A Japanese theorem states that a nail sticking up is the one that should get hammered. All mysteries of science, invention, exploration, were there all the time. In God's good time, He gave someone the intelligence to reveal them. The intelligentsia of technology, even literary achievement, seems simple compared to man's interpretation and evaluation of spiritual revelation.
There are 41,000 “so-called” Christian denominations listed in religious nomenclature. Of course, the largest Christian denomination is Catholicism. Christian churches have always multiplied by dividing, just as there are many appendages in Catholicism, (Greek Orthodox, Coptic, etc.) so it is with Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist, and most certainly, Baptists.
Sharpened swords, fencing matches for presidential nomination, some are studying religious denotations and connotations of the personalities involved. Democrat Obama, like many other religiosity-hypocrisy democrats (Kennedys, Clintons, Carters, Pelosis, Revs. Jackson-Sharpton) just flaunt their derelictions. Obama, Biden, used religion as a political contrivance-convenience. Obama flirted with the sorcery of Jeremiah Wright, Chicago. What's new?, pews are full of pretenders “just going through the motions”.
Dr. Paul has never said much about his religious beliefs. Both Gingrich and Santorum, Catholic. Romney, as far as I know, is the first Mormon to seek the presidency. There are Mormons in high office, for instance, Senators Reid and Hatch of the Senate. Radio personality , Glenn Beck is an active Mormon.
In the community, in which I was reared, there was a small nest of Mormons, mostly one extended family. In my High School graduating class (13 students) there were four Mormons. You will look far and wide to find people more desirable and decent than these. This world would be a wonderful place if every individual were as “purified” as members of the Mormon faith... clean living, hard-working, dedicated to God, family, country. Perhaps this was an unusual community. The Baptist church, built by my family, was the largest but in the community there was a Quaker, Pentecostal, Methodist, as well as the small Mormon church. Even though worship differences, I never knew any animosity.
However, the Jesus Christ LDS members worship, is the Christ of Joseph Smith. Mormons do not use the Nicene creed. Their church allows abortion for incest and rape. There is an eternal progression belief, beyond comprehension, that man can become everything that God is, that each Mormon male will inherit his own planet, and, of course, they baptize for the dead. Jesus married to Mary and Martha.
We would like to think that an American president's religious faith, economic knowledge, personal integrity, would measure up to the greatest among us but, who are they?, must be hard to find, or we would have superior character in places of leadership. Character determines destination. We find at the highest destinations afforded by government, academia, banking, industry, even denominations, people of questionable character. How did they get there... superior intellect OR superior charm and charisma?
Those who fall, and there are many, not from a high dive... It is usually incrementally, as one falls, there are signs along the way. Satan wants every one of us and the tempter knows every weakness, knows how to festoon every temptation. (as far as presidents, L. Johnson, JFK, Clinton, women and sex: with Bushes 41,43, Gingrich, power, and money)
Ancient Sodom, a lesson for all of us... every sin, degradation, that God hates. GOD ALWAYS GIVES WARNING SIGNALS. Lot and his family were told to leave, the city would be destroyed. The husband's of his daughters thought he was joking. But, God led Lot, his wife, and daughters out of the city before total annihilation. Thousands of years later, one short verse, unrelated to context, Remember Lot's wife. (Luke 17:32) She, like so many, enthralled by the sin-enticement of Sodom. Evil-doing is addictive, especially when it pays off big. Who needs God when you have all the money in the world, the extravagance of Air Force 1, the most expensive mansion in the world, power, prestige, pomp, which makes King Solomon look like a piker?
You are living in an insolent-profane world. Corruption has taken over, rottenness everywhere, even Royal families, when traveling, carry their own food. Wealthy people have yachts and planes for escape. There are underground tunnels, well supplied, around every capitol, every nation.
Jesus said, “I pray that your faith fail not.” (Luke 22:30) Begin each new day determined to give the best version of yourself that day.
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