God always called a man, not a committee. After the flood of Noah, when all human-kind except the family of Noah were destroyed, God found one man in UR of the Chaldees, a great grandson of Noah with whom God made a new start. Abraham, first Jew, married, wife Sarah, childless. God instructed him to travel to a place with no “forwarding address”. He told him not to bring any family but his father Terah came along and died near Damascus. Terah was a worshiper of idols, and God wanted all idol worship out of Abram's life. His brother's son, Lot, tagged along, always a problem. They went 600 miles north. He became the richest man of his day... the story of Abraham-Sarah-Isaac-Ismail. The history of this chosen people, the “ups and downs” (Down to Egypt, Up to the Promised Land) history, prophesy, promises until this very day. One is not informed in an area of leadership without knowledge of this history. If one ever wants to know about the future of the world, what has happened, is happening, will happen, just three letters, “JEW”. How tragic, so many in pulpits and pews, “Just playing church”.
Once, this world traveler went to Hebron, (older than Jerusalem) the mosque there in which the tomb of Abraham and Sarah are located. Always, my mind renewed in faith, my spirit renewed in joy, thinking of the history, encouragement, leadership, given us by God in places as well as in people. Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed. (Acts 3:25)
Always remember, God is in charge, in His mind before creation. He is not surprised at anything, not shocked, knew about their sins, my sins. As fresh as this morning's news broadcast, this morning's newspaper headlines, a world perishing-starving for leadership. Is there a mind, so depraved of neurons that one would actually consider an B. Obama, G. Soros, B. Gates, V. Putin, H. Chavez or even B. Clinton or his communist wife, Hillary, as leaders. Would you be proud to claim any of today's “supposed” leaders as family? I do not know one of today's “supposed” leaders with enough integrity, honesty, to employ as a cashier in a fast food restaurant. If you believe anything present day leaders say, if you trust any of them, you have no one to blame but yourself for the downfall of your country. IF God allows and continues to tolerate such depravity of this country, then HE will apologize to Sodom... the perverts and prisoner's of sin who died there.
It starts in the home. If your children mature seeing beer in your refrigerator, liquor and illegal drugs in your house, know for a fact that your children will be addicted to something. If your children see dishonesty, hypocrisy in your church and business activity, you can expect the same from them and perhaps should prepare yourself to bail them out of trouble. The saddest picture known to man, overindulging parents following the casket of a spoiled child to an open grave.
Have voters lost their minds? All are not illiterate, able to read and write, comprehend simple messages. Why put such decadent, dishonest, degenerate, “so-called” leaders as the Kenndys, Bushs, Clintons, L. Johnsons in public office? Why not just pick Mafia heads, Mafioso, better trained. Lyndon Johnson was probably one of the most cheap, despicable men to ever live. Reportedly, he would walk around the White House naked, before his wife, daughters, staff. He would invite a diplomat into the bathroom with him as he sat on the toilet. Most decent people are embarrassed to even speak of the sexual, financial exploits of these men from “supposed” America’s best families of leadership. I thought of the indecency of Lyndon Johnson as Leonotyne Price (Metropolitan Opera) and Billy Graham performed at his death. Like Bill Clinton, Lyndon Johnson went to Washington broke, both left multimillionaires. Of course we know where the Bush family got it's fortune (grandpa dealing with Hitler during WWII). Kennedys, Joseph Kennedy, womanizing bootlegger. Old Joe was so despicable that Eleanor Roosevelt that she would not attend JFK's funeral, refusing to sit in the platform with JFK's father
Local and State politicians know how I have watched their corruption as a totally blind, 100% disabled, service connected, medical oficer veteran of thew Korean conflict, I am insulted (and I fully realize that no one cares) and North Carolinians should be embarrassed that for 140 years the very worst in deceitful, decadent, political leadership has ruled this “tarheel state” under just one political party, democrats. Worse that the Mafioso, the democrats could depend on the votes of all government workers, (local, state, federal) the blacks, organized workers, such as teachers, unions, gays. The most evil man I have ever known, Roland Register, county tax collector said to me, “You republicans can holler and yell and even vote someone in once in a while, remember this, democrats control everything, you will not find a government worker voting anyway except democrat.
Light has come into the world, but people prefer darkness to light. (John 3:19) From 1799 – 1892, even the Supreme Court declared this a Christian nation and, there was a Christian Judiciary. God-fearing men in public office. Men of faith, leadership of the military. Because of leadership with shoestrings instead of backbones behind podiums and pulpits, we have legalized murder by abortion, legalized insanity of same-sex marriage, the perversion and pollution of the military. The nation has replaced faith with fear... fear of what the secular-humanist-academic media and pagans think, rather than what God knows.
Dr. Thomas R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
Visit my blog at http://pockets1940.blogspot.com/
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(Dr. Morris is a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, 8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries)
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