Probably, the great pyramid at Giza, Egypt, survived Noah's flood. 250 million tons of stone, each block weighing about 60 tons, each joined together so mathematically correct that you cannot get a human hair between the blocks. Supposedly, the same area-base as Solomon's temple, 13 acres. The capstone, very top, never installed, the great north star looks down into the interior, large enough to house both St. Paul’s and Notre Dame cathedrals. This blind writer has been there several times. The government wanted me to stay in the Penthouse of the Mena House hotel built for the visit of the Queen of Rumania. Although closed to visitors, they wanted me and my guide to go inside the pyramid. It was the only time in my life that I ever experienced claustrophobia. I thought I would die if I could not get out of the place. Perhaps, studies in the pyramid, hieroglyphics (writings) on other stone tablets, are our first books. A friend of mine, CIA officer, so fascinated visiting me, a blind man with thousands of books. (5000 first editions) You are what you read. If Sighted, be thankful that you can still read. There was a time when I gave every visitor to my home, a book. But, I know that most people, even intelligent people who visit me, are too lazy to read. As I told the CIA official, I want these shelves of books for me just to feel of them, to know there is so much knowledge in the world. Of, course I am an antiquarian book dealer, selling books every day.
A book is useless unless reliable. The most reliable book known to mankind, God's book, the Holy Bible. Just any old book will not do, just any old book of mathematical tables and equations will not do, just any old book of Chemistry and Physics laws will not do, just any old book of Anatomy and Physiology will not do, just any old book of Astronomy, Geology, Geography will not do. We need reliability, consistency, accuracy, absolutism, in everything. Just striking a close key on the piano will not do... an approximate tone. The surgeon just cutting in “about” the right place will not do. And so it continues... we know that absolutes are important. The world, flesh, devil would have you believe that proximity-juxtaposition will do... in morals, business practices, relationships, your spiritual life. There are 20 million Watch Tower magazines published each month. I have known personally some Jehovah’s Witnesses, some as patients, some worked for me, but I believe God wants me to stay away from false religions and those who promote them.
God tells us to love one another. I might have some love for a scam artist-businessman but would be a fool to do more business with him. I have some love-relationship with family members, relatives, associates who have treated me like dirt, but I believe God wants me to stay away from them.
… having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
Ephesians 6: 14-17)
This old soldier has his marching orders and so do you. It is foolish to go into battle without the right armor-equipment. David, already anointed King of Israel, delivering food for his brothers on the front line, had learned to use battle equipment before the valley of Elah... facing a 9 1/2 foot giant, Goliath. Saul, first King of Israel simply because of his height, offered his armor to David. Learn to use your own God-inspired armor.
90% of Christian faith is just raw courage. With courage and God's armor, you are ready for life's challenges. His word is forever settled in heaven (Psalm 119:89)
In warfare against disease, you must have the right books for battle. With government intervention, the abomination of Obama, you must read and study about your own healthcare.
There is an indescribable value of trust. God is not your bellhop, is not impressed or ”tickled” when you go to church or put some change in the offering or show some allegiance toward Him. You are to please Him, not Him please you. He gave the best heaven had. Putting on his own son, His wrath for the sin and sickness of the world, which He considered sufficient, just so HE can be there when YOU need Him. God is jealous of your idols, detests your luke-warmness. God has been sold very cheap by a Namby Pamby, social, political, psychological world. He wants you to call on Him but not just at your convenience-desperation.
Traveling the world, always five cameras in my camera bag, if you look on my blog and facebook page , you will see photographs all over the world. Someone said, “Why would a blind person want photographs or be seen in a photograph?” Why not? There was always someone who wanted to capture a scene for me with one of my cameras, wanted others to know that I was there. These concerned fellow travelers-friends were not bellhops. They had a GENUINENESS of spirit, which at one time existed in the Christian world, a world of concern for one another. When I think of poverty, I think of the poverty of the mind. When the mind is right, the man is right. When the man is right, money spent on destruction will be spent digging wells to give pure water to most of the world, who has never had a drink of pure water, total commitment to the life of the unborn.
Dr. Thomas R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
Visit my blog at http://pockets1940.blogspot.com/
Facebook: http://www.DrThomasMorris.com
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(Dr. Morris is a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, 8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries)
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