In the television series “Mission Impossible,” the program often started with a scene in which a top-secret message on a tape announced, “This message will self-destruct in five seconds.” On several radio shows I said to those who had fallen in love with President Obama and were so eager to worship at his altar, “Give him time, he will self-destruct.” He has been in office less than a month and the destruction is in progress.
Like paratroopers “bailing out” of a perfectly good airplane, we are seeing corporate heads, governors (such as the famous Beverly Perdue), lining up like welfare recipients seeking billions from an already bankrupt treasury. Most Americans had never heard the term “trillion.” To them a million dollars was an unimaginable amount of money. Billion has come into our vocabulary just during the last forty years (A trillion is a million million dollars, one trillion, twelve zeros). Do you realize that if you had started spending one million dollars each day on the day that our Blessed Lord was born 2000 years ago, we would still have my lifetime plus other lifetimes spending a million dollars a day in order to reach one trillion dollars? Most Americans, just trying to pay their bills from week to week, cannot even imagine that we have a national debt of nearly twelve (now, fourteen) trillion dollars. And this weekend, as well as next week, these politicians, most of whom have never worked a day in their live, are busy spending your money.
President Obama never had a real job. Amid the corrupt politics of Chicago, he was a community organizer. Here in the South, we refer to a community organizer as one who has “walking around” money to buy votes. His wife, because again of corrupt Chicago politics, made $1,000 a day ($316,000 a year) as a lawyer for a University of Chicago hospital which has stayed in trouble with questionable healthcare lawsuits. It has been reported that this duo who are so anxious to establish socialized healthcare in this country supported this hospital that did not take Medicaid patients.
The new President who promised “change” has surrounded himself with political figures of questionable character, politicians such as Dashiell, Geithner (who joined the US Treasury in 1988 and was previously the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, but after all his years of working with your tax dollars did not know he was supposed to pay tax), Governor Richardson, who has already withdrawn because of his financial problems, and others--lest we forget, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Charlie Rangel who had tax problems with his Dominican Republic property.
This 100% disabled, service-connected, totally blind veteran has never been excused from paying taxes on anything. On the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Normandy invasion, I stood in that French cemetery where 9,700 of America’s bravest are buried. Some years ago, I stood in the cemetery in the Philippines where 17,200 of America’s finest are buried. There are 126,000 dead American veterans buried on foreign soil. These thought this country was worth defending and they, like the 26 million veterans who are still among us, are paying the taxes and suffering the penalties of the corruption that goes on daily in cities, counties, states, and the federal government. In North Carolina, five corrupt politicians, including an NC Congressman, have gone to prison.
When John Edwards, who is no longer the poster boy for the Democrats and who so loved this country and its poor (you remember his Two Americas?), was written by this veteran several times about veterans and other matters of interest to me, he never responded.
Character determines destination. Mr. Edwards’ character has been put on display and I make the prediction that Mr. Obama will become more evident with every decision he makes and I hate to think what will happen with a terrorist attack or a national catastrophe such as an earthquake.
The reality of our lives as we face a new challenge every day and we offer encouragement to parents who have small children is that those who do not have a faith to live by need some encouragement to face not only the problems of individual life, but the life of our nation. Ted Turner, that great philosopher from Atlanta, said, “Christians are losers.” His ex-wife, Jane Fonda, was a supporter of the enemy during the last pacific conflict. Mr. Obama, is probably the most anti-Christian president with his views on abortion and Marxism that we have known, we know that he is a Sunni Muslim, even though he says he is Christian. What is new about that? Church is full of people who pretend to be Christian. When we have governments, we have what governments can do. When we have social services, we have what social services can do. When we have enough Christians in prayer, then we have what God can do. If anything is needed in this country at the present time, it is what God can do.
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