I am a totally blind, 100% disabled veteran, and at the age of 78 more depressed about the future of this nation than ever before. Our children, grand-children, and most citizens with whom we come in contact, are completely blinded to the fact that we are more enslaved by our slave master politicians than any country in the history of man. We are freedom's orphans, we do not own anything unless we continue to pay the rising taxes whether house or car, or savings account. We are in debt as a nation beyond all comprehension, and to those without the Christian faith, there is little light at the end of the tunnel. People do what they do because they believe what they believe and most bizarre actions come from 'stinking thinking'. A steady television diet of cruelty and asinine culture has caused most young people to have little regard for fellow human beings or even the Christ who hung on a cruel cross. Is there any wonder that an Anti-Christ type personality can come on the scene and lure so many young people, minorities, and even the academic and media cultures into his trap with the bait of 'change'. Those who still love their country and love their Christian faith should awaken before it is too late.
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