A pastor of an Original Free Will, Baptist church, North Carolina, wrote me recently that he wished his name and church to be taken off my server, blog list, because of my negativity. This is the satanic trap so well set by Satan. I am a follower of many worldwide secular and religious NEWS programs. I have heard each of the commentators express the same. Many of their liberal-pseudo-communists, go along to get along listeners, have asked to be removed from their “website” because of their negativity, bringing world sin to their attention. The truth has always hurt, you only find freedom in truth. (John 8:32) Jesus Christ is the “omnipotent focus” of truth. If you do not know truth, (John 14:6) want truth, then you should listen to the lying-deception-sorcery, in your international news media. If you believe anything from the national news, anything from your government, anything that hell has hatched out, promoted by the globalists, “new world order”, you will, in all probability, “soak” in your ignorance and then die in your sin. This pastor occupies the pulpit, around which, my ancestors for many generations encircled in prayer. They were people of sacrifice-commitment. Now, with all his other problems, this “cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1) will deal with him. God knows my heart, my loyalties, my courage in spite of everything. I know the Power of God to deal with every problem... the same Power available to Joshua, commanding the sun to stand still, Peter and John at the temple gate, Paul in the earthquake at Phillipi.
We understand there is a financial meltdown covering Europe, heading toward America. As he looked directly at this totally blind veteran at lunch, across the table, a retired Christian college president told me that he had voted for Obama. The liberals, pretenders, unbelievers, have no idea about what they are up against. “God will have His way with those who have “enabled” the destruction of this country, this world, to which so many have given so much,” as America melts.
In another world, another time, a trainer of performing cocker spaniel dogs explained his training techniques to me. He said, “I can always tell the more intelligent dogs. Then, it is a matter of establishing a one to one “rapport-communication” with the individual animal. Direct eye contact is essential. They want to please me, they see the connection in my eyes and body language.” I believe this is the secret of child rearing. My mother would always have us look directly in her eyes. Show her tenderness in communication. I have noticed that mothers who are so busy with her idol, “television”, so DISTRACTED doing other things, just yelling, gnawing at her children, get the results for which the public suffers. A trainer of dogs worked for me in the morning as a secretary, dogs in the afternoon. She used the same process, could not begin to train a dog without eye contact, voice communication. One of her clients, a retired army colonel, his dog was taught to salute.
You do not get something from God every time you ask. But, remember this, the most important words you will ever hear, use the same FERVOR every time you ask, even if it means asking many times. Every time I am in a veteran's hospital, the phalanx of wheelchair-bound veterans, those of us blind, attempting to maneuver the maze of hospital activity with a white cane, one might ask, do these deserve God's special attention? I can tell you without fear of contradiction, GOD GIVES NO SLACK TO THE DISABLED. We have the same answer that the “normal” have. We depend on His spirit of grace, mercy, knowing that whatever happens, “Jesus paid it all.” Rid yourself to the nonsense, that after saved, we maintain our salvation by the way we walk. If saved, credentials are obvious. The first Deacons of the church, and deacon means servant, were such men as Stephen and Phillip. Stephen, stoned, martyred by religious people who laid there coats at the very feet of Saul, who became the Apostle Paul, could give to the religious hierarchy a history of Christianity. Phillip, God's hand on him, sent to Gaza where God knew that the Ethiopian treasure of Candace was reading the manuscript of Isaiah. (Isaiah, 66 chapters, probably a scroll when the eunuch was reading it in his chariot, not yet in chapters and verses, but he was reading the atonement chapter, Isaiah 53) The early deacons-Christians felt it a joy to be worthy of bieing beaten-jailed for their Christianity. Just think, because of King Solomon, Jewish influence in Ethiopia, only evidence of rapture, Phillip caught up after the immersion Baptism of the eunuch. “GOD IS IN CHARGE.”
As I have stated before, when God says something twice, pay attention. Twice, verses 7 and 11, Psalm 46 “The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge”. The Power of the Lord of Hosts is like a giant water pipe, pressure built up, you just have to release. This writer has seen great water power, Iguazu falls, Paraguay, Gullfoss falls, Iceland, Hoover Dam, such pressure, such power. Like I have said about puny Rick Warren, Joel Osteen, Bob Schuller, people using them for spiritual idols, even the Jews had trouble with the word Jehovah “I am”... the Power and holiness of God. God did not use Israel in these verses, rather Jacob. He knew Jacob's past, knew the power of Jacob's redemption. When I hear a congregation just reciting, rote-memory, without fervor, God knows how easy it is to meltdown the entire world and rebuild another for His glory. He is the Lord of Hosts.
Dr. Thomas R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
Visit my blog at http://pockets1940.blogspot.com/
Facebook: http://www.DrThomasMorris.com
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(Dr. Morris is a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, 8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries)
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