Hogan’s Heroes was a television situation comedy running from 1965 to 1971 with 168 episodes. The comedy featured a prisoner of war camp in Germany where American prisoners were adept at managing their own prison camp letting the camp commander, Colonel Klink, think he was in charge. Sergeant Schultz, the jovial, somewhat retarded sergeant in charge who had a line which has been used by Americans of this television generation for nearly 40 years, “I know nothing.” Any time you hear this line, you are talking with a person of that generation and everyone immediately takes reference.
The great comedian, Will Rogers, was quoted as saying, “All I know is what I read in the newspapers.” Since I dictate these articles, “all I know” is what I remember from a very different world, 50 years ago, when I had eyesight, could read, observe and keep up with things. I lost my eyesight as an Army medical officer during the Korean War era. When I could last see, women looked like women, effeminate, manicured, well groomed. They wore dresses, heels, jewelry, perfume. I understand that men now have taken on these traits. I understand that men now wear earrings, have long hair, are shaped more like women than men. Most men have always been attracted to femininity. Women have always been attracted to masculinity.
I saw this coming in the military, 50 years ago. I was on the staff of the Army Hospital at Fort McClellan, Alabama, The Women’s Army Corp (WACS) Training Center. It bothered me to see these masculine-type women come in for treatment wearing male clothes even to brogans (laced-up boots). In their effort to be masculine, they forgot personal hygiene.
In recent years, since there is an integration of women with men in all military units, people I still know in the military tell me that the worst thing that could possibly have happened to this military super power is the influx of women who want to be treated like men, but in God’s sexual economy, cannot meet the requirements of the men. I understand that if a woman is pregnant, she stays on light duty and that in many cases, like the Canadian Eskimos (I learned all about the Canadian Eskimos when traveling through the Canadian Western Provinces.) They are treated like eunuch pets. Gloria Steinem said, on one of her better days, “Women need a man like ‘a fish needs a bicycle.’”
The most pitiful young man I have ever known worked for me in one business I owned for several months. His lesbian mother lived with her lesbian female friend and they had raised this young man. He needed a man to talk with desperately and talk he did. He described the perverted torture in coming of age (with all the chaos of sexual identity in youth) in such a debilitating environment.
Another young man who also was an employee told me at length about his masochistic “wannabe man” mother. One girl, who worked for me told me how, in coming home from school to her house, her mother would come to the door and tell her to go to a neighbor’s house because her mother was “entertaining.” She did not want to go to the neighbor’s nor did the neighbor want her there. She said, “I want nothing to do with my biological mother,” and so was the same expression from all of those I have known. In the several gay men I have known, not one has ever referred to his father. Do the biological parents living together or single (37% of all mothers are single) understand the psychosis of sexual identity? Since I had considerable eyesight problems while still on active duty, I was used as a psychiatrist in listening and, I hope, helping young women trying to escape the memories of their childhood abuse. Only a priest, could show upmanship on me as to what he has heard.
The greatest evil in the world is the evil of abortion, the taking of the most innocent of human life. Next to that, is the evil sexual promiscuity with same sex couples trying to rear an innocent child who probably has sane, unperverted sexual desires and, sane aspirations for life.
I asked a Catholic priest recently about so many priests leaving the priesthood, Catholics voting for abortion, effects of pedophilia in the ranks. He said, “Thank God it is such a small percentage but ’you just get used to it.’” My mind was not wired, I cannot get my mind around the morality of compromise with actions which I know to be wrong. When I was in school, we, as future doctors, were embarrassed to talk of abortion. Doctors who did abortions were the dregs of society. My Christian convictions limit my even considering acceptance of homosexuality and same-sex marriage. It is beyond comprehension that anyone who has ever read, perused God’s word, particularly a minister who attended a Bible college or seminary, who knows anything at all about the Church being the Bride of Christ, the biblical requirements of a bishop as found in Paul’s Letter To Timothy, the historical scholarship of all religions including natural law, could refute this or natural law.
Even in tribes, untouched by civilization and Christianity, a man has one wife and they have children. They have things and other people do not steal their things. Some laws written and unwritten make sense. The Bible is a law book. The Children of Israel lived under 613 laws, the greatest, the Ten Commandments. Christ came to fulfill these laws with just two commandments, Love For God and Love For Neighbor.
In the agnostic, world of atheism, world in which your children will be indoctrinated, Satan wants them to have academic freedom and freedom of inquiry. This is the mantra of Father Jenkins, President of Notre Dame, in inviting against the wishes of the people and the bishops, Obama to speak at the May 19 Commencement. Why should a Christian school, as a matter of prestige or show of academic freedom, invite a non-believing, anti-life speaker, President or not? IF CHRISTIANS WERE WILLING TO LIVE THEIR FAITH BEFORE THE WORLD, THE WORLD WOULD ALREADY HAVE BEEN CONVERTED TO CHRIST. Instead of the Church changing the world, the world has changed the Church. Mahatmas Gandhi, who could have led millions of Hindus to a knowledge of Christ, said, “I would have been a Christian if I had not known so many Christians.”
Mark Twain said India is the ultimate travel destination. I have traveled India many times. In Goa, I met the most fascinating man on earth. He was a Tibetan refugee, a warm, sensitive Buddhist. But, he knew more about Christianity than most Christian theologians. He had memorized much of the New Testament. Like a Jewish scholar had told me earlier in my life, “There is nothing more beautiful than the love of God portrayed in the Gospels and the Epistles.” “God’s word is forever settled in heaven.” (Psalm 119:89) . Hear it, read it, study it, memorize and meditate, get it in your mind.
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