Making Slop
Eighty years ago, raised on a farm, this farm boy was very familiar with “hog slop” This was large buckets of table scraps, dishwater, scraps from food preparation which were, in turn, mixed with “store-bought” hog feed. Of course, hogs will eat anything, perhaps this is the reason that Semitic races, particularly Jewish, do not eat pork. Arabs, in particular, consider pork unclean. On the farm, hogs were fed “slop”, their delicacy, in the morning, corn in the evening. It was ugly eating. If the population which so enjoys sausage, wieners, ham, could witness the animals from which such is butchered, there would be less appetite, less disease from such food.
Ugliness comes in many forms. I have seen expensively produced Broadway plays that were ugly “slop”, some magazines, much television.
In 1983, one of the shortest runs on Broadway, a play called Moose Murders. There is a tickets purchasing place, corner of Broadway an 47th streets where one can buy play tickets at reduced prices, plays which are not “sold out”. I would walk from my co-op to the place, get in line, as always, listening instead of seeing, overhearing from others in line available plays listed on the board. Then when I got to the cashier, would get my ticket like any normal-sighted person. My fate, Moose Murders, and many others, a total waste of my money.
We give civilization, taxonomy, systems, more credit than they deserve. The world, the earth, easily compared to a big bucket of “slop”. I believe one thing which influenced evolutionist, Charles Darwin, why God would create so many insects... how evolving-mutations fitted into his picture of survival. Most do not realize that Darwin's wife was a devout Christian, helped him write his book. They loved one another so much that they did not let their differences interfere in the “slop” of their existence. Darwin just wanted God to go away, hooked on the same old mantra of “fairness”, the downfall of many liberals. It is not true that Darwin recanted his disbelief in God before he died. It is true that Dr. Spock (his book, 39 languages, over 50 million copies sold) recanted and repented of the foolishness in his book before he died.
The financial world is just one big garbage bucket and the world is caught in the “trap” of it's greed and corruption. The world financial chaos we are enduring now, started with the 911 world towers. Lying, cheating, stealing is as old as man but, with globalism, “new world order”, attempts by the Bilderbergers and other world power brokers to control the wealth of the world, Lehman Brothers was probably a self implosion just as certainly was the case with one of the towers, and, so it was with Bear Sterns, others, the entire international banking community... six trillion dollars in “forged” US bonds found just recently in the vaults of Swiss banks, backing up financial borrowing-spending activity. Hitler perfected forgery, bonds with which to bathe England during WWII, destabilization. If there were survivors of WWI, financial capitals all over the world, Wall Street, Washington, would be under siege. Phony-bologna, oil prices determined by worthless US fiat currency. Now, China, India, other places, using gold. Now you understand the Libyan-Qaddafi problem. Ne-plus-ultra now bringing Greece into receivership, others will follow... my prediction, Italy, state of California, receivership.
Not because we do not know better, just history, logic, common sense. Moses and the children of Israel lost their way, even with a cloud to guide, day and night. Even in that desert, then, as our desert now, spoiled, stiff-necked, God was supplying their every need, “manna”, bread with every nutrition, shoes and clothing, which would not wear out. Not a sickly one among them. (Psalm 105) Laws-instructions involving every area of their life. They complained, yearned for the old days of slavery. “Let's kill God-Moses” Dissatisfied with what they had to bite, God sent scorpions to bite them... many died. These, knowing the Power of God in leading them through the Red Sea, repented, God instructed Moses to put a brass scorpion on a pole and all they had to do for healing, was to look at it. (a future type of THE one hanging on a tree on Calvary, for healing) Those of us who are military medical officers, still wear that brass symbol “caduceus” on our uniform showing that we are medical officers. God always shows the way. Early Christians were referred to as “the way.” On the day of Pentecost, 17 languages of “the way”. In the sermon on the mount, 13 times Jesus referred to Himself as “the way.”
We think things are bad now, inflation in food prices, horrendous gas prices, complete unpredictability in future healthcare, even retirement pensions or social security. God told us to prepare “the way” for the fiery darts of the devil. (Ephesians 6:16)
Without the resurrection, there is no Christianity. God sent His son to take His chosen believers, out of the cesspool. (“slop” of this world) Darwin and his other unbelievers would have you, and particularly your children, believe from the Goo to the Zoo to you. God's gift is beautiful, His redemption of you the beauty of the world, with which you are caressed.
Dr. Thomas R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
Visit my blog at http://pockets1940.blogspot.com/
Facebook: http://www.DrThomasMorris.com
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(Dr. Morris is a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, 8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries)
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