Gary Lee, MBA
Free Will Baptist Children's Home
P.O. Box 249
Middlesex, NC 27557-0249
February 15, 2012
Re: your letter on February 13, 2012, Mrs. Hunt
Dear Mr. Lee:
Thank you for your letter. So often, when I send memorial gifts, just a matter of someone going through the motions.
Thank you for the information, which gives me an opportunity to say something to you which I have wanted to say to someone for at least 50 years. I never understood WHY someone from the institution had not contacted me. I have a paper trail of my family, ship on which they came over, founding of Morristown, NJ, the poor side of the family, coming to Eastern NC, involvement with FWB. Since my family was so directly associated with the orphanage, I well knew Mr. Evans, Tyson, Johnson, my mother’s sister, Helen Pittman Tyson, Mr. Evans, secretary, my aunt, Louetta Sullivan Morris, boys matron (Aunt of Mrs. Dwayne Eakes) I well remember C.G. Pope and others. My aunt, Lutoria Lucas Barnes, daughter of elder P.T. Lucas, Post-mistress in Middlesex. I understand that my cousin, Donna, had served on the board as did my father’s second wife, Mabel.
As a child, I remember the large main building, the boys building. My father and some of his cousins went to help build, giving their time, the dining facility as well as the chapel. I am probably one of the few people left who heard J.H. Worley preach. I well remember my mother, during the great depression, going door to door... jars of canned goods, fertilizer sacks of corn. I remember students, from the singing group, staying in our home.
After I went to school at Chapel Hill, etc., became active in Southern Baptist work, except for the home church, Union Grove, which I continued to support in honor of parents, grandparents, great grandparents, I gave the first $100,000 for the new activity building, many thousands for other things, and, I might add, None of it appreciated, I was not even invited to the dedication of the activity building. Same as with MOC, where I gave much more but, they have gone the way of Sodom, bowing to the alter of Baal-government money, forgetting that it was church suppers, small gifts from small people, God-fearing, hard-working. Among the memorial awards given by me, there was one for M.L. Johnson and my cousin, Louise Edgerton, and good friend, Dr. Raper. Along with many other awards-money, I have discontinued all contributions-contacts with MOC. I told Dr s. Raper and Byrd, long ago, that if the time came that the precious Gospel of Jesus was usurped by government money, I would leave them alone. Everyone knows what has happened with the new liberal-agnostic administration.
In this age of political correctness,the mantra of who needs God when you have endless Government money, the “coveting” of government money puts you under an umbrella of indifference toward the saints of the past, who forsook all to face the deceit of Satan equipped by the armor of God. (Ephesians 6: 14-17) I may be the last man left standing and at 82, it might not be long, but here, on my faith, I stand.
Now that is history, now let me preach. The editor of The News & Observer told me that I probably had as good a grasp on the history of Eastern North Carolina as anyone he had met. I certainly remember much about the FWB church. My only child, son, Dr. John M. Morris, PhD, professor, Southwestern Seminary, my two grandsons, Andrew and Paul, graduates in law and engineering , both now studying for PhDs, raised on SBC foreign mission field, where parents were missionaries. I will tell you the same thing I have told them. Nothing has ever sickened me like Baptist, particularly FWB who danced to the tune played by the corrupt democrat party of North Carolina... voting in every liberal-satanic piece of garbage coughed up form hell. Preachers in pulpits voting for abortion, simply because it is a democrat-demon. I, a conservative in every way, most of all in my Christian conviction, sin's ruin and Christ's redemption. MOC has made it clear that they do not need me, my gifts now or my estate. I am continuing to work with Ayden, the P.T. Lucas and Sunday School awards. Southern Baptists seem to be heading downward. If there has ever been a time in the history of the world, and these things do go in cycles, that individuals, denominations, need to take a “Stand”, it is now.
I am a totally blind, 100% disabled, service-connected, medical officer veteran, of the Korean War Era. I believe one of the best “tests” of a Christian involves giving... time and treasure. You can do either by pretending but the genuine spirit cannot be hidden.
Living in Goldsboro, many years ago, I learned of the sexual exploitation of some boys at the Odd-fellows children's home there; reported my knowledge to the Sheriff, a Baptist, who just shrugged it off. I often eat breakfast with a man who worked at Oxford, another who was at Kennedy. The burden of my life, constant prayer, children in North Korea. If you study my BIO, you will find that I have traveled the world many times. Every time I go outside, particularly to my rental office complex, the birds, probably knowing who owns the trees, give a symphony. Having seen the horror story of children throughout the world, particularly Thailand, I believe that God is as interested in his chief creation as these wonderful birds, who so thrill me.
Knowing my feelings, perhaps you can understand why I would like to help in your work there.
God Bless
copies to all interested
Dr. Thomas R. Morris
Lt. Col USA Retired
Visit my blog at http://pockets1940.blogspot.com/
Facebook: http://www.DrThomasMorris.com
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(Dr. Morris is a totally blind 100% disabled service connected veteran, 8 around the world trips, passport stamped in 157 countries)
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