During World War 2, “the hump” was referred to by pilots flying planes from India to China, supplying Chiang Kai-shek's forces with supplies, as the uncharted course over the Himalayas in Burma. Early 40s planes, propeller driven, WW2 vintage, few flight patterns or courses, unknowns concerning heights. Once, they had to ditch a grand piano being sent to Madam Chiang Kai-shek. The Generalissimo, and his fellow rulers of millions of coolies on the Chinese mainland were more interested in transporting the wealth of China to Formosa, than in fighting the hordes of Mao's followers.
When I was in Formosa, I was told that the caves of that country were full of Chinese art, they saved the art, but did not save the country from communism. Now, the aging Taiwan population, no longer concerned with Quemoy and Matsu questioned the hump of ambiguity which America shows about the water dividing the island nation from the mainland.
Exploitation of water, depths, at least to date, are more important to nations than heights, humps. News headlines in recent weeks have disclosed the problems of just one “oil leak”, millions of gallons from the punctured chasm 18,000 feet down. No one will ever know the exact barrels of oil leaked into the gulf of Mexico. The dangers to the estuaries, marine life, economy of the gulf coast area. With all the tall tales proffered by British Petroleum and the American government concerning the problem and the cure of the problem, none will compare with the statement by Carol Browner that 75% of the oil in the gulf has disappeared. Where did it disappear to? If this statement were coming from just any person, it might be laughable, but this woman-lawyer is the director of the White House Office of Energy and Global Climate Change, former administrator of the EPA. In the administration of this Marxist, Sunni Muslim President, her attachment to world socialist groups, listed as one of 14 leaders of a International Socialist's commission, and the president's global warming czar.
Much more scary than socialist Carol Browner, or even the Gulf Oil fiasco, the planning subject, familiar in most communities as “smart growth”, which all politicians, local, state and federal recognize as Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is a program run by the United Nations related to “sustainable development”, it was the first summit to discuss global warming related issues. It lays out a comprehensive blueprint of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the UN, governments, and major groups in every area in which humans directly affect the environment. In this program, every “puddle” of water in the world is under UN control...all gulfs, harbors, estuaries, even the pond on your farm or front yard. The New World Order, the globalists, are now in charge of every speck of the planet: water, land, trees, animal life. A threat to our freedom, an amalgamation of socialism, this extreme environmentalism enslaves humanity.
The American physician-missionary Dr. Jim Elliot, killed in Ecuador trying to reach the Auca Indians with the Gospel said, “wherever you are, be completely there.” In the scurry and hurry of life around us, just trying to make a living, are we always aware of what is going on? 50 years ago, I doubt if you could find a Muslim family in North Carolina, in all my years selling books door to door, I never encountered one. Ramadan, will begin August 11th, this is the time that Muslims refrain from eating, drinking, and sexual activity during daylight hours. Recently, to accommodate their faith group in just 3 counties: Wake, Orange, Durham, they rented Dorton arena at the NC State fairgrounds in Raleigh.
From 1799 to 1892, even the US Supreme Court declared this a Christian nation, in 100 years, we have seen this “Christian nation” dissolve into a diversity of humanistic diplomacy...just trying to satisfy the whims of everyone. Much like the children of Israel, leaving the slavery of Egypt, divine deliverance through the Red Sea, now church members, just wandering around in the desert of indifference, not really believing that the promised land lies ahead. Like the world, being so politically correct, afraid to stand with Arizona in keeping out illegal people, tolerating every satanic act and ready to swallow hook, line and sinker anything the world has to offer. There are three reasons, if no others, why the Christian should defend, and give faith and hope in God, the greatest, the logical reason why a human should believe in a supreme being, the second is the design of creations, the third is the morality of the creator and the creation. Could anyone improve on the design of a rose, the laughter of a child, the morals which even the natural man considers important. Tribes that have never come into contact with God, believes in the sanctity of marriage, a man with a woman, the sacredness of property rights.
Some church members do not have the faith to believe in the resurrection of Christ, the virgin birth, they search for Noah's ark, are glad to find the axle of one of Pharaoh's chariots in the Red Sea, the columns Solomon installed where the children of Israel exited the Red Sea. The resurrection made a cataclysmic change in the disciple's lives. Imagine the disciple Thomas walking across the Himalayas to India, Mark killed in Egypt, Bartholomew in Armenia, Luke in Greece, Peter and Paul in Rome, all martyrs of the faith, all lives cataclysmic transformations because of grace through faith in Jesus.
Jesus Christ does not need lukewarm cowards to carry his cross. Einstein said, “the most believable thing about the universe is that it is believable.” Faith is a verb, action based on belief, sustained by confidence. If Christians were confident in their faith, confident in their country, confident in the heights and depths to which soldiers of the cross have clung, in preserving this time in history for them, most “isms” would be “was-ms” (Communism, Socialism, Islam).
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