We have lost the key to trustworthiness, common sense. Have you noticed that people do not have the brightness and personality that they did at one time. Teachers have told me that children no longer have a brightness in the eye, quickness in the step, they act almost as zombies. They are too wrapped up in television, inside video games, the computer. We know that IQ has dropped in recent years, there are so many abstractions, one war after another, one economic recession after another. Plausible didactic contraction of the intellect, easily twisted, manipulated, sinking in a sea of mediocrity, and because it is politically incorrect, most are unwilling to swim away.
The hardness of a diamond is exact no matter where you find it in the universe or on this planet. So it is with any element, the atomic weight of any element is the same regardless of where you find it in the universe. The mathematics and physics is the same, Chinese physics uses the same mathematics as French calculation, pi is still 22/7 whether used by a Asian student or an extraterrestrial from outer space.
The great philosopher Dr. Mortimer Alder (1902 – 2001) said he was a pagan before he wrote his book in 1980, How to Think About God. By 1984 he was a believer and baptized in to the Episcopal church, he said, “the mysteries were incomprehensible. What's the point of revelation if we could figure it out ourselves?” He later became a Catholic, you note that his was not a heart conversion, but an intellectual conversion, he spoke nothing of repentance or his faith in the grace of God. Like so many, he was looking for a key.
God cannot be contradicted nor deceived, in Christian apologetics (a system of giving reasons for your Christian belief) be prepared to give reasons for the hope within you (1 Peter 3:15). Churches are full of members who know nothing about what they are supposed to believe, so it is with the denominations, so it is with various religions. I can think of nothing more pitiful than associating Christ with Buddha and Muhammad. Buddha and Muhammad were sinners, they could not save themselves. How many Christians do you know who believe in karma and yoga? How many Christians do you know who allow their children to read Harry Potter? Witchcraft is the fastest growing religion among college students.
We cannot mix God with the world, theoretical and the practical, physical and spiritual, the nature of the lion will not change. Supernatural God will change people, people learn to act in a supernatural way, learn to pray, learn to live in a “shadowland” of mysticism and materialism. We eat food which we can handle and see, but we breathe a prayer to God, whom we do not see. We've lost the key to many things, particularly the division, the absolutes of right and wrong.
I was in Rwanda, the native guide driving the vehicle said to me, “tell me about the God that is worshiped in your part of the world.” This hit me like a load of bricks. Here is a man with a soul, longing for the security for which all souls yearn. The western world is full of people who hear the plan of salvation over and over. It either means nothing to them, or they just want to continue in their sins. Even though, every human being has innate need, the curiosity, the knowledge that there is more than just this life, and yet, once The Greatest Story Ever Told (Fulton Auwsler) has been made clear, then it is up to “hearer” to either accept or deny “so great salvation”.
I said to him, “I believe in a divine spirit, never beginning, never ending, who made the universe. From the dust of the earth, He made man and woman. He gave them free will and the very first couple on earth disobeyed Him, exercising their free will, and everyone since has lived in sin. About 6000 years after He created them, because of their sin, He killed all of them except for one family, and a boatload of animals He chose to preserve. Again, about 4000 years later, they had evidently learned nothing, still in sin...but since man has the innate desire to worship something, they were making for themselves false idols, and from this idol worship he selected one man, Abraham, who started a whole new nation of people, and we have a Bible which mostly concerns that nation. Again, the people mired in sin, not keeping the laws of God, so God put His wrath on His only Son to save mankind from their sins. The only thing asked of people since the death and resurrection of His only Son, is just to believe in Him, to become new creatures, living as the example which God set while He lived on Earth. We have a book, the Bible, the instruction book, and answer book for every problem of life, and all we have to do is trust this great God of the universe as you described Him. From the very beginning, man has been a rebel, choosing sin rather than goodness, darkness rather than light, this is the reason for the troubles of the world. Most people in the world consider God's gift of eternal life too good to be true.”
As has happened in places of worship, tent revivals, large Crusades, when the story is presented in it's simplicity, without the intricacies of theology involved, you never know whether anyone accepts the greatest key of trustworthiness which has determined the history of the world. Not one promise of God has ever been broken, yet we refuse to trust, not one prophecy from the beginning of time has not been fulfilled, yet we refuse to trust. It makes no difference about education, wealth, or any other material matter. We cannot bring our trustworthiness to the level of spiritual belief. Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thing iniquities; who healeth all they disease; (Psalm 103:1-3)
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