Perhaps the most important word in any language is the word “no”. Nancy Reagan, first Lady and wife of Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the US, was criticized by the liberal media for her famous “just say no” in America's so called “war on drugs”. Our famous wars on poverty, pornography, drugs, and every other vice that has brought down the institutions of this country have been victimized by the liberal media and comedians. Whose liberal mentality like that of Roger Baldwin, founder of the ACLU, declares that there is no right and wrong and like an animal in the alley “anything goes” and as Sinatra sang all the way to hell, “(I did it) my way”.
Think of how much better off the entire world would be if our first mother Eve, in the Garden of Eden, beguiled by the very liberal serpent who made her doubt the command of God, had just said no.
Think of the how the mental hospitals and treatment centers for every known addiction of man: drugs, alcohol, food, cigarettes, sex, had just said no. Think about the children of the 37% of single women, how different their lives would be with a father in their home. 1 out of every 16 drinkers of alcohol becomes an alcoholic. Think of the mayhem of the alcoholic's home, the abused mother, abused children, and the heartbreak of concerned grandparents. This country could save enough money to feed every hungry child with nutrition just on the profits of “Demon Rum”. The addiction to food, particularly food of little nutrition value (65.2% of the citizens of the United States are obese) this is our greatest public health epidemic.
Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. Approximately 127 million adults in the U.S. are overweight, but a matter that should alarm every parent is the number of children who are over weight (30% of children are obese). Stupid school board members such as those in the county where I live (New Hanover County, North Carolina) allow soft drink machines to be installed in the schools where a flavored sweet mixture of sugar and carbonated water just adds to the problem simply because the schools prioritize the coins they get from the machines rather than the health of the students. More stupid school officials led by the so called dietitians further add to the problem by serving food that taste good to the students but is of little nutritional value. When will parents, teachers, and the general public learn that part of the training of a child is the care of the most miraculous creation of almighty God, the human body, made up of tissues containing cells which must have nutrition, and above all a soul which will never die. Thank God, I had a mother using the most important word in the human language “no!” She said, “no” to food which was not healthy, she said, “no” to activities which were not healthy.
Of the 4,600 young people who left Jerusalem in the Babylonian captivity, only one Jewish male, Daniel, said “No” to his captors who wanted them to eat foods that were against their religions. The bible is the answer book, it has all the answers for every problem which mankind can face. Written by God, until this moment, every promise and every prophecy has been fulfilled. When it instructs us on what to eat and the way we should live tempered lives, all of us, even to the President of the United States, only can rely on the information.
This morning, this Muslim president went to a predominantly Christian prayer breakfast in the capital and referred to the Koran. According to King Solomon, it is the “small foxes that spoil the vines”. Our useless lawmakers and liberal media have formed a duet, singing the same tune, “we don’t really care about what happens to this country”.
The largest tree, which looks healthy on the outside, that might still be bearing leaves or berries will fall in a storm if the interior has deteriorated. The foundation laid by 56 honorable forefathers in our constitution has been crumbling for some time now. Now we find that the very essences of our constitution is being trashed The best example I can give you of this was related to me by a pastor of a small country church recently. He stopped at a country store to fill his gas tank so he could get to the next city. When he went back to his car he noticed that the store owner had given him $5 too much change. He sat debated for awhile whether he should keep the money or give it back. He went back to the store owner and said that he was given too much change. The store owner said, “No, I was in your service last Sunday night and you talked about honesty”. My pastor friend said when I went back to my car, I shook for a few minutes because I had almost sold the good name of my savior for $5.
When will we as a nation say “enough is enough”? It is time for us to use the most important word in any language, “No!”
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