In the Bible, Ichabod refers to the departure of the Glory of God.
In the old testament prophesy of Ezekiel, Ezekiel's wife died and God told him not to let the people of Israel see him mourn nor shed a tear. (Ezekiel 24:16 and following) God told him that the people of Israel had seen the Glory of God depart from their nation and they had not shed one tear. As with America, today's churches have seen the glory of God depart and no tears have been shed. Likewise, the citizen's of America have seen the glory of the republic sink into decadence, and not one tear has been shed.
In 1966, a British film called The Great Pretender describes such ostentatious unbelief. In 1955, one of America’s most famous groups, The Platters, recorded the song: The Great Pretender: “Oh Oh yes, I'm the great pretender, seem to be what I'm not.”
From the “cotton candy” pulpits of Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Benny Hinn, and other televangelists, as well as spineless, modernistic, play-church, prosperity, popularity, preachers of the Gospel, we have what has happened to churches in this nation.
Recently, October 2011, Southern Baptists announced that they would “plant” 600 new churches in North America. All the wealthy churches of the world are in the Northern Hemisphere. The poverty of the world is mostly below the 30th parallel. Baptist churches of all type have taken flight from the gospel, once “delivered to the Saints.” Not as much as the Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc., who have homosexuals in their pulpits, try to blend in “same-sex marriage” and other perversions with the truth of God, but in general, in my opinion, in my lifetime, the glory of God has greatly departed from the churches... without a tear being shed... without mourning... just conforming to the world, the flesh, the devil.
In like manner, the glory of God has vacated His blessings on the American nation, super power, bankrupt republic of profane decadence. From 1799–1892, even the Supreme Court declared America a Christian nation, without a shot being fired, without any enemy declaring war on us. In my lifetime, this democratic republic has become a totalitarian-socialist state... 47 percent paying no tax, living on the hard-working, God-fearing tax-paying citizens, the other 53 percent. Breathing the articles of the communist manifesto, the average citizen no longer able to own private property, 57 percent subsidized by the government... entitlements more important than accomplishment... in some racial groups, 51 percent of births to unwed mothers. (Mexican and black)
To illustrate the pretension of religion, 70 percent of registered voters are Catholic. It takes 50 million votes to elect a president. Last presidential election, 54 percent of Catholics voted for Obama and probably that many baptists. Obama, the most pro-choice, pro-abortion, anti-life president in history. To further show the Ichabod estrangement, 74 percent of the Jewish vote went to Obama, the most anti-Israel president. Beyond comprehension, 97 percent of the black vote went to Obama, the democrat, whereas Republican's passed the civil rights laws of 1964, led the abolition of slavery in the 19th century under republican Abraham Lincoln.
In Pat Buchanan's new book: "Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?", he states that America's decline started 80 years ago. So, in my lifetime, I am age 81, I have witnessed the CERTAIN decline of America. Like NASACAR race-car drivers, nothing but left turns, “cotton candy” pulpits, cowardice decadent legislative halls, as shown by hippies-occupiers a lack of morality brought on by pornography in the entertainment industries, thievery in the financial and industrial communities, a compromising law enforcement-judicial system at the courthouse, an indifferent indoctrination entertainment mentality at the schoolhouse, spoiled, electronically-controlled-motivated-addicted, (television sets, cell phones, computers) children and parents at your house, all-everything, enslaved-encouraged by a state-controlled news media, God's glory-Ichabod, has left the America-world scene. If there is any doubt in your mind about this, just look around. I am totally blind, 100% disabled, medical officer, veteran, but you are more blind than me if you cannot see what happened to America when the glory of God departed.