. Most come from homes of privilege. The new politicians are products of education grants and the largess of hard-working taxpayers.
Because of their connections, family political contributions, good looks, glib tongues, often lack of character, and many other things that put low men in high places. Our county, state, and federal governments are on the road to disaster.
Early in life, and I have explained on the platform and in writing, I started keeping a spending diary. If you go to my bedroom right now, you will find a notebook where each day by the date of that day, I list every penny I have spent that day and for what, and if I went to a restaurant the tip is included also. When, at the end of the week or month, you add how much you have spent you will have the discipline to keep from spending. The credit card should only be used in an emergency or used to verify a purchase in case of a return or misrepresentation. The credit card has been a financial disaster to most citizens much to the joy of the corrupt banking system, who make more money on fees and penalties then anywhere else.
You cannot out give God. It is essential that you recognize early in life that the greatest way you can show your worship is by giving God not just 10% but in my case 50%. As was the case with Elijah and the widow. “And the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the LORD, which he spake by Elijah.” (1 Kings 17:16) To this moment, every promise and every prophecy of God's word has been fulfilled. If you want to live along live, (honor your parents, exodus 20). If God desires you to have wealth, it is His business, GOD IS BOSS. But, it is up to you to not be slothful, to work hard, invest well, prepare for future needs, and learn early in life, as I heard my thrifty mother say so many times, “money does not grow on trees.”
Because of politicians and bureaucrats spending your money which you paid in taxation, it takes every dollar paid in tax just to finance social security, medicare and medicaid. All other expenses of federal government: wars, research, grants...all this money is borrowed...mostly from the country of China. Since President Obama has been in office, the national debt has increased 4.4 trillion dollars, this is more debt than was borrowed from George Washington, first President, until George W. Bush, 43rd President. The national debit is now $14 trillion dollars, this is 14 with twelve zeros. Every American, man woman and child is in debt to the government $45,000. There is no way this debt can be paid, it is predicted that this FICA tax, now 15% of your paycheck will double to the 30% of your paycheck. It is predicted that all retirement funds, entitlements, will be eaten away by the debt. Mark Twain said, “the scripture I cannot understand does not bother me, it is the scripture that I do understand that bothers me.” Gods word tell us to stay out of debt, individually and as a nation.
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