A plutocracy is government by the elitists, well entrenched rich people. At one time we referred to them as the robber barons, they owned most of the real estate, built the railroads, launched shipping empires, controlled the banking industry, you know the names, Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Mellon, Rockefeller. Three of the largest died on the titanic one hundred years ago: John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim, Isidor Straus.
In a further effort to control the world's money, we have the Jekyll Island club, five men who controlled one fourth of the world's wealth. Leaving Manhattan in a secret, private railroad car and arriving at Jekyll Island to establish the federal reserve system. A system which is not federal, and has no reserves, but since 1913 has controlled the wealth of America. To this day, one hundred years later, the federal reserve is in control of the world's money supply, in cahoots with the United Nations, and the international money fund (IMF). FDR and Nixon tried to change things, gold and silver standards, but today, backed by nothing, fiat paper money is just printed at great speed...worthless.
Not in my lifetime have I witnessed anything like it, and you will not find anything similar in history. A country which has resorted to suicide, as an example of the desperation faced by American citizens. A new US Army report finds the rate of suicide by soldiers in the Army has risen above the civilian rate for the first time since Vietnam. Two of my friends, in the securities business, committed suicide last year, D. Alvis and K. Waters. Other well-known men in this area have committed suicide. The social engineering of this Marxist, Sunni Muslim president with his totalitarian administration in Congress leaves many with a lackadaisical attitude toward life and living. Things were bad enough with previous administrations, but in two years we have seen this administration totally destroy a once great and powerful nation of wealth and opportunity. Use your common sense! Is there any American who thinks he can make any type plans for the future, any businessman, any student-professionals, any investor.
Winless wars, preparations for other winless wars, a desperate healthcare system, a more desperate socialized healthcare system just around the corner, desperate housing market, desperate banking system, desperate corporations (automobile, insurance, etc.), desperate states on the brink of bankruptcy, desperate undocumented people invading the country, desperate local municipalities whose infrastructure is crumbling, and whose citizens are forced to pay increased taxes, when half the population pays no tax. Every man, woman, child owes $45,000 to the federal government, a $14 trillion dollar debt, this is 14 million million dollars. A debt which the lenders know will never be paid. Survival in a world dependent entirely on inflation.
Many jobs go unfilled because those who should work, and could work are paid by the government to stay home and do nothing, unending unemployment compensation, early retirement for everyone who does not want to work. We are smothered with advertisements about not paying your credit cards, rather, negotiating for a lower balance. We are smothered with advertisements about working at home, making $10,000 a month staying at home.
I traveled through every communist country several times, really, when you analyze the situation, there is not much difference in a communist country and in this democratic county...both people depending on the government, either not working or barely working. From the first time I was in communist countries, Russia, China, etc. until the last times, the communist countries were either looking more Americanized, or America was looking more communized, it is hard to tell the difference anymore. We now have Washington DC (District of Criminals) and China, banker/lean holder of the bankrupt Republic of America. Recently, my older cousin who still lives in the community where I was raised, called me and told me about the homesites now out of family hands, where my great grandparents, grandparents, and even parents lived. He said, “all the houses have been repossessed. The buyers could not pay the mortgages.” He further stated, “those beautiful lawns and pastures, all grown up with weeds and trees, the houses, empty, in disrepair, rotting down...I'm glad you cannot see them.” This is what happens to countries when dictators take over. Now, in America, once in third world areas. Your enslavement is just beginning, next 1099 forms must be given on everything for which you pay over $600...appliances, healthcare, employees of any type, etc.
Orwell predicted it in his book,1984, a few years late, we have arrived. Washington, the District of Criminals, like a wild fraternity party with a credit card and no chaperon. Atlas Shrugged is a book you must read, it described the road to serfdom. I will never understand why people who escape serfdom serfdom and slavery in Europe and Africa and even the slavery of their fellow countrymen in this country, are so anxious to return to it. The greatest thing about America is opportunity, you can go as far as you want to go. You have the responsibility for greatness, as conservatives, using conservative principles, you not only have the assurance and confidence of completeness, but the assurance and competence that God will take care of your enemies (Luke 1:71). You have the pattern for success laid down by the successful: 1) God sees you as a success. 2) You have the free will and spirit to succeed. 3) Everything in your history (preparation), the history of your country (thousands of books written about people who have obtained success in America), gives you the assurances of being able to succeed.
Don't confuse success with celebrity, think of Helen Keller and Madonna. Too many politicians and people of talent think they are successful because they have become celebrities...winning an election, hit record. When you do the best you can with the gifts that have been given to you, you are a success. Character determines the success of a person or a country, it is “we the people”, not “we the puppets”.
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