We live in a world of excuses and alibis. President Obama said yesterday that the world is in a “dire” condition. When he was seeking the position of the world's most powerful leader, President of the United States, and when he promising a solution not only to this country but the world,s problems. He led many naïve followers on the golden path believing that he “change” everything and everyone for the better, including world despots Ahmadinejad, Chavez, and Castro are vowed enemies of the United States. The alibi now, as he has surrounded himself with a collection of mafia figures from the corruption of Chicago and the corruption of Washington DC (cabinet appointees who do not know an American citizen is supposed to pay taxes) it will just take time to make these changes. He sat in a church, in Chicago, for over twenty years listening to a preacher who preached a black nationalistic philosophy that blacks have the alibi of the persecutions of the white majority of this nation.
Democrats have always found an alibi for political decision. In 1960, John F. Kennedy told the Baptist in Houston (when they were concerned about a catholic president) that his personal religious belief especially pertaining to abortion was separate from his political belief. In 1984, Governor Cuomo, speaking at Notre Dame university ( a catholic institution supporting abortion) said very much the same thing that, “I can separate my personal catholic belief from the political law from Roe V. Wade. That great Catholic theologian Nancy Pelosi (third in line to the presidency) does not even understand when human life begins (thirty days after conception, the heartbeat of a child is evident). Now, in Mr. Obama non stimulus program she wants to encourage the use of contraceptives to limit the birth of children in this country because children are a great expense to this nation. Other catholic notables ( against everything the catholic church teaches) are promoting euthanasia because the fastest growing segment of our population are those 85 years of age and that age group takes up 40% of American healthcare dollars. It is an embarrassment to the catholic church and an insult to God almighty that 54% of Catholics voted for Obama.
Every catholic, as well as every other Christian who professes to know anything at all about the love of God and the love of Christ for small children, should read anew the book of Job in which he was described as an “upright” man of integrity. Integrity is a word that is used many times in the scriptures “The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.” (Proverbs 11:3)
When will Edward Kennedy, Catholic senator from Massachusetts, Michael Easley, corrupt former governor of North Carolina and other such Roman Catholics discover that God will not accept the alibi that there is a separation between the lord of life and the lord of politics “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” ( 1 Corinthians 10:3).
Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe, or Saddam Hussein, President of Iraq, Idi Amin, former president of Uganda, were all Muslim religious leaders who gave the alibi as their countries sank into destruction that they were trying to “bail out” their people. I have advised Mr. Obama, and so should you, he and his followers, that when one is in a deep hole with a shovel and you are trying to get out of the hole, you stop digging.
Most Americans, hard working, taxpaying citizens of integrity, are glad to just be able to buy gas for their old cars. Mr. Obama, who talks of “change” has a new fleet of presidential limousines, helicopters, planes and a redecorated White House. His lobbyist friends and financial advisers (law makers and college officials who do not understand that tax laws apply to everyone) are spending millions of dollars to fail, such as Meryll Lynch and other banks who are using “bail out” billions to further enhance their extravagant lifestyles (CEO, Meryll Lynch spent $28,000 for draperies for his office).
This 100% disabled service connected, totally blind veteran does not have thousands of dollars of furniture in his house, because like all my clothes, my furniture is all purchased from thrift shops. When one sees me running into anything, I have an alibi, I am totally blind but, if I make an error of any type on my tax forms, I am immediately notified and pay the same with penalty. Most of these politicians, Catholic, Protestant or otherwise, play church. What alibi will they give for their absolute hypocrisy. What alibi will they give when they learn that their children and grandchildren have no respect for them at all because they have turned a blessed country into a cesspool of corruption. It was once called District of Columbia, now it is called District of Criminals. The ten most corrupt politicians in Washington DC according to Judicial Watch:
1.Christopher Dodd
2.John Ensign (only Republican)
3.Barney Frank
4.Timothy Geithner
5.Eric Holder
6.Jesse Jackson, Jr. & Roland Burris
7.Barack Obama
8.Nancy Pelosi
9.John Murtha (dead)
10.Charles Rangel
In North Carolina, ruled by Democrats for over 100 years, the following Democrats are already in prison: Black, Balance, Decker, Wright. Other, including the ex-governor and his assistant, the present governor and her assistant will probably become cellmates of the others. Hitler said, “dumb people are easier to rule.” We have a long list of dumb democrats in North Carolina.
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