One of the greatest learning experiences during my eight years of university preparation to become an army medical officer where I lost my eyesight, was the work I did while carrying a full student's load, trying to get through school. I sold books each summer door to door, always had a night job so I could go to class during the day, and for a long time, working at a shoe store on Saturdays.
In the shoe store, there was an x-ray machine (shoe-fitting fluoroscopes) in which one could stand, looking through an apparatus and see how your shoes fit your feet. Now, I was not an electronics engineer, physicist, or nuclear expert, but I had a student's sense of learning and discovery, from the very beginning, I knew there was something wrong with this sales promotion machine. In radiology, you have high-energy electronic particles traveling in rapid motion in a beam. I know that in a dentist's office and other healthcare facilities where radiology is used, for instance, getting x-ray of your teeth or lungs, assistants get behind a barrier and you are covered with a shield.
One girl working in the store, “wearing her apron high” (pregnant), would go over and put her feet in the machine, evidently to watch her toes. I said to her, “don't you think this electronic 'stupidity' has an effect on your baby?” She acted shocked, but when I explained to her, how electronic beams bend their velocity and ferocity, I never saw her use it again. I got the address off the machine, the corporation who had manufactured it, and I wrote a letter to the president of the company challenging him to send to me the information and statistics before patent approval. I never received response, but I noticed the machine disappeared from the shoe store, as I believe it did from all shoe stores, and I understand that by the 1960s they were prohibited because of related health problems. Like asbestos, tobacco, aspartame, and many other things, many scientists and government regulators, even the patent office, seem to have a blind spots. Science has been compromised by government grants and corporate largess.
I try to stay out of hospitals, there is a definite reason why hospitals and cemeteries are so close together. My VA doctor advised that I get surgery at the local hospital because I would need extended care. I knew the New Hanover County hospital was well known for staph infections. The Center for Disease Control estimated that the number of staph infections in hospitals doubled nationwide from approximately 127,000 in 1999 to 278,000 in 2005. You may have already guessed it, during my prostate cancer surgery, I became staph infected, later returned to my house that way and had to re-enter the hospital as an emergency. The staph infection almost killed me.
One night, this blind man eased out of bed, I wanted to find out what these hospital rooms were like in this hospital, since I was unfamiliar with the hospital. Feeling around, remember I am blind, I found there were overstuffed chairs in the room, draperies at the windows, even an old wardrobe for the storing of clothes. I thought I remembered carpeting in the hall when I was moved from one room to another. Can you imagine such furnishings in a hospital, harboring every form of microbiology...bacteria, germs just waiting to attack? Now, even if I were not paying federal taxes to support Hill-Burton federal tax funds, such as to build this, and most hospitals, I was paying county taxes to supplement the hospital, and certainly I paid a large hospital bill as a patient. I came to the hospital for treatment, not execution; to get better, not worse.
Evidently, most doctors and hospital administrators were asleep in school, and every public health official, who inspects hospitals, should have observed the same thing this blind doctor observed. Why should a sick person go to a hospital to get sicker? Does it not make sense that cleanliness, sanitation should be number one priority in a hospital. Even hospital personnel should wash hands in between patients. I talked with an administrator with the hospital and when he brought my concerns before the politically appointed hospital board, he was let go.
Expenditures in health care surpassed $2.3 trillion in 2008, more than two times that spent in 1990, and three times that spent in 1980. If you think care is costly, callous and careless now, just wait for Obama care. The socialized healthcare promoted by Democrats, will be a disaster. The fastest growing population in America, is those over 85 years of age, most healthcare dollars are spent on this group. This care will be strictly rationed, more patients will be on medicare and medicaid, employers will pay the fine of $2000 rather than the the $13000 cost per each employee.
As with buying shoes, many problems are brought on by ourselves, boil your municipal water before you drink it, try to get rid of the chemicals. The fluoride in drinking water has nothing to do with dental care, but according to doctor Russel Blaylock, famed neurologist, will increase your chances for cancer. Hitler learned to soften the brains of people with fluoride and chloride in the water system, which would cause them not to care about doing stupid things. Do you notice people walking out into traffic, young people acting like they don't care about anything, not even appearance? Some girls look like they have fallen head first into a tackle box, piercings, tattoos. Why would adults with an IQ above room temperature put chemicals, drugs, into their body, by any of the ways they do it, when intelligence would tell them it is slow suicide? Thank God, I remember girls looking feminine, wanting to look good, not bad; their brains not being rotted by fluorides, fructose (corn syrup, fruit sugars), artificial sweeteners, squalene from vaccines (adjuvant and controversial component used with anthrax vaccines leading to “gulf war syndrome”, component found in 'shark liver oil').
Have Americans awakened to what is going on in this country? Do they realize that the Tuesday vote in November will determine the destiny of this nation. A survey of doctors by the Physicians foundation found that nearly half the respondents would leave the medical business in the next three years if they had an alternative.
Have Americans awakened to the fact that more is going out to social security than is being paid in? When millions of baby-boomers are expecting to receive social security. When illegal persons from other countries are expecting to receive government entitlements. Over 200 physicians, members of the 16,000 member Christian Medical Association, have signed a letter protesting a Senate bill amendment that would use U.S. Military medical facilities as abortion clinics. Right at a time when we need more people paying into social security we are murdering our babies. Right at a time when we need children filling classrooms, we murder future students. Such a paradox that teacher support the Democrat party, a party that promotes the murder of babies. 52% of all black babies are murdered, aborted, while the black population at a rate of 95% support the Democrat party. Israel depends on the support of America, yet, 78% of Jews in America support the Democrat party, a party that does not support Israel. These paradoxes are astounding, coloring outside the lines of the constitution.
It must anger God to hear Christ, abortion, the Democrat party in the same sentence. We thought we had had enough of eugenics with Margaret Sanger and Hitler, calling black people and the disabled “weeds”, using the chemicals in water and food to slowly destroy rational behavior. Now, we find scanning at airports with the radiology involved, a federal database with all fingerprints and the scanning of the iris of all people. Most foods are wrapped in plastic, plastic drinking cups from which chemicals are leeched. Many of these chemicals cause sterilization...have you noted the lack of testosterone in many males.
He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision (Psalm 2:4) Just imagine, some think they can manage this world without a creator. David wrote Psalm 2 around 1000 BC, every thing was on time, to the day, to the minute. History has been marked by men and women, who knew that God was beyond time. No beginning, no ending, completely in charge. Army flight surgeon Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin says he will not go to Afghanistan until President Obama releases his birth certificate. History is marked by one man doing what he believes is right. One man + God. God never appointed a committee, He always called on one person. He always called on one man: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Lincoln, Churchill, and today's men, never more important in the history of the world.
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